【Ding! Your Life Fruit Tree has reached its growth cycle, Life Fruit +100! 】

【Ding! Your God-level Growth Fruit Tree x3 has reached its growth cycle, Life Fruit +300! 】

Two consecutive crisp and pleasant prompts sounded in Lu Shu’s ears.

That’s right!

By now, the god-level growth fruit had also matured!

During this time…

The Grey Realm is completely open!

Lu Shu’s doppelganger had already entered the Grey Realm, and with Pikachu and other pet armies, he advanced a distance towards the location of the abyss of reincarnation.

That’s right!

Reincarnation Abyss!

Since all the gates of reincarnation have been successfully cleared by Lu Shu…

Lu Shu got a special item – “Pass of the Abyss of Reincarnation”!

Through this item, Lu Shu can travel to another, more advanced quest, the Abyss of Reincarnation!

【Reincarnation Abyss】

【Coordinates: (222,222)】

【Quest Level: Quasi-Hell Level】

【Lord: Lord of Reincarnation】

【Comprehensive risk factor: SS+】

After many days of hurrying…

Lu Shu had come to the zone with coordinates (175,187).

It will take some time to move from where the abyss of reincarnation is located.

“Pikachu, little white fox…”

“Expand to explore the formation!”

Grey Realm, come to an abyss-level quest area.

Lu Shu immediately gave the order.


After Lu Shu’s command, Pikachu, the little white fox, etc., had begun to plunder with great skill!

Basically see what good things, will be the first time to shoot!

This action of grabbing things is simply so skilled that it can’t be more skilled!

This scene fell into Lu Shu’s eyes, which made him feel a little relieved.

After a period of training, the Green Sting Dragon has become more and more accustomed to fighting.

Hundreds of high-ranking undead appeared ahead.

The corner of the Green Dragon’s eyes flashed a trace of disdain.

Subsequently, the dragon’s head spewed out a waterfall-like violent current, transforming into a thunder dragon and screaming towards hundreds of undead!

At this stage, let alone the monsters in the Abyss Quest, even if the Lord BOSS came to Lu Shu’s face, it was just a dish!

But how long…

The monsters around them were wiped out.

That’s when it happened.

Lu Shu found that in his ear, a prompt sound came from ——

【Ding! Your god-level growth fruit…]

“Is the fruit of god-level growth ripe?”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly.

It’s time for these little ones to upgrade!

Of course, for Pikachu, for the little white fox…

The only thing that can help these little guys now should be more special fruits to make up for the innate replenishment, or use the special energy to cooperate and obtain more advanced abilities.

The growth of attributes, for the stage of Pikachu and the little white fox, is not very large.

Then, what is left to help are Yumi, angel beasts, and stinging dragons…

Especially the Sting dragon!

After this period of fighting…

Lu Shu obviously found that through the accumulation of combat experience, the Green Sting Dragon was getting closer and closer to returning to the ancestors!

It was different from the evolutionary route of the Divine Blazing Angel Beast.

The bloodline evolution of the Sting dragon is different from the awakening, and more similar to the return to the ancestors!

Therefore, the dependence on the god-level growth fruit is not as strong as that of the Divine Blazing Angel Beast, and it is more dependent on combat experience!

Right now.

Lu Shu sensed that the Green Sting Dragon was about to cross a bottleneck period!

“After you go back, let the Green Sting Dragon swallow a few more God-level Growth Fruits…”

“Perhaps, you can immediately evolve into a higher-stage Celestial Green Sting dragon!”

Lu Shu’s eyes flashed a hint of joy.

Engrave a teleportation array in place…

As the light curtain of the teleportation array flashed…

The next second, Lu Shu returned to the Sacred Tree Island with all the pet troops.

However, what Lu Shu didn’t expect was that after he had just left here…

A team of Divine Tree Masters came to this vicinity.

“Brother Dragon, if the map is correct, this is the Abyss-level copy!”

A voice came from the side.

Looking closely, it was a team of Divine Tree Masters of about ten people.

A young man in a straw hat and gray clothes pulled the brim of his hat, pointed ahead, and said:

“I came here a few days ago to explore, it’s just an ordinary abyss-level dungeon, it’s not very difficult.”

“Anyway, there’s still a long way to go to the coordinates (222, 222).”

“It’s also a good choice to come here to replenish a wave of resources.”

In the procession, Brother Long was wearing flame armor, and the extravagant costume was placed in the gray world, which looked very conspicuous at a glance.

This Divine Tree Master, known as Brother Dragon, was the recently popular Wind and Cloud Guild, with the ID “I am really not a Dragon Auror”, and achieved the second place in the Gray World Defense Battle some time ago!


Brother Long nodded faintly, and then waved at the Divine Tree Master at the back of the line:

“You all follow up, and within an hour, quickly resolve this copy, and don’t delay our plan for the Wind and Cloud Guild…”

As the crowd walked towards the front, they suddenly noticed something strange…

After walking for half a day, how come a monster has not been seen?

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