The white-haired girl frowned and tried to analyze these attacks:

“The power of these lightning damages is quite consistent, indicating that a Divine Tree Master did it.”

“Even if it is a preliminary analysis, if the power damage of the S+ level is combined with the AOE (range skill) effect of the thousand-meter range…”

“This Divine Tree Master is also an SS-level Divine Tree Master, and if he is placed in the ranking list, he can also rank in the top fifty.”

“But according to our intelligence database records, are there any of the top fifty Divine Tree Masters with thunder and lightning powers?”

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people, including Brother Long, couldn’t help but frown deeply.

The Wind and Cloud Guild was able to develop rapidly in such a short period of time, in addition to its leader awakening a very unusual Divine Tree Master’s ability, it was also related to the intelligence pool.

Recently, many very powerful Divine Tree Masters have joined the Wind and Cloud Guild, which is not only the blessing of combat strength!

Excellent Divine Tree Masters often get to know each other and reach a cooperative or some kind of friendship relationship with excellent Divine Tree Masters.

Once a group of excellent Divine Tree Masters are drawn together, then whether it is the interpersonal range or the information channel, it will expand rapidly!

The current Wind and Cloud Guild is even no less than the most outstanding Twilight Pavilion in terms of intelligence acquisition channels!

If it is said that the Twilight Rain Pavilion relies on the power of Twilight Rain listening to the wind, then the Wind and Cloud Guild relies on the alliance with the entire Divine Tree Game and the most excellent Divine Tree Masters today, bringing rich intelligence information.

Through the scope of this falling thunder, the people of the Wind and Cloud Guild frantically searched their brains for whether they had the Divine Tree Master with relevant abilities.

But the result is still – none!

Brother Long sent the information of the scene to the exclusive guild chat box of the Fengyun Guild.

The response was that I didn’t know…


Regarding the abilities of this mysterious divine tree master, the clues are interrupted again!

“Let’s move on.”

In Brother Long’s eyes, a trace of essence bloomed.

He sensed that this copy could be cleared so quickly, it must not be so simple!

In the future, if the Wind and Cloud Guild wants to develop further, then it needs to collect a large amount of intelligence on the Divine Tree Master, so as to quickly expand its network and know what kind of opponents it will face in the future…

In the Divine Tree Game, the biggest opponent is not necessarily the boss and enemy of the Grey Realm, but from the Divine Tree Master around him!

“Come and see!”

At this moment, the young man leading the way suddenly exclaimed:

“There’s a terrible gap here!”

“I can’t see what kind of damage this is from…”

“It feels terrible!”

The crowd heard the voice of the young man leading the way and rushed over.

Although this boy looks unreliable, placed in the team of the Wind and Cloud Guild, it is also a role like a minions…

However, his ability is also an analytical type of ability, otherwise he would not have taken over the task of leading the way.

It is true that the combat effectiveness is very weak, but the analysis is always a strength, right?

Even he couldn’t see the beginning of things, and naturally attracted the attention of others.

“Nice neat cross-section!”

When the white-haired girl just approached, Dingqing took a look at it and couldn’t help but exclaim:

“From the corner of this gap, there is no trace of energy residue for the time being.”

“It shows that the divine tree master’s miraculous ability devoured this place in an instant…”

“It’s like a void devouring power!”

Brother Long’s brow couldn’t help but wrinkle deeply.

Void Devouring?

How does this power sound a little strange?

It’s like the Divine Tree Master on the other side of the Dark Night Alliance, which can only create the ability effect!

“Could it be the Dark Night Alliance’s Divine Tree Master?”

In the team, some people also thought of going with Brother Long and asked questions out loud.

But the white-haired girl shook her head:

“In my opinion, it should not be…”

“Although the power of the night can achieve a similar effect.”

“But it does not represent the attribute of the night, it is the attribute of nothingness, and there will be a deep breath of the night, staying near here.”

“This attribute is called [shadow]!”

The people around them nodded in understanding.

The eyes of the white-haired girl faintly revealed a daylight-like light.

This kind of pupil technique can see the essence of all things!

The ability to follow the path of the teenager is a type of analytical system ability.

But not a grade at all!

There is also a strong attack ability.

Equivalent to the difference between heaven and earth!

The white-haired girl then analyzed, “This wave of strange energy is exactly like swallowing up this piece of ground, and it is not subject to any physical external forces!” ”

“Not to mention the properties of any elemental fluctuations, remaining nearby…”

“Judging from the surrounding thunder and lightning abilities, the other party’s achievements in thunder attributes are very close to the power of this devouring force.”

“It shows that it is a divine tree master with dual-lineage abilities!”

“The Night Alliance should not have such a person yet.”

Brother Long nodded, and also approved of the white-haired girl’s analysis:

“That’s right, the Divine Tree Abilities obtained the day after tomorrow are not planted by themselves, but traded, and the upper limit cannot be compared with their own Divine Trees.”

“Since the other party’s thunder power attribute is similar to this suspected devouring ability, it means that these two are his own abilities.”

“It can’t be acquired by the acquired trade…”

This analysis, in the eyes of everyone, has no problem at all.

How could the fruits of the Divine Tree, which were traded the day after tomorrow, reach this realm!

Not to mention two!

The SS-level abilities of the Divine Tree Game are rare, and who can trade this kind of magic fruit?

Rip the calves!

The more the crowd moved forward, the more they couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

The surrounding buildings are under terrible attack!

It’s like a city that has been baptized by disaster!

Even some of the monsters in the abyss quest began to mourn.

They were so unlucky that they had angered such a star!

That’s when it happened.

Brother Long’s eyes moved slightly, pointed to a place, and said:

“Is there a teleporter out there?”

Everyone turned their heads and looked over.

Just then…

The teleportation array suddenly lit up with a teleportation light!

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