The next second, a figure stepped out of the light curtain.

After Lu Shu had just come out of the teleportation light curtain, he saw at the first glance that there were about a dozen Divine Tree Masters standing in front of him, and he couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

Before he could get ready to enter the state of battle, he saw these ten or so people and walked towards him with a smile.

“Good guy!”

Lu Shu was suddenly overwhelmed by this outing.

The voices of these people in front of them were neat and their expressions were full of admiration and admiration.

Lu Shugang wanted to shoot, but he couldn’t find a reason to shoot…

“Do you know me?”

Lu Shu asked doubtfully.

Brother Long immediately stepped forward and smiled:

“Although we don’t know you, we know you’re a big guy!”

Lu Shu was speechless.

Recognize the big guy as soon as you come up?

It feels strange…

But Lu Shu had a systematic prompt, and soon, the information panel of the Divine Tree Master in front of him popped up in front of him——

【Sacred Tree Master】

【ID:I’m really not Dragon Auror】

【Guild: Fengyun Guild】

【Powers: Dragon’s Blood Fruit, Wind and Cloud Alliance (Contract)】

【Comprehensive strength:SS level】

[Talents: Dragon’s Blood Fruit (S Level), Double Effect Fruit (Level A), Triple Time Rate (Level A+)]




“The people of the Wind and Cloud Guild?”

Lu Shu’s eyes moved slightly.

Some time ago, from time to time to go to the [World Public Screen] to check, Lu Shu knew this guild, recently in the Divine Tree game momentum is very large, recruited a large number of Divine Tree Masters.

He was also a little curious about the guild.

What was the reason why the Wind and Cloud Guild was able to recruit so many Divine Tree Masters who had expanded so quickly?

In the panel, one of the abilities caught Lu Shu’s attention——

【Fengyun Alliance】

This special ability even comes with the word “Wind and Cloud”, which seems to be inextricably linked to this guild…

Can you join the Wind and Cloud Guild and get a very powerful ability?

The white-haired girl next to her, gently and elegantly introduced:

“We happened to be passing through here and were getting ready to raid this quest.”

“But I didn’t expect that this place had already been attacked by other Divine Tree Masters…”

“So I came to investigate.”

After these people’s explanations, Lu Shu also understood why they inexplicably called themselves big guys…

It turned out that he was judging his level as a Divine Tree Master based on the traces of the destruction of the copy!

And it just so happened that Lu Shu left a teleportation array in the same place, basically judging that he transferred resources to the Divine Tree Island after passing the dungeon, so he left such a teleportation array.

Brother Long’s eyes rolled slightly, and he asked tentatively:

“Big guy, do you have any plans for going to the Grey Realm this time?”

Lu Shu heard that the other party was tempting himself, and smiled lightly:

“I haven’t found a suitable raider location yet, so I can just come to the Gray World to sweep around.”

This answer is a bit perfunctory, but the crowd will not be confused.

After all, the more advanced copies of the Grey Realm were not easy to find, and in the absence of a goal, it was also something that most Divine Tree Masters would choose to sweep away the Abyss Level copies.


For Lu Shu, sweeping up copies is just a daily routine, and there is no need for any raiders at all.

As for the real target location, Lu Shu certainly wouldn’t choose to say it casually.

Brother Long’s eyes moved and he asked:

“Since the big guy has no other plans, are you interested in cooperating with us?”

Lu Shu frowned, just wanted to refuse, but listened to the other party continue:

“We investigated a very special copy with coordinates at (222,222)’s location.”

“According to our observations, this may be a super-nightmare-level copy, if it were not for the ability of The Wind and Cloud, the Divine Tree Master who went in might not have come back alive.”

“If the big guy is interested in working with us, I can tell you about it in detail.”

Lu Shu’s surface was silent, as if he was considering, but inside he was actually vigilant.

Coordinates: (222,222)

Isn’t that exactly where you’re going?

“After I cleared the seven gates of reincarnation, the true abyss of reincarnation appeared in the Gray Realm, and was found by other Divine Tree Masters?”

“Anyway, I don’t know much about that copy, and with the Divine Tree Master of the Wind and Cloud Guild, it’s okay to test and test.”

Judging from the previous conversation, Lu Shu judged that this Fengyun Guild was different from the development model of the Dark Night Alliance, at least the benefits to his guild members were estimated to be real.

Otherwise, with the experience of the Night Alliance, the truly capable Divine Tree Master could not join a guild at will.

What’s more, Long Aotian’s mouth repeatedly talked about the power of fengyun, and the Divine Tree Master at this stage even had the ability to explore quasi-hell-level copies, which made Lu Shu even more confused.

In his cognition, even if he was a super S-level Divine Tree Master, entering the nightmare-level dungeon, it was nine deaths!

However, the appearance of this Wind and Cloud Guild seemed to break this pattern, which made Lu Shu feel more or less curious.

“Well, I haven’t had any other mission plans lately, but what you said has piqued my interest.”

Lu Shumo craned his chin and seemed to have made some careful consideration before trying to cooperate.

On the contrary, it was the Divine Tree Master on the other side of the Wind and Cloud Guild, who was relieved and seemed to be happy about Lu Shu’s joining.

The crowd walked together in the direction of the abyss of reincarnation.

As he walked, Brother Long introduced himself to Lu Shu:

“This copy we found is quite special.”

“The monsters inside, if they just use ordinary powers, can’t be killed at all.”

“Even the Divine Light System cannot cause damage to any monsters, and must use the Time System Ability…”

“Therefore, from the immune properties of these mobs, it is basically judged that what we encounter is at least a nightmare-level copy.”

“Moreover, we have also investigated other nightmare-level copies, and found that those mobs can generally be solved with the Holy Light System’s powers, indicating that this time the copy is definitely an unprecedented head!”

Suddenly, Lu Shu asked a very sharp question:

“Since these copies are so dangerous, I’m a little curious, how do you know the intelligence information inside?”

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