Star Pavilion.

The Divine Tree Master here generally mastered the power of the stars to join the organization of this guild.

Strictly speaking, this guild has only a dozen people, which is not a large organization.

However, because the quality of the Divine Tree Master was high enough, a small group of high-quality people was formed, so it had a certain influence.

At this time.

Star Pavilion, guild interface chat box.

[Ah Yue: “Have you ever felt that the stars of the Sacred Tree Island seem to have changed?” “】

[Chen Huo: “Ah Yue, you feel it too?” “】

Ah Yue: “I… I noticed that the power of the stars I had mastered had suddenly become much smaller… No, it’s like someone robbed it. “】

Yu Xuanji: “Some people have awakened the power of the very high-level stars, so all the power of the stars that we can grasp has become weaker.” “】

[Ah Yue: “Fish General, you actually came out?” “】

[Chen Huo: “I didn’t expect to alarm The fish general, can you tell us, what the hell is going on?” “】

[Ah Yue: “I can’t understand why my star power is so good that it will be weakened…”]

In addition to Ah Yue and Chen Huo, the other members of the Star Pavilion also came forward.

Next to the ID of the fish genius, there is a “president” logo.

It is explained that he is also one of the founders of the Star Pavilion!

The person who can become the guild leader and command the astrologer will certainly not be so simple.

In fact, Yu Xuanji had also climbed the leaderboard, and had reached the top fifty, which was a big guy in the eyes of other Divine Tree Masters!

Yu Xuanji: “Don’t you realize that our Sacred Tree Island is actually located in one world?” “】

Ah Yue: “A world? “】

[Chen Huo: “I can probably understand what Yu Zong means, wasn’t there a battle for the Sacred Tree Island some time ago?” Whenever we end the Grey Invasion, the scope of the Sacred Tree Island expands, and if the islands of different Divine Tree Divisions are connected together, then a battle will be triggered, indicating that we are located in the same world. “】

Ah Yue: “But does this have anything to do with the weakening of the power of the stars?” “】

[Chen Huo: “I guess it should be because the star power we use comes from the same starry sky, and the energy is constant.” Suppose there is an astrologer who awakens the power of the very high-level stars, then nature will take this part of the energy from our hands, right, fish? “】

[Yu Xuanji: “Fire is explained correctly, almost so it can be understood.”] “】

Ah Yue: “Huh? Doesn’t that mean that in addition to our Guild of the Star Pavilion, there are other Divine Tree Masters who have awakened the power of the very high-level Stars? “】

[Fish Mystery: “According to my astrological speculation, it is true. “】

[Chen Huo: “The general astrological prediction of the fish will not be wrong, so to speak, there are indeed very good astrologers.” “】

[Ah Yue: “No matter how good it is, there is no such thing as our fish, right?” “】

Yu Xuanji: “No, I can feel that the power of the stars mastered by this astrology is far above me.” “】

Ah Yue: “Ah! How is this possible? “】

[Chen Huo: “Fish General, you are the owner of the S-level Star Power, how can there be anyone far above you?” “】

Yu Xuanji: “I will not sense error, because my star power is much less than you think, at least thirty percent weakened.” “】

Ah Yue: “One percent… Thirty? Fish, are you really not kidding? “】

[Chen Huo: “It is estimated that the more power of the stars, the more power we feel is taken away, we are still good, if we reach the SS level, the perception will be more obvious.” “】

[Ah Yue: “Who the hell is it that has such a powerful strength that it can divide thirty percent of the star power from the hands of the fish?” “】

When Ah Yue sent this message, the entire Star Pavilion fell silent.

No one knows which Divine Tree Master can reach such a realm!

Such a strong person is obviously not within the Star Pavilion.

If it was a Divine Tree Master of the Astrology Profession, he would definitely know about the existence of the Star Pavilion!

But since he didn’t choose to join, he couldn’t look down on the Guild of the Star Pavilion…

Of course, Yu Xuanji and other astrologers would not feel any dissatisfaction with this, the strength of the people was there, why should they join the guild?

But what worried the people of the Star Pavilion was that the power of the Stars was suddenly divided too much!

It’s a bit unacceptable!

Some of their skills that could have been used have been weakened and now can’t be released!

This was a huge blow to the Star Pavilion.

Yu Xuanji: “I will try to find this astrologer recently, but don’t learn from me, be careful with your recent actions.” “】

Ah Yue: “Received! “】

[Chen Huo: “Received! “】

[Other members: “Received! “】


Except for the Star Pavilion.

There was another person, when Lu Shu awakened the power of the stars, his brow frowned slightly.

That’s right!

This man is twilight rain listening to the wind.

“How do I feel that the recent predictions, there is a very strong magnetic field, interfering with me?”

Twilight Rain listened to the wind and took a deep breath and looked at the sky of the Sacred Tree Island.

The power is a bit unspiritual…

This is the first time this has happened.

In fact, any predicted power is more or less related to the starry sky.

Regardless of the civilization, ancient times had specialized astrologers who predicted the future for mankind.

If it is only a very few civilizations that have such a profession, it can be said to be a coincidence.

But there have been many civilizations in history that have set up the profession of astrologer, relying on the movement of the stars to speculate on the unspeakable future.

A lot of coincidences come together, it’s not as simple as coincidences!

Twilight Rain Listening to the Wind, as a predictor of the system, also has a certain sense of this.

The next second, she tried to unleash her skills, trying to find out.

And then, all of a sudden…

Twilight Rain’s face turned white in an instant as she listened to the wind.

“Cough cough!”

After performing this astrology, Twilight Rain couldn’t help but vomit blood when she heard the wind, and her eyes were full of shock.

This feeling is so familiar!

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