Twilight Rain couldn’t help but feel depressed when she listened to the wind.

How to make predictions this time, and vomit blood again!

Uh, why say again?

“Heavenly chance!”

“It’s another chance!”

Twilight Rain couldn’t help but feel a little speechless when she heard the wind.

The last time I made a prophecy, I was also eaten back by the heavenly machine.

After that lesson, Twilight Rain became more careful when she listened to the wind and used her powers.

Who knows, this time when the prediction changes, it actually encountered the anti-phagocytosis of the heavenly machine!

The feeling of this attribute made Twilight Rain feel a pang of resignation when listening to the wind.

Can you guess Ray twice in the same place, isn’t it a disguise to prove that you are a fool?

“What the hell is going on?”

In Twilight Rain’s mind listening to the wind, deep doubts emerged.

She felt that the sky of the Sacred Tree Island, the stars, seemed to have changed.

But when I tried to find the answer, I was eaten by chance…

Taking a deep breath, Twilight Listening to the Wind speak inside the Twilight Pavilion, Twilight Said:

“The exploration plan for the nightmare-level quest, temporarily canceled.”

The people of Twilight Pavilion felt a little strange.

A while ago, the Divine Tree Game was boiling with super nightmare-level copies, and Mu Jie didn’t even go?

Isn’t this going to give the Wind and Cloud Guild a way to continue to rise in arrogance?

As everyone knows, Twilight Rain listening to the wind actually sensed that this time to go to the super nightmare-level copy, not only will there be no gain, but there may be a sign of great evil!

This feeling is quite obvious, and after being regurgitated by the chance this time, Twilight Rain listened to the wind to determine that this was not a good time to step on this muddy water.

Moreover, Twilight Rain also predicted that the winner of the super nightmare-level copy had already been predestined.

Others don’t have any chance anyway.

“Wait and see.”

Twilight Rain listens to the wind and dark road.

Only by looking at what happened next could we know what had happened in the Sacred Tree Game.


“I can communicate the power of the stars!”

Lu Shu gently stretched out his hand, and the nine-day star light curtain fell down, reflecting the Fairy Spirit Lake into a dream.

It is as if the Milky Way in the sky has fallen to the earth.

The twenty-eight star immortals located in the four corners absorbed the power of the stars and were able to release the power of the array.

Now, Lu Shu had temporarily awakened the Four-Star Immortal Spirit.

If all the immortals of the twenty-eight stars are awakened, then they can summon the legendary four divine beasts and sit on the sacred tree island.

By then…

Lu Shu’s Sacred Tree Island will add more powerful combat power!

The appearance of the Celestial Immortals can also make Lu Shu’s star power exert stronger abilities.

“Now, if I use the power of the stars with all my might, it may not be worse than the Immortal Sword!”

“Against the boss of the Super Nightmare Quest, I have one more chip in my hand!”

Lu Shu secretly said in his heart.



Lu Shu’s gaze was set on the tree of the fruit of the Growth of the Holy Spirit.

“Or give it to Nami.”

With a thought in his mind, Lu Shu made a decision.

Although there is still some time to go before the next Gray Realm invasion, considering that the Black Sea will be explored next, Nami needs to quickly enter the actual battle and train.

Now, Nami’s level is still too low, and it will be dangerous to enter the Black Sea.

As for the other pets, the combat effectiveness is already very strong, and it can be applied to any actual battle.

Lu Shu still plans to speed up the progress of training pets, if Nami can’t follow The Jenny Turtle to the Black Sea, the actual combat experience will be much worse, and the tacit understanding of each other may not be perfect.

“Nami, go and swallow the fruit of the growth of the Holy Spirit.” Lu Shu Dao.

A hundred Nami, after hearing Lu Shu’s command, were overjoyed and came to the side of the Holy Spirit Growth Fruit Tree.

They all pointed to the infinite fruit on the tree, and their eyes were filled with incredulity.

As if to say, is this something we can eat?


Lu Shu smiled, sensing Nami’s character.

These guys, they’re not confident enough about themselves!

It was also because Nami sensed that the friends of the Sacred Tree Island were very strong.

It’s like standing in the middle of the big guy group, shivering and shivering, and I feel unconfident about myself.

Pikachu, little white fox, etc., are already mature pets, and are naturally willing to let new friends swallow the fruit.

When Nami saw this, she no longer hesitated, and each of them shared a fruit of the growth of the Holy Spirit and swallowed it.

It didn’t take long…

All Nami ate the fruit in her belly.

Suddenly, a mysterious breath came out of Nami’s body!

At that moment…

The Ancient Sea God Bloodline was revived from Nami’s body!

The scales on Nami’s surface fell down layer by layer.

From the Mermaid Clan, it became the Sea Emperor Hime!

That’s right!

The Blood of the Neptune!

Nami went from being the most ordinary mermaid clan in the past, and at this moment, after fully awakening the bloodline of the sea god, she became the most powerful race in the sea – the sea royal family!

A wonderful song suddenly flowed between heaven and earth!

The sea near the Sacred Tree Island suddenly set off a huge wave and shot straight into the sky!

“The control of this seawater power is afraid to reach the SS level!”

In Lu Shu’s eyes, a hint of surprise appeared.

The initial judgment of the attack power displayed by Nami can basically be judged, if you wait until the next Battle for the Sacred Tree Island, as long as you send Nami and control the nearby sea water, I am afraid that you can directly completely flood the opponent’s Sacred Tree Island!

It is enough to imagine what a terrifying state of power such a miracle has reached!

Pikachu, little white fox and other little ones looked into Nami’s eyes with a hint of surprise.

Why did Nami suddenly become so powerful?

Lu Shu’s pets have reached a certain realm of spiritual power.

It can be clearly sensed that Nami’s strength has undergone a huge transformation in a very short period of time!

The fighting power of the little friends is too fierce, right?

A second ago it was cute, and now it has become a big guy!

At the same time, the [Pet] panel appeared in front of Lu Shu——


Type: Elf, Sea Royal

Powers: Breaking Waves, Sea Imprisonment, Shock Waves, Tidal Shelter, Tsunami, Sound of Heaven (New), Storm of Destruction (New), Wrath of the Sea Emperor (New)

Constitution: S

Speed: S+

Spirit: SS

Combined potential: SS


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