“Worthy of being the fruit of the growth of the Holy Spirit!”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up suddenly.

Just swallowing one is enough to raise Nami’s potential to SS level!

It’s not much different from The Jenny Turtle!

“Teleport to the Black Sea for some training.”

Lu Shu’s mind moved.

A hundred Nami immediately passed through the teleportation array and headed to the Black Sea, ready to join the Jenny Turtle.


Poseidon Temple.

A curtain of teleportation light fell.

All nami appeared in the sea god’s palace, looking at the surrounding environment with curious eyes.

Lu Shu said, “This is where you need to fight in the future, go and join the Jenny Turtle.” ”


Far away from the sea hundreds of miles away from the palace.

The Jenny Turtle was engaged in a fierce battle with more than a dozen Sea God Clans.

In the middle of the Black Sea, the wild and violent sea waters surged wildly and turned into a monstrous wave, intending to engulf the Jenny turtle.

A dozen sea god clans, chanting ancient sea god incantations together, summoned the power of the Black Sea, and attacked.

“Despicable foreigners, you don’t want to invade our waters!”

The Sea God Clan said angrily.

The next second, the Neptune Clan seemed to have touched the ancient prohibition nearby.

The boundless killing machine suddenly covered the entire sea.

“These sea god clans actually have such means?”

Lu Shu, through resonance, has actually been participating in this battle.

His brow furrowed slightly.

Unexpectedly, the Sea God Clan used a means similar to the killing array!

The nearby sea was all shrouded in a killing array, as if it was going to kill all enemies in this area!

“Jenny Turtle, use the power of water fruit!”

Lu Shu commanded.

The special ability of the fruit of water and water can elementalize all things.

With this move, there is a certain chance to break through the killing line.

However, the power of the killing array did not decrease in the slightest.

[Your water fruit ability is invalid.] 】

See the prompt in front of you…

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly, sensing that this killing array was not so simple.

Today, a hundred Jenny turtles are deeply involved in the killing line, and a solution must be found to crack it.

“Stupid intruders, you’re doomed this time!”

“Feel the fear of being dominated by the god of the sea!”

“Hahaha, if you dare to occupy the temple of our Sea God Clan, you will definitely pay the price!”

The Sea God Clan showed a wild smile.

In their eyes, this time the carefully arranged plan and attack can achieve great results!

Just wait until the killing line is put away…

It was possible to snatch the Sea God Palace back from Lu Shu’s hands.

Suddenly, in the distance came an ancient and obscure chant of incantations.

With the sound of sound…

The sea water of the entire sea began to surge violently.

“This bloodline…”

“Sea Royals?”

The faces of all the Neptune Clan enemies changed in an instant.

They felt an even more transcendent force in the middle of the sea.

The Sea Emperor Bloodline, which was above all the races, suddenly erupted with palpitating power, and all the Sea God Clans couldn’t help but feel the trembling from the bloodline, and instinctively crawled and trembled.

“It’s the Sea Royals!”

“Damn, why would the Sea Emperor be on the side of the enemy?”

“Definitely! It must have been the damn illusionist who used his psychic powers to control the Sea Emperor Clan! ”

“That’s right! We must rescue the great Sea Emperor! ”

The Sea God Clan said angrily.

Lu Shu’s spiritual power, sensing the meaning of the Sea God Clan, almost laughed out loud.

Everything is yours, what are you thinking?

This group of sea god clans, the brain is afraid of being broken, right?

“Nami, solve them!”

Lu Shu immediately commanded.

That’s right!

This transcendent power comes from Nami!

Feeling the battle in the distant sea, Nami, under the guidance of Lu Shu, soon came to the battlefield.

With the ancient chant, it spread throughout the sea.

Nami controlled the nearby Black Sea and instantly swept up the Neptune Clan!


The face of the Sea God Clan was instantaneous.

The terrifying wave destroyed all the killing arrays they had originally arranged!

The whole formation became fragmented!

A hundred Jenny turtles were also able to free themselves from the killing squad.


Jenny Tortoises let out a voice of thanks.

At the same time, she also cast a curious look at the newly arrived Nami.

Surprised and pleasantly surprised.

With Nami’s joining, the future Jenny Turtle will deal with the Sea God Clan, but it will be much easier!

The Sea God Clan was not so easy to be destroyed, and after the killing array was destroyed, they quickly adjusted their formations and prepared to arrange the killing array again.

However, how could Lu Shu possibly give them a chance?

“Nami, use the Wrath of the Sea Emperor!”

Lu Shu’s eyes moved and he said quickly.

Nami awakens into The Sea Emperor Hime, and the strongest skill she has gained is the Wrath of the Sea Emperor!

The next second.

This sea is like boiling magma!

On Nami’s body, the blood boiled like an erupting volcano, instantly igniting the entire sea!

The dead and silent Black Sea was actually burned into gilded hot magma by this pure and incomparable Sea Emperor’s blood!

All the Sea God Clans felt this power, and their faces changed suddenly.

“Supreme Sea God Clan, how is that possible?”

“It’s over, the Sea Emperor Clan has defected!”

“This news must be given to Lord Shinji later!”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No…… You despicable rebels… I will definitely…”

However, it was not waiting for the Neptune Clan to transmit the information back.

The scalding gilded magma suddenly spread rapidly in the sea, covering the whole body of the Sea God Clan in an instant!

More than a dozen Sea God Clans, who didn’t even have the ability to resist, were killed in an instant!

“This is simply divine power!”

Lu Shu couldn’t help but sigh.

Nami’s skills were so surprising to her!

The bloodline of the Sea Royal Clan, placed in the Black Sea, is also top-notch!

It can even suppress the Neptune Clan!

After all, these Sea God Clans were not orthodox gods, they were only self-appointed, in fact, the degree of awakening of the bloodline was far inferior to that of Nami who had taken the fruits of the Growth of the Holy Spirit and transformed into the Sea Emperor Ji.

A Hundred Sea Emperor Ji!

Placed in the Black Sea, I don’t know if there are so many powerful combat forces!

After killing more than a dozen Sea God Clans, Lu Shu also got an unexpected gain——

【Ding! You’ve collected the legendary skill book, the Black Sea Killing Array. 】

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