Chapter 90

February 15, 9 am.

The courtroom is ready.

Through the camera, countless viewers are watching this scene.

They have been looking forward to this day for a long time.

"This time Lin Ci was in trouble. It was obvious that Team Guan and his men had found new evidence."

"Sun Cheng has been proven to be a fake murderer, so does that mean Lin Ci is completely out of tricks?"

"Lin Ci didn’t do anything, at most he learned how to fly a helicopter... Could it be that he wanted to escape by flying a helicopter?"

"But his winning condition is that Chen Weiwei must be acquitted! It's useless even if he runs away.……"

This court session was not much different from the last one.

The only difference was that Lin Ci was standing in the witness box this time.

Jiang Yin sat in the defense counsel's seat, watching everything on the court with cold eyes.

Although her mind told her that Lin Ci was really going to fail this time, she still subconsciously didn't think that Lin Ci would lose like this.

"What else do you have in mind?"

Jiang Yin pondered silently, but still could not find the answer.

As Lin Ci's lawyer... he couldn't not even know whether Lin Ci was prepared or not, and had to wait until the court opened and then rely on tacit understanding to complete the trial.

But the current situation was really so exaggerated.

She just didn't know anything.

If it was as Lin Ci said, nothing was prepared... then this trial, this episode, Lin Ci is indeed doomed to lose.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yin looked at the prosecutor's seat again.

Guan Hongshan's expression was also very serious.

The victory or defeat of the ninth episode of perfect evidence will be decided today.

But knowing this... he still couldn't let go of the tension.

At this time, Guan Hongshan and Jiang Yin had roughly the same psychological activities.

They were very worried about Lin Ci's preparations.……

"Lin Ci……"

"What else have you prepared?"

Lin Ci stood silently in the witness box, his face indifferent.

Not only indifferent, his eyelids drooped, looking very sleepy.

Seeing the judge stand up and announce the opening of the court, his eyelids, which had been drooping, also lifted a little.

It seemed that he was finally three points awake.

In order to ensure that there would be no mistakes in the next two trials...

Lin Ci made a lot of preparations to reduce the variables to the minimum, so as to ensure that he could win in this ninth round.

However, when Lin Ci looked at Guan Hongshan, he found that there was a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Such an expression made Lin Ci frown.

"Win Now……"

"Isn't it too early?"

Lin Ci pulled the corner of his mouth with a faint smile, thinking so in his heart.

At this time, the judge had finished reading, and the second trial of the ninth issue of"Perfect Evidence" officially began with the sound of the judge's gavel!

The whole audience fell silent, and the judge's loud voice spread in the courtroom.

"The prosecutor conducted a detailed investigation on Sun Cheng, who had previously admitted his guilt."

"After understanding the relevant circumstances, our court confirmed that the evidence and clues provided by the prosecutor were clear."

"The first instance judgment is now rejected"

"The prosecutor, please speak."

After hearing the presiding judge's words, it was not Guan Hongshan who stood up from the prosecutor's seat this time.

For some reason, the person who was responsible for the prosecution speech this time was Qin Ming.

"Mr. Lin, I really want to know, isn't it against your conscience that you used Sun Cheng to take the blame for your daughter?"

Lin Ci raised his eyebrows.

He seemed a little surprised by this opening.

The audience watching the live broadcast were also surprised that Qin Ming would suddenly ask such an answer.

"So sudden? It seems the detectives are well prepared this time."

"That's how it should be! Don't beat around the bush with Lin Ci! Just kill Lin Ci in one go!"

"Lin Ci is finished this time. Even if the detectives can't win, Lin Ci himself can't win either."

"Now Lin Ci has a record of perjury, which is also a crime, and he will definitely be arrested!"

"But why is Lin Ci standing in the witness stand? What is going on? Shouldn't he be the defendant?"

In the barrage, many people noticed this.

Sun Cheng's forged testimony was exposed... and the mastermind behind it was obviously Lin Ci, but why was Lin Ci standing in the witness stand?

People were not only surprised by Qin Ming's straightforwardness, but also curious about Lin Ci's position in the court at this time.

After hearing Qin Ming's voice, Lin Ci was silent for a moment, and then spoke directly

"I don't understand you"

"What do you mean by using Sun Cheng?"

Qin Ming snorted coldly and took out a manuscript from the table in the prosecution seat.

He looked at the document and said,"Sun Cheng explained it very clearly."

"You used Sun Cheng and his wife Xia Lili to commit perjury."

"Sun Cheng has brain cancer and is dying. You used money and Sun Cheng to report Chen Weiwei's guilt and induced him to come forward and give false testimony."

"Isn't this just using Sun Cheng?"

In the courtroom, Qin Ming's voice was powerful and when he asked the question, there was even a lingering sound.

But when Qin Ming's question landed, the courtroom fell into silence.

People looked at Lin Ci, but found that Lin Ci was looking directly at Qin Ming, and there seemed to be a bit of contempt in his eyes.

After a long silence, Lin Ci's voice with a hint of ridicule came out.

"Say I used Sun Cheng……"

"Sun Cheng did admit that he was the real murderer."

"According to what you said, he is now going back on his word and not admitting that he is the real murderer."

"But whether he admits it or not, what does it have to do with me?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming's expression changed.

And after listening to Lin Ci's words, the people watching the live broadcast suddenly realized

"Yes, although Sun Cheng admitted that he had committed perjury, he did not say that it was Lin Ci who ordered it."

"We know that Lin Ci must have ordered this, but the investigators don't know……"

"No wonder Lin Ci is standing in the witness stand instead of the defendant!"

Lin Ci is indeed fearless.

People seem to finally understand why Lin Ci has done nothing during this period of time.

However, such a complicated situation is of course also within the consideration of Guan Hongshan and others.

Qin Ming squinted his eyes, looked at Lin Ci, and asked in a low voice:"It has nothing to do with you?"

"We found the transfer record you made to him."

"That's enough to say……"

Before Qin Ming finished speaking, Lin Ci's voice came again and interrupted Qin Ming.

"What happened to the transfer record? That was before the incident happened. I transferred the money a long time ago!"

The more the voice spoke, the higher and higher the tone became.

There was even a slight tremor in the voice.

"Sun Cheng is indeed ill! As my driver, this is normal!"

"Could I have foreseen this would happen?!"

"It was Sun Cheng who killed Liu Yan! What a heartless bastard!"

"He is using your suspicion of me and these personal grudges to try to clear his name!"

"What a jerk!"

Lin Ci's words were loud and clear throughout the court.

Countless people stared at this scene with wide eyes, and suddenly their hearts seemed to be startled.

According to Lin Ci's words, they seemed to suddenly realize something.

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