Chapter 91

Lin Ci's words spread to thousands of households.

Everyone suddenly understood another thing.

What Lin Ci wanted to do was to try to point the finger at Sun Cheng again through the trial!

The people sitting in front of the TV straightened their backs...

They all wanted to know, what exactly is Lin Ci going to do?

The entire court was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

People in the audience even leaned forward slightly, wanting to know how Lin Ci was going to get back on track?

Qin Ming's pupils shrank slightly.

He is a very powerful forensic doctor, and in addition to the ability to"talk" to corpses, he also has a very powerful ability to distinguish micro-expressions.

He is distinguishing the expression on Lin Ci's face.

Qin Ming tried to judge the truth of his words through these eyes and movements.

But the facts... shocked him greatly!

"How could this be possible?……?"

There was no trace of false emotion on Lin Ci's face.

He couldn't help but feel a chill on his spine.

Because there was no contradiction, this was the biggest contradiction!

"How could he speak as if it were real?"

At this moment, Lin Ci's voice came out again.

"Sun Cheng had clearly admitted in court that he was the murderer of Liu Yan."

"But now you mean……"

"Did I instruct him to admit it?"

"But you don't have any evidence that I'm accusing you of this."

This time, Lin Ci's voice was not so high-pitched.

On the contrary, it was a little low.

One had to concentrate hard to hear it clearly.

And this just achieved Lin Ci's goal.

He just wanted everyone to listen more carefully to his next speech!

"I would like to ask……"

"Sun Cheng changed his confession during your interrogation. Isn't that an attempt to put the blame on someone else?!"

"You have no evidence, but you believe this! ?"

"Do you only believe what you want to believe?"

"Is it that the truth is no longer important?"


The entire audience was filled with a very noisy voice.

The audience had already started to discuss.

All the people watching the live broadcast were also confused.

Especially those viewers who originally thought that Lin Ci had completely lost all chances of a comeback...

When they heard Lin Ci's words, they were shocked!

Countless comments floated across the live broadcast screen.——

"Yes, if there is no solid evidence, why should Sun Cheng be allowed to escape punishment?"

"I was shocked! It was from this angle!"

"This is so well said. People only believe what they want to believe...but it is often contrary to the truth!"

"But is this just sophistry or the real situation? What is the script like?"

"This ninth episode… I feel like the production team is starting to show off their skills!"

Not only the audience, Guan Hongshan's expression was also changing.

He looked at Lin Ci, who was speaking with a solemn expression, and his mind was full of complicated thoughts.

Jiang Yin had even narrowed her eyes.

"Is this how he prepared?"


"This is not enough"

"Lin Ci, what other surprises can you bring me?"




The presiding judge knocked the gavel several times.


After the whole place was quiet, the presiding judge continued:"Prosecutor, do you have anything to say?"

"Do you have clear evidence for your accusation against Lin Ci just now, regarding the perjury of the suspect Sun Cheng during the first trial?"

Qin Ming looked directly at Lin Ci, analyzing his words in his mind.

Facing the words of the presiding judge, he was silent for a moment.

After a moment of silence, Qin Ming spoke again:"Of course there is clear evidence, presiding judge."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Ci.

People saw...

Lin Ci's originally gloomy face suddenly changed a little.

It seemed that he did not expect Qin Ming's words at this moment.

"No way? Lin Ci didn't know that the person who solved the case had the evidence?"

"Damn it! This was the first time that Lin Ci's face changed. It seemed that he really didn't expect this."

"What kind of evidence is this? If Lin Ci really instructed Sun Cheng to give false testimony, then no matter what, Lin Ci will lose this ninth round!"

Qin Ming, who had been staring at Lin Ci's face, finally took a deep breath.

"Lin Ci, where were you on the night of the crime...that is, on the night of January 5th?"

Lin Ci narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Ming.

He did not answer at first, as if he was thinking about something.

The silence at this time seemed to make everyone's heart lift.

People held their breath and watched this scene.

They knew very well what Lin Ci's silence meant.

He had to think... think about what kind of chain reaction the next answer would trigger!

This meant that things were out of Lin Ci's control!

One second, five seconds... silence for a full thirty seconds.

Just when the presiding judge was about to speak, Lin Ci finally spoke to answer.

"I'm at home."

These three simple words seemed very certain.

But this did not affect the tense situation in the courtroom at all.

Because Qin Ming asked the next question without hesitation:"Is there anyone who can prove that you are at home?"

Lin Ci paused for a moment, then shook his head.


This time, Qin Ming paused.

This time, Qin Ming did not continue to ask questions aggressively.

A smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

This smile caused a slight discussion in the field.

"Of course you can't prove it."

"Lin Ci"

"Because you weren't at home that night!"


The scene was boiling again!

"Lin Ci is not at home?"

"What is going on?"

"What Qin Ming meant by this...……"

Many people have already felt their heartbeats speeding up.

Lin Ci also narrowed his eyes.

He asked cautiously,"What does this mean?"

"I was indeed at home on the evening of January 5th"

"Do you have any evidence for what you said?"

Qin Ming smiled.


"It is precisely because of this evidence that we are sure that it was you who asked Sun Cheng to take the blame."

Then, Qin Ming's sight finally moved away from Lin Ci.

He looked at the judge's seat and said,"Your Majesty, please allow me to play evidence No. 4."

The presiding judge nodded in surprise.

Seeing the situation take a sudden turn at this time, the expressions on the faces of every audience member were very similar to the presiding judge's expression.

Surprise and confusion lingered in everyone's heart!

What on earth is happening now!?

What is going on!?

This"Evidence No. 4""……

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