If the bet is wrong, everything will be over, and his life will be over here.


Clear the action office,

One second ago.


In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Li Weimin's mind, and then he closed his eyes dejectedly and uttered two words.

And he sighed when he said the two words "shoot".

One move away.

He thought that he could think of the dog walking plan, which was enough to break the game.

But he didn't expect that Dongshu Li Yaodong had calculated everything.

In fact, from the moment the old secretary of Ge Village took a few steps towards Cai Jiangdong, he had already lost.

Because his character determined that no matter how many times he faced this situation, he would make the same choice.

And this kind of him is called Li Weimin, worthy of the evil nemesis, and will never do anything to achieve a certain goal.


At this time, the faces of other people in the office of the clearing operation were also very ugly.

Before, they had a deep understanding of the horror of Dongshu Li Yaodong mentioned by Li Weimin. After all, the scraps found by the investigation of the other party have triggered joint actions in many provinces.

Not to mention the person himself.

However, now they do think that Dongshu Li Yaodong is more terrifying than they imagined.

Dongshu Li Yaodong can actually gather so many villagers to use him and make their offensive invisible.


However, this scene actually violated their official taboo.

After all, this is within the territory. What they hate most is that someone coerces the masses to do something.

Moreover, it is something related to smuggling.


And the big boss of the department, Mr. Hao, also looked very ugly at this time.

You know, the duty of their unit is to maintain stability within the country, in short, to maintain stability.

After sitting in his position, his perspective is different from that of comrades like Li Weimin.

His perspective is higher and he can overlook the overall situation.

And it is obvious that a guy like this uncle Dong Li Yaodong, who has dragged tens of thousands of people around him, is simply too bad.

Even from the overall perspective, this impact is too great.

And this is something that a big boss of his level cannot tolerate.


In an instant, his face changed several times, as if he was weighing something.

After his face changed several times, he slowly said: "Do you think the matter of this uncle Dong Li Yaodong has reached the level of anti-terrorism?"


When the big boss, Mr. Hao, said the two words [everyone], their attention fell on this big boss.

They knew that this big boss would definitely have something to say next.

However, they never expected that the big boss would ask such a question.

Suddenly, their faces changed, and a chill rushed from their tailbone to the top of their head.


And the people in Plan A were also shocked. They were the lowest level among the people present. This shock almost made them blow their tops off.

You know, if it reaches the level of re-terror, then the matter will be serious.

Because once this level is determined, everything will not go according to the normal process.

For example, Plan A has determined that Li Yaodong is a fan of the crime, but knowing is one thing, they have no concrete evidence, and they can only take action against the other party after following the normal process and obtaining evidence.

But if this level of re-terror is determined, evidence and so on are no longer so important.

Next, just push it straight over and it's done.

'What the hell! ’

At this moment, after everyone present understood all this, they all felt their scalps tingling..


If you think about it, this Dongshu Li Yaodong is engaged in the smuggling business, and he has entangled so many people for his use, which really reaches this level.

However, there are still some things that are not clear.

Although it is not that they said that the other party's affairs have reached the level of their official anti-terrorism, they will take action immediately, and some things need to be confirmed later.

However, after hearing the words of the big boss, Mr. Hao, they just opened their mouths, but no one dared to express any opinions.

The same sentence, in China, when it reaches the anti-terrorism level, things will be a big shock.

After all, they are known as the safest country here, not that country, where shootings happen every day, and even if it is that country, anti-terrorism is a big deal.


"Weimin, what do you think?" Mr. Hao had expected the reaction of the crowd, and then his eyes fell on Li Weimin.

After all, among all the people present, Li Weimin knew the Tacun Dongshu Li Yaodong the best.

"I think it has reached the level of re-terrorist."

Li Weimin's face changed when he heard this.

In fact, he really wanted to say that, and the things between Li Yaodong and these villagers were indeed very similar to things of this level.

However, according to his understanding, these villagers were just...

At this time, a series of weighing thoughts flashed through his mind.

Is it judged as re-terrorist? Or...


At this time, at the entrance of Ge Village.

The communication channel connecting the Wujing and Li Weimin has not been closed yet.

After all, the scene of countless villagers gathering just now was too shocking to people's minds, so after opening the communication channel for these Wujing soldiers and giving orders, they forgot to close the communication channel.

Therefore, they all heard the conversation over there in the office of the clearing operation.

Suddenly, their faces changed.

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