These Wujing soldiers belong to the Wujing Guangdong Provincial Border Defense Corps, and this operation is also of a high level, so the Wujing soldiers participating in this operation are all elite.

However, at this time, these elite Wujing soldiers could not help but sweat on their foreheads.

You know, although there is also a counter-terrorism item in the responsibilities of their Wujing Guangdong Provincial Border Defense Corps, there is such a thing, and it is another thing to actually carry out this task.

And this time, they all thought it was just an ordinary action to crack down on smuggled rice.

But they did not expect that the incident would be directly upgraded to a counter-terrorism operation.

And it is conceivable that this sudden escalation of the incident will bring them psychological pressure.


‘This? ’

At this time, the old secretary of Ge Village also felt a little wrong.

And as if he thought of something, his face also changed in waves.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the fact that so many of them had gathered here, and the person standing behind him was a traitor like Uncle Dong, who could easily make the officials nervous.

So, what would the officials think of their current gathering behavior?

And subconsciously, he looked at the location of the Wujing soldiers, and his heart skipped a beat again.


Because in theory, the person who was obviously a traitor had been shot dead, and the Wujing soldiers should have taken the other's body away, but now the Wujing soldiers were still there.

Moreover, the other party and others had a feeling of facing a great enemy.

At this moment, cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the old secretary of Ge Village.

The villagers who gathered here also noticed the Wujing soldiers, and at this time they also felt that the atmosphere at the scene had become so wrong.


Among the villagers, I don't know who it was, maybe too nervous, and at this moment, he swallowed hard.


At this time in Nanjing Village.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The gunshots rang out one after another, and then the gunshots slowly stopped.

Nanjing Village is also a relatively large smuggling den.

These smuggling villagers also know what will happen to them after being arrested, so they are very resistant.

However, although these villagers are engaged in a business that can cost them their lives, they are ordinary people after all, and have not received professional training. In addition, the authorities have been watching them for a while and have figured out their tricks.

Therefore, even though these smuggling villagers in Nanjing Village are very resistant.

After a period of fighting, these villagers were also controlled.


Then the Wujing soldiers at the scene began to count the personnel, results, etc.

"The battle in Nanjing Village has been resolved. One of our side was slightly injured, no serious injuries, no deaths, and three other soldiers were transferred to the command center to perform other tasks."

The captain of the Nanjing Village mopping-up team reported through the headset.

The other three soldiers he mentioned were naturally the three people that Li Weimin transferred to walk the dog.

"In addition, smuggled goods were seized: counterfeit and inferior luxury bags, etc...."

Then, the captain of this team reported the results of the battle.

"The No. 1 team of Guangdong Province has completed the task, please give instructions." The captain of this team finally said.

Guangdong Province was the most valued by Li Weimin in this cleanup operation. After all, Li Yaodong was in Dongshan City, Guangdong Province. Therefore, Li Weimin directly commanded the cleanup operation in Guangdong Province. Unlike other provinces, the person in charge there commanded, and then the summary was submitted to him, and he was in charge of the progress.


The report of the captain of the Nanjing Village team was also transmitted to the A Plan Office.

Listening to the report, Li Weimin's face was sweating more.

You know, because there are many villagers in Nanjing Village who smuggle, so this team has more than 100 people.

In order to prevent Ta Village from becoming a frightened bird, defense interception points were arranged by land, water and sea.

And theseThe people who set up the interception point can also be quickly transferred here.

It can be said that it only takes about half an hour to gather a team of four or five hundred people, and if it takes more time, it can even pull out a team of one thousand people, which is equivalent to the strength of a regiment.

In other words, as long as the action against Li Yaodong is characterized, the regiment-level anti-terrorist annihilation operation can be immediately launched.

After a certain procedure, it can be directly pushed forward.

At this time, General Manager Hao was also waiting for his answer.

And whether it is enough to be anti-terrorist level was asked by General Manager Hao, that is to say, even if he said that it could be classified as anti-terrorist, most of the pressure would be borne by General Manager Hao.

However, at this moment, Li Weimin opened his mouth, but he felt a little speechless.

At this time, the teams carrying out the clearing operation in Guangdong Province all reported, and they also needed Li Weimin to give instructions for the next step.


“Team No. 1 has completed the mission. Please give instructions.”

The captain of the team in Nanjing Village reported again through the headset, requesting the next step of instructions.

But he did not get a reply from the commander-in-chief Li Weimin.

This made him frown.

‘What’s going on? ’

A look of doubt flashed across his eyes.


The Wujing soldiers present also looked at each other, but due to discipline, they did not show it, but their eyes also showed confusion.

‘Could it be? ’

The captain of the Guangdong Province No. 1 team in charge of Nanjing Village is an old Wujing with rich operational experience.

In fact, he has encountered this situation before.

Often in this case, other more serious situations may occur, which may lead to the escalation of the incident.

‘What happened? ’

Subconsciously, his eyes looked in a certain direction.

According to the theory of direction, the direction he was looking at was exactly the office of the clearing operation.

His gaze seemed to have crossed the space and landed on the office of the clearing operation.


At the same time...

A forest at a defense interception point targeting Ta Village.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of huge propellers rang out, and several armed helicopters circled and flew.

Searchlights also shone down.

On the armed helicopter, several Takei soldiers at this defense interception point had not received the next order.

Subconsciously, they all looked in the direction where the office of the clearing operation seemed to be located.


On a seashore in Dongshan City.

One after another huge sea searchlights illuminated this seashore as bright as day.

The official action personnel in charge of this side also frowned and looked in a certain direction.


A road that was not too close to Ta Village, but was the only way for Ta Village to escape.

People in traffic police uniforms are setting up checkpoints to check for drunk driving.

"Comrade traffic police, why are you checking for drunk driving here so late at night?"

A driver who was stopped and got off the car asked in confusion after being checked.

But this "traffic police" comrade did not respond when he heard his words, but silently looked in a certain direction.

This "traffic police" comrade seemed to feel that something was going to happen.


In the office of the clearing operation.

Li Weimin also felt a wave of pressure.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but these thoughts flashed through and were completed in just a moment.

And he had already made a decision.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, and then...


"Then what?"

Time was adjusted back to the present, and Li Yaodong listened to Li Qisheng's story about what he learned from the villagers in the early morning., he asked nervously.

He wanted to know what happened next. Could something more intense happen?

Would those villagers and those Takei...

He couldn't help but look out the window. He was thinking that maybe there were officials lying in ambush outside their Ta Village, and they would rush in and take him away at any minute.


Li Qisheng continued to narrate.


(Eighth round of power generation: 3231 (3/8, 20:35))

(Fellow villagers, I'm a little stuck. The so-called stuck means that there are countless plots in my head, but it feels wrong no matter how I write.)

(Old villagers who have read my books from the beginning should know that I stay up late at night to write, and then revise it during the day when I am free at work the next day. This makes me seriously sleep deprived, and recently I am also busy with work, so I am really overwhelmed.

Of course, I am not saying that Xiao An will break his promise and will not add more chapters if the power generation is enough.

I will add more chapters if I need to, but I will let Xiao An take some time to adjust his status.

The power generation will continue to accumulate, which does not mean that the power generated by the folks will not count when Xiao An adjusts his status. When the amount of adding two or three chapters is accumulated, Xiao An will add more chapters according to the amount. )

(It should be adjusted next week. I will make up for the amount of chapters I owe. I am sorry, folks. I kneel down to apologize to you all▄█▔▉●)

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