Time goes back to that critical time point again.

In the office of the clearing operation.

Li Weimin took a deep breath and said, "These villagers are ordinary people. They are just afraid of being poor, so they are used by that uncle Dong Li Yaodong. I think it is not appropriate to characterize it as a counter-terrorism operation."

He naturally knew that these villagers were most likely not involved in smuggling.

If he said that it should be characterized as a counter-terrorism operation in this case, he might solve the criminal uncle Dong Li Yaodong, but these villagers would also be affected.

Although even if it is characterized as a counter-terrorism operation, as long as these villagers do not participate in the subsequent resistance, it will be fine, but I am afraid that these villagers are determined to follow that uncle Dong Li Yaodong all the way to the end.

At that time, these innocent villagers will be miserable.

He knew that uncle Dong Li Yaodong must have calculated these things, so he would do this.

But he really couldn't bear it.


After hearing this, General Manager Hao took a deep look at Li Weimin and said, "Okay!"

It does take a long time to classify them as returning terrorists. In fact, these villagers just gathered together. There was no violent conflict or other extraordinary things. He was actually stimulated just now, so he said that.

And this is also human nature. After all, although he is a big boss, he is essentially no different from ordinary people. He will also say some things that have not been carefully considered in certain circumstances.

"Weimin, let's continue." General Manager Hao said.

After hearing this, Li Weimin nodded and continued to coordinate and command. He gave the next instructions to the teams that had completed the task, asking them to bring the smuggled meals back to the base.


At the entrance of Ge Village.


The villagers who felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong began to sweat on their foreheads.

Then these cold sweats gathered into streams and flowed down.


At a certain moment, the Wujing soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the voice coming from the communication headset.

Then, they walked quickly to Cai Jiangdong, who was still open-eyed but had no breath, collected his body, and left quickly.

And when they walked away, they completely relaxed.

After all, there were so many villagers here, and they were afraid of any accidents.


Looking at the Wujing soldiers walking away, the old secretary of Ge Village breathed a sigh of relief, and then, he touched his face and found that his face was full of cold sweat.

Just now he really felt that he had walked through the gates of hell.

However, he was also excited in his heart.

'This time, the pledge of allegiance we gave to Uncle Dong should be enough, right? '


At the same time, Nanjing Village also received an order to take away the smuggled rice.

The whole cleanup operation began to return to its normal rhythm.


Time is set back to the present.

The people in the office of the clearing operation have watched the video of the action recorder many times, but even if they watch it again now, their faces are not very good.

Later, they also investigated the villagers in the surrounding villages of Ta Village. These villagers were fine. These people also had their own jobs and had no time to participate in the smuggling operation in Ta Village.

But this also shows the deep scheming of Dongshu Li Yaodong.

He actually tied these people who had never committed a crime to his chariot, so that they would be afraid to act rashly.

In fact, this time, they held a video conference in the office of the clearing operation again, not because of the incident at the entrance of Ge Village in the early morning, but...


‘Those smuggled meals? ’

Ta Village, Li Yaodong heard Li Qisheng say that nothing happened in the confrontation in the early morning, and those Wujing soldiers finally left, and he should have been relieved.

But he was still a little frightened.Feeling.

The scene in the early morning must have irritated the nerves of the official side, and almost led things to an unknown direction, but in the end, no one knew why this trend was pulled back.

Fortunately, it was finally pulled back, otherwise, there would be a big misunderstanding.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if things went in another direction.


'This surrender is really a bit torture. ' Li Yaodong was speechless in his heart.

And if those villagers hadn't stopped them last night and let these Wujing warriors come in, in fact, after seeing the situation in their Ta Village, the misunderstanding might have been resolved.

However, the misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper now.

Thinking of this, Li Yaodong didn't know what to say.

"Knock knock knock!"

Subconsciously, Li Yaodong knocked on the table, thinking about what impact this incident would have on him.

Before that, he had guessed that these smuggled fans were targeted by a multi-province joint operation, and that they were some scraps found when Plan A investigated him.

But how did they find out?

‘That phone call? ’

Suddenly, he thought of a phone call he received some time ago.


The call was from a smuggled fan, who wanted to borrow his online smuggling channel.

When he heard this, he hung up the phone.

At that time, he was still a little speechless, thinking that these smuggled fans really regarded him as a fan criminal?

Moreover, the smuggled fan's implicit meaning seemed to be that someone had already used this online smuggling channel.

At that time, he only thought that the smuggled fan circle was just gossiping, and he didn't care too much.

Later, after knowing that Plan A was targeting him, he thought that there might really be a few smuggled fans who used it.

But now...

Thinking about this, Li Yaodong's eyes widened slightly.

A possibility that made him a little terrified emerged in his mind.

No way? Not only...

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