‘Could it be that not only one or two smugglers have used their so-called online smuggling channels? But all the smugglers in Longguo have used them?’

Such a thought popped up in Li Yaodong’s mind.

Then he felt a crazy heartbeat.

At this moment, his mentality was a little bit broken.

This matter is too big.


“You two go back first.” Then, Li Yaodong sent Li Qisheng and Li Qiqiang away.

He wanted to be alone.

Before, Li Qisheng asked himself what impact the arrest of these smugglers would have on him? His answer at the time was that it was okay, no impact. But now...

One thought after another flashed through his mind.

However, thinking about it, he suddenly calmed down.


Because he felt that the arrest of those smugglers was not a bad thing.

Moreover, it was impossible for these smugglers to think that they used the so-called smuggling channels they built. This online smuggling channel was built by themselves.

The real thing can’t be fake, and the fake thing can’t be real.

I have never built any online smuggling channels.

As long as I investigate deeply, I should be able to find out.


‘What am I afraid of? ’

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Li Yaodong’s mind.

But he was still worried. After all, he was also afraid that the authorities would feel that they had mobilized such a big battle and couldn’t get off the stage. In the end, they would make a mistake and convict him. That would be the end of the matter.

However, in a flash, Li Yaodong thought of the character of Li Weimin, the nemesis of crime, and he was slightly relieved.

But he was not completely relieved.

The reason was very simple, because he thought that everything seemed to be pushing him towards the very criminal direction of Tazhai Dongshu, and it seemed that he really wanted to make himself the extremely evil, the criminal Dongshu.

‘But it’s fake, it’s fake, you can find out once you check it? How can it become real? ’

Li Yaodong kept repeating this in his mind. He really couldn’t think of how he could push himself towards Uncle Dong of Tazhai when the facts were here.

If it was some kind of violent force that pushed him forward, it would be too foul?

There shouldn’t be such a foul...right?


And the two brothers Li Qiqiang and Li Qisheng, after their Uncle Dong was about to leave.

The two were actually a little worried as they walked on the road in Ta Village.

“Asheng, do you think that the arrest of these smuggled rice really cannot be linked to Uncle Dong? Will it really not affect Uncle Dong?” Li Qiqiang said with a frown.

You know, these smuggled rice are different from those civil servants who did things for Uncle Dong before, but after being arrested, they did not admit their relationship with Uncle Dong.


Those civil servants knew that once they were related to Uncle Dong, it was equivalent to being involved in smuggling. In addition, Uncle Dong used some means to control people's hearts. They would definitely not admit their relationship with Uncle Dong, so that Uncle Dong would completely sever his relationship with them, and Uncle Dong Li Yaodong would go further on the road of whitewashing.

However, these smugglers were all people involved in smuggling. These people did not have such worries. Maybe they would confess their Uncle Dong's affairs in order to make up for their mistakes and give themselves a chance to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

After all, these smugglers were caught by the authorities because they had contact with Uncle Dong before and knew some of Uncle Dong's affairs.

Hearing this, Li Qisheng did not speak, but he frowned and thought about what his brother said.


At this time.

In the office of the clearing operation.

The ultimate goal of this re-started video conference is to see if we can get any key evidence from the smuggled fans that were arrested, so as to bring down Uncle Dong Li Yaodong in one fell swoop.

You know, this clearingAt the beginning, the action was just to paralyze Dong Shu Li Yaodong and make the other party think that they were deceived by the other party.

But now, after arresting so many smugglers, they want to seek more.

But this video conference is different from the previous one.

That video conference involved leaders from many provinces, as well as General Hao, the big boss in the department.

And this time, their meeting was only for the initial Plan A, and the office where Li Weimin is now is better called the New Operation Office rather than the Cleanup Office.

And in this new Plan A office, in the video conference, only a group of people from their Guangdong Province are there——

There is Li Weimin's direct superior, the full-time director of the Private Affairs Office, Cui Zhenjiang.

Lei Jianhua.

General Wang, Wang Zhixiong!

Lou Xiaoping, deputy captain of the Guangdong Provincial Border Defense Corps in Wujing.

And a series of backbones such as Li Fei, Sun Danian, Cai Yongqiang, Liu Mei, etc. of Plan A.

Even Li Fei's biological father Zhao Jialiang, Li Weimin's golden informant, did not come this time.


After all, Zhao Jialiang's secret identity is an informant.

Li Weimin asked him to come earlier to let him know how dangerous and terrifying Dongshu Li Yaodong is, so that he would be cautious.

And if nothing can be found out from the interrogation this time, Zhao Jialiang will have to pretend to be a buyer of uncopyrighted smuggled goods and contact Li Yaodong.

Naturally, the identity of the other party should be kept as confidential as possible.

"The relevant people should have found out something by the interrogation, right?" Mr. Wang Zhixiong said.

It was also a coincidence.

As he finished speaking, a dingdong sound rang out.

"The interrogation report has been sent over from Sichuan Province."

Liu Mei said.

As an expert in computers, Liu Mei is very good at analyzing, sorting and summarizing.

Therefore, the interrogation reports sent from various provinces will be sorted and summarized here first.

This will allow everyone present to more efficiently understand the key points of these interrogation reports.


When Liu Mei said this, everyone present was shocked.

Then the sound of Liu Mei operating the computer rang out in the entire Plan A office, as if she was summarizing these interrogation reports.

That was about ten minutes later.

Liu Mei's next sentence cheered everyone present up again.

"More than two-thirds of the smuggling fans admitted that they did use the online smuggling channel of Uncle Dong to smuggle."

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