Then, Liu Mei clicked the print button.

Then, the printer printed out the information she had sorted out.

Li Fei hurriedly stood up to take out the information and distributed it to everyone present. As for the big guys who only appeared in the A plan office in the form of a video call, Liu Mei also sent them a copy of the information she had sorted out.

Then, everyone looked at the information.

And the information sorted out from the interrogation reports showed that, as Liu Mei said, more than two-thirds of the smugglers admitted it.

As for why not all of them?


In fact, it is very simple, because the remaining one-third was indeed not used. The reason why they were arrested in this cleanup operation was that they were affected.

After all, pulling out the radish brings out the mud. Even if these people have not used the online smuggling channels built by Li Yaodong, they have been locked in their positions in the interaction with other smugglers.



The sound of flipping through materials rang out in the A Plan office.

Several bigwigs who were not present but only appeared in the A Plan office in the form of video calls also had assistants help print out the materials after receiving them from Liu Mei, and they also flipped through the materials.

"Is it too smooth?" Li Weimin's direct superior Cui Zhenjiang said after flipping through the materials and hesitating for a few seconds.

You know, didn't Li Weimin guess that these smuggled meals were deliberately thrown out by Uncle Dong to feed them?

If this is really the case, then Uncle Dong Li Yaodong must have made full preparations so that these smuggled meals would not involve himself.

But now...


Cui Zhenjiang's words did remind everyone that this matter was indeed a bit too smooth.

Hearing this, Li Weimin couldn't help but frowned.

This is indeed a bit wrong?

This is somewhat different from the image of Uncle Dong Li Yaodong, who was so difficult to deal with in his impression.

If this Uncle Dong Li Yaodong was really such a simple person, wouldn't their A plan have taken him down long ago?

It wouldn't have gotten so entangled. In fact, they were at a disadvantage in several confrontations with the opponent.

So, who was the person who was suppressing them before?

'No, it's very wrong. '

Li Weimin frowned deeply.


Soon after, the interrogation reports from other provinces were also transmitted to the A plan office one after another.

These interrogation reports were sorted out by Liu Mei and distributed to everyone.

And these sorted out data also showed that at least two-thirds of the smugglers admitted to using Uncle Dong's new online smuggling channel.

But this is too smooth, isn't it?

It seems that these smugglers are waiting to tell them these things so that they can convict Uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

In other words, Dongshu Li Yaodong did not seem to have any preventive measures to shut up these smugglers.


However, the following development made everyone's faces change suddenly.

This was what was interrogated at an interrogation point in Guangdong Province.

And the things interrogated were also very simple. When this interrogation point was interrogating a smuggler, the smuggler confessed that he had paid a bribe to use Dongshu's online smuggling channel.


You know, in the eyes of these smugglers, Dongshu's online smuggling channel was tested by the other party by selling soldiers' soup to users.

And when doing so, those buyers received soldiers' soup instead of the kind of things they wanted, and these buyers will definitely make trouble in the future.

And if these smugglers want to use a certain line in this smuggling network, they must help Dongshu's buyers settle the accounts.That is to say, Uncle Dong will reissue these buyers with valuable smuggled goods, and the price of these smuggled goods is far more than what they want to buy.

In this way, even if those buyers want to buy the kind of sucking things, they didn't really get them, but they got the copyright-free smuggled goods that far exceeded the value, which can be regarded as shutting their mouths. After all, they can sell the smuggled goods and then buy what they want, and the chance of making trouble is smaller.

And this is the so-called bribe.


Everyone in the A plan office looked at these materials, and their faces changed drastically.

Li Weimin's heart jumped even more.

Then, a thought popped up in his mind, 'Could it be that the smuggled goods we found in those express delivery points before were all from this? '

If so, then the explanation is very big.


(Eighth round of power generation, power generation: 3902 (3/9, 18:49))

(This is an extra chapter, the ninth round of power generation extra chapter begins, power generation: 902)

(Did you not expect me to add extra chapters today? Hehe, surprise!)

(Xiao An, whether he owes money or owes chapters, always feels uncomfortable and feels like something is weighing on him. I really don't understand how people who owe money and don't pay it back can feel at ease.

Speaking of owing money, it brings back my bad memories. I hope that guy will find his conscience and pay me back. Alas.)

(Please generate power, fellow villagers)

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