......Then the argument is quite big.

It is equivalent to Li Yaodong never selling uncopyrighted smuggled goods?


And Wang Zhixiong, the boss, Lei Jianhua, Cui Zhenjiang, the deputy captain of the Wujing Guangdong Provincial Border Defense Corps, Lou Xiaoping, also thought of what Li Weimin thought of.

Of course, it was not just these big guys and members of Plan A who thought of this.

After Li Weimin's face changed, he made calls one by one, asking each interrogation point to interrogate the smuggled rice again and confirm it again.

And the interrogation rooms of each interrogation point also restarted the interrogation of the smuggled rice.

Once the officials get serious, the efficiency is great.

Soon after, the interrogation reports were once again summarized in the Plan A office.

After these interrogation reports were transmitted to the Plan A office, they were summarized by Liu Mei and printed out and presented to everyone.


‘Is it true? ’

Looking at the information sorted out by Liu Mei, Li Weimin’s face kept changing.

Those smuggled fans who used Dongshu’s online smuggling channels actually did so in tacit agreement.

And this means that Li Yaodong seems to be selling only soldier soup, not smuggled goods such as fake A goods.

And in this way, the testimonies of those smuggled fans are useless.

And the so-called unspoken rules are only passed on by word of mouth, and have not been put into writing.

This result is a bit unacceptable to everyone.

Then there was another in-depth investigation.

And as Li Yaodong thought before, fake is fake.

And he has never built any online smuggling channels.

So in the end, the truth was also fully investigated.

The truth is...

"That online smuggling channel has never existed. It's just something imagined by those smuggling fans?"

Li Weimin looked at the report in his hand with a dull look:

"Li Yaodong has never sold smuggled goods? He just wants to do it."


And some fragmentary information was collected again.

This information was also found by Plan A before, but it was subconsciously ignored.

This information is-

Only if the players are outstanding can Li Yaodong stand out in this "Professional Challenge".

Some players dare to do anything to stand out, such as male lactation consultants directly sucking customers...

And Li Yaodong, a player of "Professional Challenge", came to such a Tacun soup village. What would he do to stand out?

After connecting these clues, the real answer is almost coming out.


And on this day, a video conference was held again in the office of Plan A.

Mr. Wang Zhixiong, Lei Jianhua, Cui Zhenjiang and others appeared on the big screen in the A-plan office.

In the A-plan office.

Li Weimin, Lou Xiaoping, and A-plan Li Fei, Sun Danian, Liu Mei and others also sat here.

At this time, whether it was the big guys who appeared in the A-plan office in the form of video calls, or the eyes of the people present looking at Li Weimin, they all seemed to be hesitant to speak.

But cold sweat broke out on Li Fei's forehead at this time.

You know.

At that time, when Sun Danian was just approached by them, he had advertised himself as one of the leaders of the A-plan.

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