"Maybe, when we go to Ta Village to investigate, we can find out something."

"By the way, his tricky operation is also suspected of fraud. We can also prosecute him and disgust him." Li Fei hated Li Yaodong, a glutton.


When they heard this, everyone's eyes lit up.

"No, this is too obvious."

When the old detective Cai Yongqiang heard Li Fei's words, his eyes also lit up, but after a little thought, he felt that this was not appropriate.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Cai Yongqiang.

Waiting for his next words.


"Let's make an assumption." Facing the eyes of the crowd, Cai Yongqiang said:

"Suppose we don't know about the calculations of this uncle Dong, and we are really misled by him and think that the whole thing is a misunderstanding, then will we expose this matter with great fanfare?"

"After all, our official made such a big misunderstanding, which should be considered a scandal for us officials."


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but think about it, and felt that what Cai Yongqiang said was indeed reasonable.

According to their official handling method, how could they release such a scandal with great fanfare?

"Don't forget that Dongshu Li Yaodong is suspicious by nature, and he has extraordinary wisdom." Cai Yongqiang continued:

"Maybe the other party is waiting for us here, waiting to test us."

"If we really choose to make a big fuss, maybe the other party can judge in this way that we already know that this mistake was designed by the other party."

"As for prosecuting him for fraud, he is not even guilty of fraud. Don't forget that when he was communicating with those buyers, he always said that he was selling military soup."


Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Li Fei also felt that what he said just now was not well thought out.

"But we can't just do nothing, right?" Li Fei frowned and said.

"In fact, the answer is in what I just said." Cai Yongqiang said:

"We should just deal with it in the way our official handles this kind of thing."

"When our official encounters this kind of thing, we must be as low-key as possible, but we can't do nothing, otherwise it will also arouse the other party's suspicion."


Hearing this, everyone was thoughtful.

"I think we should send someone directly to Ta Village to investigate." Sun Danian said: "After all, according to our official practice, even if it is found that this is a big mistake, we still have to go to Ta Village to take a look out of caution."

As Sun Danian spoke, everyone also expressed their opinions.

And these people are indeed elites. Soon they perfected a plan, and Li Weimin was very satisfied with this plan.


That night.

The office building where the "Professional Challenge" program group is located.

"Director Liu, what is the situation? Is there anything wrong with our professional challenge?"

The director of the program group asked a man in an executive jacket who was familiar with him, sweating profusely.

In just a few hours, the official fire, water, electricity, taxation and other departments took turns to come to the office floor of their professional challenge program team for inspection.

This situation is very obvious. Their professional challenge program team has offended a big boss.

But he racked his brains and couldn't figure out who he had offended.

And this is naturally a good show arranged by Plan A.

After all, if the official knew that they had made a mistake, they would definitely vent their anger on the professional challenge program team.

Not to mention that this approach is not right, but it also conforms to some people's inherent impression of their official style of doing things.

Especially Li Yaodong, a fan of crime. After all, this kind of fan of crime thinksAll of them are negative.


And it's not over yet.

The next morning, a large group of officials wearing administrative jackets also entered Ta Village.

However, when they came to Ta Village, these officials did not look like they were going to the professional challenge program team, looking for trouble. After all, Li Yaodong is the village director of Ta Village and has a great influence in the vicinity. According to common sense, the official side will also consider this factor.

And the reason why these officials came here was just to visit this law-abiding model village and to meet Li Yaodong, who led his Ta Village to become rich in just a few months.

"Director Li's Bingtang factory is good." The middle-aged man in the official jacket said so when he visited the factory in Ta Village.

At noon, after entertaining them in Ta Village, these people left.

During the meal, the highest-ranking official also pointed at Li Yaodong, asking him to lead the development of Ta Village step by step, and not to engage in those borderline behaviors. Although it is not illegal, it is not encouraged.

This is naturally a good show arranged by Plan A to paralyze Li Yaodong.


However, there is a small episode.

You know, when these official civil servants in executive jackets came to Ta Village and visited Ta Village, Li Qisheng followed them all the way.

Naturally, he also went to the factory that made the soldier soup.

'Actually? It really makes soldier soup? ' After seeing the truth of the factory, he was dumbfounded.

And until these officials wearing these executive jackets left...

Watching these people leave, he was stunned.

Just left like that?

In other words, our Ta Village really makes soldier soup? Not fake and shoddy smuggled goods.

In fact, during this period of time, he also asked other people in Ta Village and learned this from these people, but he didn't believe it.

But now...

'No, it's impossible, I don't believe it. '

Li Qisheng still couldn't accept it, and he looked lost.

‘It’s definitely not like this, the truth of the matter is definitely not like this, maybe Uncle Dong is testing me to see if I can guess the truth.’

Thoughts popped up in his mind.

But, these civil servants are here to check? While entertaining them, he nodded to Uncle Dong. If it’s not true, how can this be explained?

I can’t tell, I can’t tell at all, I can’t tell whether Uncle Dong is selling uncopyrighted smuggled goods or selling soldier soup, hahahaha. Uncle Dong, I can’t tell, I really can’t tell.

As he thought about it, all kinds of expressions and colors spread on Li Qisheng’s face, and his face changed again and again.


Li Yaodong sent away this wave of official civil servants, and also noticed Li Qisheng’s lost look.

Seeing the other party’s performance, he couldn’t bear it in his heart.

Just when he wanted to say something, this unlucky child ran away.


In the afternoon of the same day, the news channels of various TV stations also reported the final results of this cleanup operation, including how many smuggled meals were arrested, how many counterfeit and shoddy luxury bags and other smuggled goods were seized, and later some programs invited legal experts and related experts to popularize the audience about the final outcome of these smuggled meals.

All this seemed to be putting an end to the entire cleanup operation.

And this is what Plan A did to paralyze Li Yaodong, telling him that the entire cleanup operation was over.


At this time.

In the office of Plan A, everyone also watched the afternoon news in this office.

At this time, there was no video conference in the office, and several bigwigs such as Wang Zhixiong did not appear here again.

After all, these bigwigs have a lot of things to deal with.

At the same time, they all believe in Li Weimin's ability and know that the latter will definitely handle it well.

And when Plan A is about to close the net, these bigwigs will appear again.

However, compared with the original Plan A, this new Plan A officeThere is also a new main member in the team, that is Lou Xiaoping, deputy captain of the Wujing Guangdong Provincial Border Defense Corps.

At the same time, Li Weimin's authority has risen to a higher level compared to before.

Click! Li Weimin signaled to Liu Mei, and Liu Mei turned off the news channel they were watching.

Everyone also withdrew their eyes from the big screen.

"That uncle Dong should have thought that our Plan A is over." Li Weimin said.


"The misunderstanding between Plan A and me must have been resolved, and Plan A is over."

After turning off the Guangdong Provincial News Channel, Li Yaodong muttered to himself in a relaxed mood.

All this is indeed the same as Li Weimin guessed, and their series of actions have indeed achieved the effect they wanted.

But the problem is that Li Yaodong himself is not a fan of crime.

Their actions are like throwing a wink to a blind man.


And here in the Plan A office.

Li Weimin continued, "This is the first time we have the upper hand."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Before, when they fought with Li Yaodong, they were always led by the other party, but now they have successfully paralyzed the other party.

It is a big step forward.

At this time, a feeling emerged in their hearts.

They and Uncle Dong have switched positions.

And this also means that their Plan A has officially entered a new stage.

"Okay, everyone go back first." Li Weimin waved his hand and said.


Hearing this, everyone's face changed.

Because they knew what Li Weimin wanted to do by sending them away.

After all, the direction of their actions below was already very clear.

That is, let the gold medal informant behind Li Weimin and Li Shu come out, and then contact Li Yaodong as a buyer to buy a batch of uncopyrighted smuggled goods. In this way, this uncle Li Yaodong will re-enter the game and start producing uncopyrighted smuggled goods, and their plan A will have a breakthrough.


As for Li Yaodong, who has already planned to clean up his name, will he still take this job?

There is a high probability that he will.

After all, it is not so easy for such a criminal to stop making quick money, after all, a dog can't change its eating habits.

And this also means that the legendary gold medal informant behind Li Weimin and Li Shu will also join the game, which means that the other party will be in danger.

However, although they understood this, everyone did not say anything, but left silently.


After everyone left, Li Weimin called Zhao Jialiang.

After the words fell, he was a little silent, as if he didn't know what to say.


(The ninth round of power generation has begun, power generation: 2638, March 11, 19:58)

(The next character will be launched soon, but it will be written in fusion with the template of Tazhai Dongshu)

(It’s so sad on Monday, I don’t want to go to work)

(Also, I want to send a message to the folks. I only generated more than 700 electricity today, woo woo woo)

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