‘Making smuggled goods, smuggling.’

His face changed again and again.

However, until this point, Li Zonghui had no intention of cooperating with Li Weimin.

After all, he was also a poor Tacun native, and no matter what Li Yaodong led them to do, he did lead the entire Tacun to become rich.

Moreover, from Li Weimin’s words, he also heard that it seemed that Li Yaodong was now seeking to clean up his name, and he also played their team around, maybe the other party really cleaned up his name.

However, when he just came up with this idea, Li Weimin told him about the scene of tens of thousands of villagers gathering at the head of Ge Village that day, of course, this was not the point.

"......The point is that a leader at that time almost defined the action against your Ta Village as a counter-terrorism operation." Li Weimin said:

"In fact, this inter-provincial joint action was also due to a series of scraps found by investigating Li Yaodong."

"You should also know our Longguo's attitude towards smuggling."

And this is also the cleverness of Li Weimin. He did not tell the other party everything at once, but when the other party had some thoughts, he would tell these things bit by bit, adding to the other party's psychology, so that the other party could fully understand the seriousness of the matter.


"Think about it carefully." Li Weimin said at that time.

After that day, Li Zonghui fell into a dilemma. On the one hand, Ta Village is now thriving, and there is a strong clan concept that binds him and prevents him from backstabbing Ta Village.

On the other hand, his inner reason tells him that Li Yaodong's behavior is dragging their Ta Village into the abyss bit by bit.

Even before, the official bosses almost defined the actions against their Ta Village as counter-terrorism.

For several days, he was entangled and insomniac, and finally fell asleep.

However, after falling asleep, the ancestors of their Ta Village questioned him in his dream, why did they watch Li Yaodong take their Ta Village on a road of no return.

It was like this for several days, and this morning, he even woke up crying.

In the dream, he was pulled to the ancestral tablet in the ancestral hall by an ancestor and asked to kneel.

After waking up from crying, he thought hard and made up his mind.

At this time, he also woke up.


This uncle Dong is harming their village.

After all, if the people of their Ta Village are used to making this quick money, who would be willing to work normally to make money?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Zonghui became more determined:

'I will never let Tacun go down this path of self-destruction, and I will never allow anyone to destroy Tacun and make Tacun extinct! Tacun's smuggling must be stopped. '


At this time, back to the present.

"Mr. Li, I'm glad you called me. I think you have made the decision I want by calling me."

Li Weimin continued on the phone:

"I don't think you will regret your decision."

"You will be the biggest contributor to Tacun."

With the other party as an insider, the safety of his old friend Zhao Jialiang is guaranteed to a certain extent.

Moreover, it will be easier to solve the problem of Tacun.

For Tacun itself, it can be regarded as being pulled back from the road of no return and back on track. In this sense, the other party is the biggest contributor to Tacun.

"I agree to be your insider." Li Zonghui said.

After a few seconds of silence, he continued: "But I am not a hero, just a sinner."

In fact, if he had paid more attention to the situation in the village at the beginning, he would not have been deceived until now, and would not have watched Ta Village...

"Anyway, thank you for your help, Mr. Li." Li Weimin understood what the other party meant.

"I will help you keep an eye on Li Yaodong, and I will also help when your people are in danger, but..." Li Zonghui said coldly: "But I am not helping you, but helping Ta Village." After saying this, he hung up the phone without waiting for Li Weimin's response.


After hanging up the phone, Li Zonghui was in a trance for a while, and then, in turn, he put his watch, bracelet, Buddhist beads, emerald ring,, took off the gold ring.

Then he took off the pure gold four-faced Buddha amulet necklace that he often wore around his neck and put it on the table.

You know, the people in Ta Village are all afraid of poverty, and so is Li Zonghui.

After he had money, he also bought a series of valuable accessories, and for these things, he even wore them when he slept at the beginning.

But now, he chose to put all these things down.

This shows that his mentality has changed, and that he has made a certain determination.

At the same time.

The ring represents the family, the bracelet represents the brothers and sisters, and the amulet represents the blessing of the ancestors. Now that he has abandoned all these things, it means that he is also ready to be misunderstood by his family and brothers and bear everything alone - after all, what he is doing now is equivalent to backstabbing the entire Ta Village.

But even so, he doesn't want to see Ta Village on the road of self-destruction.


After Li Weimin hung up Li Zonghui's phone, his mobile phone also vibrated.

Ding Dong!

It was a WeChat message from Zhao Jialiang.

‘Is today my lucky day? ’

This thought came to Li Weimin’s mind. Today, everything he arranged was in place. Li Zonghui, a native of Ta Village, also stood on his side. Now his friend Zhao Jialiang also had feedback.


Li Yaodong naturally didn’t know that someone from their Ta Village had defected to Li Weimin and was ready to stab him in the back.

At this time, he had already started live streaming for a while.

During this process.

He would occasionally take a look at the bonus value of his live streaming room.

‘Is the bonus value enough? ’

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

At the same time, at this moment, he felt even more that today was his lucky day.


(The tenth round of power generation began, power generation: 964. 3/13, 19:00)

(Do you have any used power, folks? See, this is a bowl

, throw it all into Xiao An’s bowl!)

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