
Hearing this, everyone in Plan A looked at Li Weimin.

In fact, when Li Weimin was thinking, their attention was on Li Weimin and Li Shu.

Because they all knew Li Weimin well, they naturally knew the little movements Li Weimin and Li Shu made when they were thinking.

After everyone's eyes fell on him, Li Weimin began to talk about the origin of his plan, "Generally speaking, after encountering typhoons and heavy rains, people from the municipal department will go to see the situation of the village that suffered from the typhoon and heavy rain..."

Li Weimin's plan was also very simple.

Set up a special action team to disguise as people from the municipal department to go to Ta Village and investigate the situation.


“......This special action team is divided into five groups.”

Li Weimin continued: “After the typhoon passes and the rain stops tomorrow, the first group will disguise themselves as people from the civil affairs inspection department and go there to inspect. They are mainly responsible for testing whether there are secret factories built in Tacun to facilitate the production of fake A goods for smuggling.”

Although their A plan applied for a satellite to monitor Tacun, in fact, this kind of satellite only has a rough monitoring effect, and it is impossible to capture details such as cellar interlayers and dark rooms.

If satellite technology has developed to this point, there would be no rice crime in the world.

After finding these hidden manufacturing sites, they will have targeted actions in the future and be more efficient.


Time returns to the present.

“The first group is in place, everything is normal.”

In the A plan office, the report of the first group sounded.

“Act according to the plan and ensure your own safety as the first priority.” Li Weimin said after hearing the report.

"Yes." The first team responded.


Time passed by minute by minute.

"The second team enters." At a certain moment, Li Weimin calculated the time and issued an order.

The second team will disguise themselves as power inspectors and enter Ta Village. Through power inspection, they can roughly check where the power consumption is high, and make certain inferences.

At the same time, under the guise of line inspection, they can also "look around" in the entire Ta Village.

As Li Weimin's order fell, the team that had long been disguised as power inspectors began to act-

In a certain direction, a few kilometers away from Ta Village.

A van with the name of the Power Administration drove towards Ta Village.


When the second team arrived, the first team had been received and entered Ta Village ten minutes ago.

"Brother, we are from the Power Administration." The agent headed by the second team smiled and said to Li Shengwen at the interception point at the entrance of the village, and politely gave him a cigarette.

"Oh, go in." Li Shengwen didn't think much about it.


"The third team enters."

Li Weimin kept giving instructions.

The third team will disguise themselves as reporters, mainly responsible for filming the internal scenes of Ta Village and detecting the location of Ta Village's surveillance. Shortly after the second team entered Ta Village, the third team also arrived at the entrance of Ta Village.

"Dear audience friends, we are now in a village called Ta Village. What you can see is that after the typhoon and rainstorm last night, this village..."

After this group of people arrived at Ta Village, the female agent disguised as a reporter on camera seemed very professional and gave a preliminary oral broadcast to the camera controlled by the cameraman.

"What are you doing?" After this oral broadcast ended, Li Shengwen also came over: "Interview? Okay, go in."


The fourth group disguised themselves as people from the Epidemic Prevention Bureau to do hydrological monitoring after the typhoon and rainstorm. They are mainly responsible for extracting water samples from Ta Village and detecting the content of elements in it.

The fifth groupThey were disguised as people from the Health Department, responsible for extracting the garbage from Ta Village. The production of fake A-grade goods would definitely produce corresponding garbage and waste.

"Okay, go in."

Li Shengwen at the interception point in Ta Village waved his hand and let the people from the Health Department in.

They had no doubts about this. After all, when Ta Village experienced typhoons and heavy rains, people from the municipal government and other relevant departments came to Ta Village.

As the groups entered Ta Village one by one, the A Plan Office continued to receive reports that they had entered safely.

After the fifth group successfully entered, their tense hearts were slightly relaxed.


And Li Yaodong.

He also retracted his gaze from the village entrance. After all, he was just a mortal body with limited vision. He could not say that he could see the five special action teams entering Ta Village with his own eyesight.

At this time, he came to the computer and tapped a certain key, and then switched to the surveillance of their Ta Village.

These surveillances recorded the scenes of these special action teams entering Ta Village.

On the surface, these special action teams looked like ordinary reporters, people from the Electricity Bureau, etc., but with the memory of the genuine "Ta Village", Li Yaodong could naturally see their true identities.

Looking at these scenes, Li Yaodong had a wooden look on his face.


Soon after.

Li Yaodong stared at a picture.

In this picture, it was the special action team disguised as the Environmental Sanitation Bureau, who was about to leave his village after collecting the garbage.


At a certain moment, Li Yaodong made an onomatopoeic mouth shape.

The next second, the car of the Environmental Sanitation Bureau was knocked over by a large truck.

"Sorry, sorry." The person who knocked over the car of the Environmental Sanitation Bureau was an ordinary villager in Ta Village. This guy had no idea about his driving skills. He just got his driver's license, but he wanted to use his father's large truck to practice practical operation.

But he didn't expect to knock the sanitation department's car over.

Although the typhoon has passed, the wind today is not small. The garbage scattered on the ground by the sanitation car that was knocked over was also blown away by the wind.


Li Yaodong, who was watching this scene on the computer screen, had already guessed it in his heart, but he couldn't help twitching.

He naturally knew that this was not arranged by himself.

But in the eyes of everyone in Plan A, it was not the case.

'Is it really still pushing myself towards the ending of "Ta Zhai"? '

Such a thought came to Li Yaodong's mind.


Not only did this team disguised as the Health Department have unexpected situations, but other teams also had accidents.

At this time, the power inspection team.

"Who do you say stole electricity? Tell me clearly!" An old man who looked very kind heard that the people from the power department checked his line and said that he might have stolen electricity. The old man immediately exploded.

The old man's name is Li Shui. He looks kind and amiable, but because he is a lonely old man, he is very sensitive to what others say. Now the person who inspected the electricity actually said that he was suspected of stealing electricity, which was equivalent to touching his reverse scale.

He naturally exploded.


The people in the electricity inspection team were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the old man who looked kind and amiable would just casually say that there was a possibility of stealing electricity, and the other party would explode directly.

In fact, what they said was just an excuse for checking the line below.


The nearby villagers who heard the noise also ran out of their homes.

"What are you talking about? Who stole electricity? Isn't this slandering my uncle Shui?"

"Yes, weDo people in Ta Village need to steal electricity?"

"Isn't this bullying? Shui Bo, don't be afraid."

"You come to our Ta Village to bully people."

People in Ta Village respect Li Shui Bo, because he was the only middle school teacher in Ta Village before he retired. But he never married.


The group disguised as reporters.

"Dear audience, we..." After the "female reporter" arrived at a place, she was going to take pictures according to the procedure, but before she finished speaking, screams rang out.

"Ahhhhh. What are you doing? "

It was the voice of a middle-aged woman, and the voice was very sharp, because just now the woman was going to take a shower, but she neglected to close the curtains.

And it was a coincidence.

The position of the reporter and the cameraman determined that the camera was aimed at the bathroom of the other party's house at this time.

After understanding what was going on, the faces of the group members changed again and again.

"Scolded the neighbor next door. "

At this time, the husband and son of the middle-aged woman also knew what was going on, and they rushed out angrily.


The team disguised as an epidemic prevention station and responsible for hydrological monitoring.

They had just put the samples into the box, and several children chased and played over, and suddenly knocked the box containing the samples to the ground.

With a crackling sound, the samples in the glassware inside were knocked to the ground.

But these children were all naughty children. When they saw that they had broken other people's things, they actually started crying first.

The crying naturally attracted the children's parents and other people from Ta Village who came to watch the excitement.


The first group, that is, the group of civil affairs inspection, did not show such antagonistic intentions. Besides, after the inspection, the team arrived at noon, and they were directly pulled to the dinner table by the enthusiastic villagers of Ta Village.

Because the villagers of Ta Village were too enthusiastic, they always asked them to drink. After a while, the team could not bear the alcohol and fell to the ground drunk.


Li Yaodong looked at the situation of each group through the village surveillance. Seeing that these groups were all wiped out in the end, he was speechless again.

'The faces of the people in Plan A must be ugly. ' Such a thought came to Li Yaodong's mind.


In the office of Plan A.

Li Weimin and others looked very ugly.

"Could it be that this uncle Dong Li Yaodong was not paralyzed by us? From the beginning to the end, he knew that we were still investigating him?" Li Fei seemed to have thought of something, so he spoke.

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