"......From the beginning to the end, you all knew that we were still investigating him, right?" Li Fei said solemnly.

Otherwise, this situation would not have happened, right?


Hearing this, the faces of the people in Plan A changed.

Their subsequent plans were based on the fact that the other party had been paralyzed by them.

If the other party knew the truth all along, then wouldn't their plan become a clown plan? What the hell are they doing?

Hearing this, Li Weimin's face changed, but after a few thoughts flashed through his mind, he shook his head and said:


"If he hadn't been paralyzed by us, he wouldn't have always made that kind of meaningful expression to intimidate the person who cooperated with him for the first time, that is, my old friend, to imply that seemingly ordinary things actually hide mysteries."

"Moreover, after the typhoon and rainstorm, it is also a normal procedure for the municipal department to come to inspect and comfort the relevant situation."


Hearing this, everyone in Plan A nodded, thinking that what they said by Li Shu made sense.

However, what exactly happened in Ta Village.

Soon, Li Weimin also gave an answer:

"This uncle Dong is just used to being cautious.

For any outsider, this uncle Dong, who is used to being cautious, will treat the other party as a potential enemy."

And for this answer, Li Fei also made his own summary.

"It's just a guilty conscience." He curled his lips and said.


Deputy Captain Lou Xiaoping, who had been silent in Plan A and always observed quietly, shook his head slightly, and heard the resentment in Li Fei's words.

In fact, in his eyes, the Dongshu Li Yaodong's subconscious defensive posture without knowing whether the enemy existed or not, gave him the feeling that he was more like the evil dragon in the myth -

In the myth, even if the notorious evil dragon was sleeping, the evil dragon breath it spewed unconsciously could make the creatures who coveted him pay a painful price.

However, no matter what, their special action team plan this time was a complete failure.

And this means that their end will fall on Zhao Jialiang, which means that Zhao Jialiang will have to take risks.

"I think..."

At this time, Li Fei thought about it and spoke again.


At the same time, in Li Yaodong's office.

Li Yaodong was speechless.

Originally, he was still thinking yesterday that it felt great that all the misunderstandings were under his control.

Today, there was a mistake that he had no control over.

And thinking like this... he was worried.

'The story is still going on with the ending of the original version of "Tazhai", so my final ending will not become the ending of Dongshu of Tazhai in "Tazhai" being thrown into prison, right? '

When this thought just emerged, this worry seemed to take root in his heart and spread wildly.

However, in essence, he has never done anything very criminal, and even if there are more mistakes, it can't change this fact.

But then, he thought of his plan of breaking down and then rebuilding.

"Will there be any accidents with the agricultural and sideline products such as Bingtang from the Middle East folks?" Li Yaodong muttered to himself.

He decided to keep a close eye on this matter in case there are any problems.


"I don't think Uncle Zhao needs to take risks." Li Fei continued in the A Plan office:

"Li Yaodong mentioned yesterday that there must be some problems with the agricultural and sideline products sold to the people of Middle East."

"If we can really find any problems with the agricultural and sideline products, we can act immediately without waiting."


Hearing this, everyone in the A Plan's eyes lit up, and then they all looked at Li Fei in surprise.

This LiIn their impression, Fei was a reckless person, and they really didn't expect that he could put forward such a constructive point of view this time.

Even Li Weimin, Li Fei's adoptive father, couldn't help but look at his adopted son. He felt that the other party's idea was indeed feasible.

Then, Li Weimin contacted their informant in Ta Village, that is, Li Zonghui, the head of the third house, and asked him to pay attention to the production process of the agricultural and sideline products sold to the villagers of Middle East.


Two days passed in a row.

Even though Li Zonghui had been secretly paying attention to the production of that batch of agricultural and sideline products, he found that...

"Is it ordinary agricultural and sideline products that are produced?"

After receiving the news, Li Weimin frowned.

'But how is this possible? ' Everyone in Plan A also frowned and felt gloomy.

"Do you think it is possible that this batch of agricultural and sideline products will be replaced with something else during the transportation from Ta Village?" Sun Danian said.


After hearing this, everyone in Plan A couldn't help but think about it. They felt that this was really possible.

Then, another day passed, and the batch of agricultural and sideline products needed by the villagers of Middle East was produced.

Several trucks set out from Ta Village, and their destination was the customs that Ta Village often went through when exporting overseas.

Plan A, which used satellites and drones to monitor Ta Village, monitored this scene.

At the same time, Li Zonghui, the head of the third room, also sent the same news.

Suddenly, everyone in Plan A was refreshed.

Although they only waited for one day, they felt that they had been living a long time.

And now they finally waited for this batch of agricultural and sideline products to leave Ta Village.

"Let our people act." Li Weimin said.

He didn't believe that this batch of agricultural and sideline products was really ordinary agricultural and sideline products.


(11th round of power generation, power generation 3973, 3/19. 18:56)

(12th round of power generation begins, power generation: 973)

(Don't cheat anyone, and repay what you owe)

(Plot preparation in progress...)

(Fellow villagers, if you still have extra power generation, please put it in Xiao An's bowl, set the bowl!)

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