This kid? This? ? ? ? ! ... If Li Yaodong knew that Li Qisheng was able to analyze these because the other party had put himself into his thinking, he might be even more unable to hold back.

Because this shows to a certain extent that he is the most punished person.


Li Yaodong naturally didn't know this.

In fact, he had originally planned to wait until he heard Li Qisheng's answer, and then guide him according to his thinking, so as to mislead him many times and increase the output to achieve the effect of breaking without building, that is, to make the other party change his perception of himself.

However, now that the other party has directly imagined his own plan, what's the point of guiding?


Li Qisheng certainly didn't know the psychological activities of their Ta Village Dongshu Li Yaodong.

He was still analyzing on his own and came to the conclusion:

"So these agricultural and sideline products, soldier soups given to the Middle East folks, should be ordinary agricultural and sideline products."

"That's why Uncle Dong, you clearly knew Zhao Jialiang's identity as Jing Fang's undercover agent, but you still hinted at him in front of him."

"That's why Jing Fang's multiple rounds of overt or covert inspections didn't find anything."


After saying these words, Li Qisheng also looked at Uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

After all, these were all his own guesses.

Although he felt that his guesses were probably very close to the facts.

But it still needed to be verified by Uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

"Uncle Dong, do you think I guessed right?"

He asked.


'Guessed wrong? Did we guess wrong? How could this be......'

In the A plan office.

Li Weimin's expression changed, and such a thought came to his mind.

"Are these ordinary agricultural and sideline products?"

Li Fei said directly with a hoarse voice.

This statement also expressed the inner thoughts of everyone present.


Although they did not believe it, it seemed that the final answer was like this.

You know, along the way, they conducted dozens of waves of inspections on the convoy transporting agricultural and sideline products in Ta Village, and in this process, they were secretly watching and did not find that these agricultural and sideline products were replaced.

Moreover, when they arrived at the customs, in order to avoid any problems at the customs, they also replaced the people who inspected these agricultural and sideline products with those of their plan A.

But whether before or after entering the customs, they found agricultural and sideline products, all ordinary agricultural and sideline products.

Then the final answer is only this one, that is, a convoy of ordinary agricultural and sideline products.

"Are we overthinking it? In fact, what Li Yaodong said when he answered the call from his fellow villager in Middle East didn't have any deep meaning?"

At this time, Sun DanianHe also spoke up.


After hearing what Sun Danian said, everyone in Plan A fell silent.

They couldn't help but wonder, is it because they have always had tinted glasses for this uncle Dong Li Yaodong, so they would subconsciously think deeply about what he did, but in fact, he just sold agricultural and sideline products to the people of Middle East to expand his business?

But such an answer made them a little unacceptable.


'The answer is ordinary agricultural and sideline products. '

Feeling the curious eyes of Li Qisheng looking at him, listening to the other party asking if he guessed right.

Li Yaodong was speechless, of course the other party guessed right.

Those agricultural and sideline products are just ordinary agricultural and sideline products.

But if he affirmed the other party's answer, how could he change the other party's cognition?

At this moment, Li Yaodong was speechless.

Then, his mind flashed.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

Finally, Li Yaodong narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Qisheng, but did not answer the other party's question, but asked back:

"Do you really think those are just ordinary agricultural and sideline products?"


This seems to be just an ordinary rhetorical question, but both his expression and tone are full of deep meaning.

This is naturally also deliberately misleading the other party. He knows that these agricultural and sideline products are ordinary agricultural and sideline products.

But why did he continue to mislead after Li Qisheng had almost guessed his plan of [increasing output, breaking without building]?

In fact, it is very simple. The general policy of this plan of [increasing output, breaking without building] is not wrong at all.

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