Time flies. It has been several days since Li Qisheng had a video call with the middle-aged man from Middle East.

During these days, the middle-aged man from Middle East also used video calls according to his "promise" to let Li Qisheng see what kind of people they are.

However, after these days, Li Qisheng became more and more confused.

'Aren't they still pirates? '

Li Qisheng thought to himself.


These days, the "work" that this group of people are engaged in is the "work" of pirates, which is to rob passing ships, but these people seem to be more disciplined than ordinary pirates.

Moreover, these people seem to hate the Jialima people more, and when robbing Jialima ships, they extort more fiercely.

On this day, the same pirate used video calls to show Li Qisheng the situation of himself and others.

'These ships? ’

Li Qisheng saw the situation over there through the video call, and noticed that the ships with their Dragon Country characters were nearby.

And on these ships, of course, were the cargo ships carrying agricultural and sideline products.


At this time, Ahmed, the middle-aged man from Middle East who was video chatting with Li Qisheng, was relieved when he saw the cargo ship.

Immediately, he gave an order in the common language of the Middle East region, Mishant.

Soon after, the cargo ship arrived at a coast and docked.

The batch of agricultural and sideline products was transported down.


All of this was very boring, and Li Qisheng couldn't hold back.

After all, the other party had said before that they would show him their true identity, but now, the other party was still acting like a pirate.

However, just when Li Qisheng was about to say something, his eyes suddenly widened.

After loading the agricultural and sideline products, following the order of the middle-aged man Ahmed, the pirates took out a package and quickly took out the clothes in the package.

In a short while, these people changed into the clothes of an organization that Li Qisheng seemed to have seen on the news.

This? Seeing this scene, Li Qisheng was shocked and seemed to understand something.

‘Uncle Dong, is this a collaboration with a small organization in Middle East? ’

An idea came to his mind.


What are these agricultural and sideline products used for?

He also had some guesses about this.

Quickly, Li Qisheng took a screenshot and searched which organization this organization was through the clothes on the other party.

It didn’t take long for Li Qisheng to find out which organization this organization was.

And this organization is not a particularly famous organization, but just a small organization.

The reason why he felt that this organization was very familiar was that he happened to see it on the news.

In fact, the Middle East area is quite chaotic, with numerous organizations of all sizes. It was really a coincidence that Li Qisheng noticed this small organization.

After all, the most eye-catching thing in Middle East now is the Inler dispute. Most people who pay attention to the situation in Middle East will only pay attention to the Inler dispute, and will not pay much attention to other conflicts and organizations.

Then, Li Qisheng searched the Internet for the uses of agricultural and sideline products such as Bingtang.

After reading the uses of agricultural and sideline products.

Quickly, he outlined what the whole thing was about.


You know, Tang was a strategic material during the station war, and it was even called wartime gold.

First of all, because Tang has water retention, it can prevent food from spoiling, so it is very useful to use it to preserve food in war-torn areas.

In addition, Tang is also an important source of human nutrition. 100 grams of white Tang can provide people with 400 calories, but 100 grams of rice providesThe calories are only 115 kcal, which means that one serving of white Tang can provide almost 4 servings of calories. It is enough to see the rarity of Tang in wartime.

In addition, when necessary, Tang can even be used to treat wounds instead of drugs.

Because based on the principle of osmosis, high-concentration Tang solution can cause cells and other microorganisms to lose water and die. In an emergency, Tang can be used to simply treat wounds. Tang water can be sprinkled on the wound instead of salt water, which is helpful for inhibiting bacteria, cleaning and drying wounds.

In Li Qisheng, it seems that Uncle Dong sold Tang, a wartime gold, to this small separatist organization, that is, Wuzhuang Stop, because he knew the use of Tang.

Therefore, these agricultural and sideline products can be so valuable.

'It turned out that you are doing agricultural and sideline product business with a small separatist organization that is not well-known? '

Li Qisheng finally came to such a conclusion.

Then, he was relieved.


Although cooperating with a small separatist organization in Middle East was a bit criminal, they were really selling agricultural and sideline products, and they didn't get involved any deeper, so it was nothing.

'But, Uncle Dong is too......'

However, although he knew all this, Li Qisheng still felt that his Uncle Dong was too awesome.

He simply played with agricultural and sideline products in a fancy way.

At the beginning, the other party took advantage of the oolong to whitewash himself.

In this regard, he already felt that his Uncle Dong's brain circuit was already big enough to explode.

But he didn't expect that Uncle Dong would give him such a fancy trick again-

He didn't expect that ordinary agricultural and sideline products could be used in this way. When an ordinary agricultural and sideline product was sold in different regions, the price was actually very different.


'So it's a small organization in Middle East? '

At that time, when Li Qisheng heard the other party carefully say that he wanted to show his true identity, he was still nervous.

I thought it was a very important identity, but I didn't expect it was just an ordinary small organization.

This scared him.

He couldn't help but curl his lips.

Originally, Li Qisheng thought so, but everything that happened in the next few days made Li Qisheng almost pop his eyes out.

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