Hearing this, everyone in Plan A nodded subconsciously, and they all agreed with Li Fei's guess.

However, this time the matter did end a bit anticlimactic.

At the beginning, they all thought there was something deeper and darker, but the final answer was that the other party worked with the pirates to sell agricultural and sideline products as luxury goods?

Although doing business with pirates has exceeded many people's imagination, after all, when it comes to the profession of pirates, all kinds of negative words will emerge in the minds of ordinary people, such as cruelty, murder, and viciousness. Doing business with people in this profession is equivalent to seeking the skin of a tiger, but Li Yaodong is doing well.

However, Li Yaodong is a person who has played these official personnel around. Even if they know that the other party is a criminal, they can't do anything to him.

And now the final answer is that the other party cooperated with the pirates.

This naturally makes people feel anticlimactic.

And doing business with pirates is not illegal.

In fact, there was a Hong Kong star who was kidnapped by pirates. He used his eloquence to persuade the pirates to let him go and started a clothing business with them.

As long as it involves smuggling, that is, fake and inferior A goods, there is no problem.

And Li Yaodong's batch of agricultural and sideline products went through the proper customs, and all the taxes that should be paid were paid.

In fact, the reason why they, Longguo, are so fierce in cracking down on smuggling is, to a certain extent, because of the behavior of smuggled fans not paying taxes.


"It's my fault too." At this time, Deputy Captain Lou Xiaoping also spoke up.

It was he who proposed to pay attention to the words of Li Yaodong that there was a darker darkness under the lamp. He also said that there might be a deeper darkness hidden under the lamp of Li Yaodong, a criminal.

It was precisely because of his misleading words that the people in Plan A thought things were complicated.

And the current result shows that he really thought too much.

"I reflect that I thought too much. What deeper darkness? Just listen to what I say." He smiled bitterly and said, "In the future, professional matters should be handed over to professionals."

In fact, it's not his fault that he thought too much. After all, he learned about Li Yaodong's situation from Plan A. Li Yaodong is a man of deep scheming, and his words and deeds are full of deep meaning.


'Ah. ' Lou Xiaoping sighed again in his heart.

Originally, their Plan A was thinking about whether they could find a breakthrough from the agricultural and sideline products sold to Middle East this time, so that they could act without waiting for Zhao Jialiang to trade with Li Yaodong.

However, now their plan is bankrupt.

After all, even if these agricultural and sideline products eventually ran into the hands of those pirates, Li Yaodong's entire transaction was carried out according to the normal process.

The other party did not violate the law from beginning to end in this matter.

In other words, things are back to square one. If they want to bring Dongshu Li Yaodong to justice, the final destination is still Zhao Jialiang.

And this is equivalent to wasting their energy in vain.


"Old Lou, how can you be blamed for this incident?" Hearing Lou Xiaoping's words, Li Weimin also said: "Even if you don't say that there is darkness under the lamp, we will definitely think in a complicated direction."

This is not him consoling the other party. During this period of time, they have been dealing with Dongshu Li Yaodong, and they have been repeatedly at a disadvantage. In this case, they have already become stressful, or feel like a frightened bird. Once the other party does something, they will think deeply.


"However, this incident also reminds us." Li Weimin continued: "For this Uncle Dong, we should despise the enemy strategically and take the enemy seriously tactically. We should not be frightened and have a calm mind."

Hearing this, everyone nodded. This incident did remind them that they can take the other party seriously, but they cannot lose their basic judgment because of taking the other party seriously.

Just like this time, it was just a matter of selling agricultural and sideline products to pirates, but they were as if they were facing a great enemy, wasting manpower and material resources.


And Li Qisheng's side.

"Mr. Li, please tell Mr. Dongshu that we shouldn't hide our identities, and we hope to get his forgiveness." The middle-aged man who looked like Middle East said.

"What identity?" Li Qisheng asked subconsciously. He was a little confused now, and he didn't notice that the other party used Mr. Dongshu, such an inappropriate word, to call them Dongshu.

The next moment, he saw clearly where the middle-aged man was.

The other party was standing on a huge ocean-going fishing boat, and on this boat, there were several heavy firepower, and when he looked over, with a boom, these heavy firepower blasted towards a cargo ship in the distance.

Then, Li Qisheng saw the flag hanging on this pirate ship transformed from an ocean-going fishing boat.

That was obviously a pirate flag.

Seeing this scene, Li Qisheng seemed to understand something, and he was stunned.

"Are you pirates?" After a few seconds, after digesting what he saw, Li Qisheng asked.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man from Middle East who was talking to him shook his head:

"It's just a superficial identity."

"Next, I will show you our true identity."

He said with a wry smile:

"Of course, Mr. Dongshu should have known this identity a long time ago."

"But he didn't expose us, but watched us perform like clowns silently."

"We were wrong." At this, he lowered his head.


In the eyes of the middle-aged man from Middle East, Mr. Dongshu must have known their identities a long time ago, and he must have wanted them to confess voluntarily, but they still thought that the other party didn't know their identities, and they were playing tricks, using the excuse that they bought agricultural and sideline products and wanted to sell them as luxury goods to trade with Mr. Dongshu.

Even, they didn't even confess to Mr. Dongshu that they were pirates.

During the transaction, they paid Mr. Dongshu the price of luxury goods.

However, treating agricultural and sideline products as luxury goods is not enough to match the value of this batch of agricultural and sideline products - you know, in war-torn areas like theirs, Bingtang agricultural and sideline products are a strategic item...

When their leader was talking to Mr. Dongshu, Mr. Dongshu nodded. It was not the sound of firecrackers on their side, but the sound of fighting.

At this time, they understood that Mr. Dongshu had already seen through their identities.

He had been unable to tolerate their deception.


It was precisely to express their sincerity and to make up for it that they settled the payment for this batch of goods in advance and gave the price of this batch of agricultural and sideline products, 10 million US dollars.

But later, Mr. Dongshu called them and told them that other people would be responsible for their business in the future.

This is also Mr. Dongshu's expression of his dissatisfaction.

This seems to be telling them that if they don't confess and still play tricks, their supply of agricultural and sideline products may be cut off.


"Not a pirate?"

"Will you show me your true identity?"

Hearing the other party's words, Li Qisheng was stunned. When he saw the pirate's logo on the ship, he instantly figured out what happened-

Uncle Dong sold these agricultural and sideline products to pirates, and then these pirates sold these agricultural and sideline products to war-torn areas like Middle East, and their agricultural and sideline products were of good quality and looked good.

Maybe in the eyes of the big dogs in Middle East, they are some rare and fine products, and they may really sell for a sky-high price-although he feels that even if so, these agricultural and sideline products are more than 10 million US dollars.

But this person actually said that pirates are just him.Their surface identities?

What about the identities of these people?

What are those agricultural and sideline products used for?


‘What the hell! ’

Thinking of this, Li Qisheng felt a sense of fear.

As a bold man, he couldn't help but have a thought.

‘Why do I feel that Uncle Dong is getting more and more cruel? ’

If a very cruel person like him feels that Uncle Dong is cruel, then Uncle Dong Li Yaodong is really cruel.


(The twelfth round of power generation began, power generation: 4197, 3/24, 18:41)

(Additional chapters, next week, trying to maintain the update, really no time to write when I return to my hometown)

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