"Any news?" Li Weimin asked directly.

After all, he knew the style of the special department and knew that this department had never liked to talk nonsense.

"There is news." The person on the other end of the phone said:

"This company is indeed located in Oman."


When the fellow from Middle East told Li Yaodong before, he said that the place where he was located was relatively peaceful.

Although Oman is located in the war-torn area of ​​Middle East, it is relatively peaceful. This country is also known as the only peaceful oasis in Middle East.

"But this company is a shell company." The person on the other end of the phone continued.


Hearing this, everyone in Plan A was shocked.

They knew there must be something wrong.

But they still couldn't figure it out. Obviously, those agricultural and sideline products were just ordinary agricultural and sideline products, but why were they sold at sky-high prices.

However, listening to the voice of their Li Weimin turning on the hands-free call, none of them raised this question.

Because they knew that the people in this special department would definitely have something to say later, maybe they had already found out something.

Then, the people in this special department uttered two words: "Pirates!"


Hearing this, Li Weimin frowned. He knew the people in the special department and liked to speak briefly, but this was too brief.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"After our investigation, this shell company is connected to a pirate active in the waters near the Middle East area."

The person from the special department on the other end of the phone also knew that what he had just said was indeed too concise. After thinking about it, he reorganized his words and explained:

"And we also investigated the shipping route from our Dragon Country to Oman. On this shipping route, this pirate group has appeared frequently in the past few months."

"And if you calculate the time, it was exactly when the first transaction between the village you mentioned and the shell company began, and then this place was frequently piracy."

"The pirate's activity area was not here before."


Hearing this, everyone in Plan A seemed to understand something.

But the person from the special department continued: "Moreover, this shell company has traded with the village several times, but has never received the goods."

Hearing this, everyone in Plan A has connected all the things.

The facts are now very clear.

That is, the person who actually traded with Tacun or Li Yaodong was the pirate active in the waters near Middle East.

Li Yaodong has always been very cautious and cunning. He was obviously trading with pirates, but he followed the normal process, and this batch of agricultural and sideline products would not reach the shell company at all, but went to the pirates halfway.


"Luxury goods." The person from the special department said three words concisely.

When the person from the special department just mentioned pirates, they were a little confused, but now that they roughly understood the other party's style, they also instantly understood what the other party meant from these three words.

The other party meant that after the pirates got this batch of agricultural and sideline products, they would sell this batch of high-quality agricultural and sideline products as luxury goods.

Although the Middle East region has been in war for many years, the resources here are also extremely rich.

There are many big dog owners.


If an item has the attributes of a luxury item, then the price will increase several times or even ten times, which is understandable.

After understanding everything, everyone in the A Plan Office was shocked.

They really didn't expect that this Dongshu Li YaoDong actually started doing business with pirates.

"This uncle Dong Li Yaodong's way is quite wild." Li Fei couldn't help but sarcastically said: "He dares to cooperate with such a vicious group as pirates. If you say he is a good person, even ghosts will not believe it."

"But this Li Yaodong is really a talent. He can actually think of selling agricultural and sideline products to pirates." Sun Danian couldn't help but say: "If he uses his ability in the right way, his future will definitely be limitless."


Hearing this, everyone in Plan A nodded subconsciously. Although the other party stood on the opposite side of them in terms of position, they had to admit that the other party was really a talent.

At this time, this conversation that was close to chatting also showed that everyone in Plan A was relaxed.

After all.

The greatest fear actually comes from the unknown.

The fear in their hearts before was because they couldn't figure out why ordinary agricultural and sideline products were so valuable.


And now, they finally understood that Li Yaodong sold this batch of agricultural and sideline products to pirates, and the pirates sold these top-quality agricultural and sideline products that looked much better than ordinary agricultural and sideline products as luxury goods.

"I thought that this uncle Dong Li Yaodong hinted that there was some mystery in the agricultural and sideline products sold to the people of Middle East. It turns out that the so-called mystery is just to cooperate with pirates?"

Li Fei said in a relaxed mood:

"I guess he just wants to shock Uncle Zhao through this hint. After all, in his eyes, Uncle Zhao is the first smuggler to cooperate with him. Only by shocking him well can he better control the rhythm and prevent Uncle Zhao from having any tricks."

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