The other party told him such a nickname directly.

Although the pronunciation of the four words [Dangerous Uncle Dong] sounded very awkward to the other party as a Middle East native, he still understood what the four words meant.

And the four words, which are similar to nicknames, make people imagine as soon as they hear them.


Hearing Li Qisheng's surprised voice, Ahmed knew that the other party should not know this Mr. Dongshu, the name that is circulated in a certain level in their Middle East.

"Yes, it is Dangerous Uncle Dong." Ahmed confirmed Li Qisheng's pronunciation of the four words.

When he said these four words, he couldn't help but flow out of awe in his eyes.


Then, Ahmed talked about some rumors about Dangerous Uncle Dong.

However, it seems that those who really understand the four words "Dangerous Uncle Dong" are very awed by him, so the rumors that have been spread are very superficial, and they dare not spread rumors about more in-depth things.

But this also adds to the mystery of Dangerous Uncle Dong.


In the rumors, this Dangerous Uncle Dong seemed to have come to Middle East for a tour, but it seemed that something happened and he stayed in Middle East for a while. It was during this short period of time that this Dangerous Uncle Dong, starting from the most insignificant mercenary, finally had great power and was called Dangerous Uncle Dong by some insiders.

"...... In these rumors, there is also a frequently mentioned saying that when you hear the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong, you will also be watched by his eyes, and you must not reveal the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong, otherwise you will be killed."

Ahmed said solemnly.

If Li Yaodong heard what Ahmed said here, he would definitely have countless question marks on his forehead. Why does this rumor sound so familiar? Isn't this just a copy of his international identity made up by the system?


At this time, Li Qisheng was shocked when he heard these words. He didn't expect that their Uncle Dong actually had such a reputation in a certain level of the circle in the huge Middle East.

"Dangerous Uncle Dong, Dangerous Uncle Dong."

He murmured the name, and he didn't know why such a simple four words made him feel an inexplicable sense of awe.

There was also a sense of honor.

After all, the other party was his Uncle Dong, and their Uncle Dong from Ta Village had a very attractive name like Dangerous Uncle Dong in Middle East, so he was naturally proud of it.


In fact, the reason why Li Yaodong had the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong at a certain level in Middle East was still the fault of the leader of this territory organization.

Didn't he spread the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong in order to lay the groundwork?

And the other leaders of other territories who had received calls from Li Yaodong and had cooperated with him a few times also felt that the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong could intimidate others.

After all, these people, like the leaders of the organization in this territory, were also on Li Yaodong's pirate ship. And if it was spread that they helped Ahmed's organization, it would be a disaster.


At this time, there was such a rumor about Dangerous Uncle Dong, and they all used this rumor to scare their subordinates. In the process, they also added fuel to the fire for the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong.

At the same time, the Middle East region was frequently in war, and the leaders of a certain territory were replaced relatively quickly. For example, the leader of the organization in the territory that Ahmed just passed by was shot dead.

...........................................What kind of situation did this create?

It created——

The first group of people who knew the truth about the rumor of Dangerous Uncle Dong brought the truth to the ground in this "renewal".

The successors of this first group of people who helped each other felt that what the former boss of their organization said was true.

In this process, the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong really became the truth in a sense.

They all believed in the horror of Dangerous Uncle Dong.

Now, they really kept silent about the name of Dangerous Uncle Dong.


Of course, the key to this was unknown to Li Qisheng and Ahmed.

After Ahmed finished talking about the meaning of the name Dangerous Uncle Dong, he fell silent. He was not a talkative person.

For a moment, Li Qisheng didn't know what to say, so both sides fell silent.

Ahmed was bored at this time and used his satellite phone to open the dark web.

The so-called dark web is a network unknown to ordinary people.

On this network, many things that exceed the limit of human psychological endurance are circulated and presented on it.

For example, things like human trafficking can be posted on the Internet openly, and you can even customize the real slaves you want on it.

Of course, some important information can also be obtained through the dark web.


Ahmad usually visits the dark web, mainly focusing on the news from Middle East.

If you pay attention, you may see a lot of secret news on the dark web.

After all, the dark web is a place without any rules and restrictions.

After Ahmad logged on to the dark web, he came to a forum in the Middle East area where he often visited.

He slid the screen of his mobile phone, and when he saw a post that interested him, he would click in.

Suddenly, a certain inconspicuous post made his pupils shrink sharply.

Then, he entered this post.

And the content of the post made his heart tremble violently.


(The twelfth round of power generation has begun, power generation: 4954, 3/26, 20:15)

(This is an extra chapter)

(The thirteenth round of power generation has begun. Power generation: 1954. It seems that I really can't owe more chapters. After paying off this chapter, I will add more chapters soon.)

(During the period of changing the name of the book, the traffic has been cut in half. I beg all the folks to support me with love and power generation, woo woo woo.)

(I haven't set the bowl for a long time, set the bowl:


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