"So, Middle East fellow, you have to be careful." Li Yaodong didn't understand what this Middle East fellow was thinking, so he gave him another warning and looked at him meaningfully.

However, after looking at him like this, he realized why he was still using such a misleading look.

It seems that he has been acting like a big shot in front of Li Qisheng too many times recently, and he is used to it.

However, there is no problem.

After all, Middle East fellow is just an ordinary businessman. Even if he looks at him with such a misleading look, there will be no problem.

At most, it will make the other party feel confused.

At this time, after being looked at by Li Yaodong, Abbas felt bitter in his heart.

It seems that his guess is not wrong at all.

This dangerous Mr. Dongshu means this.


Li Yaodong came here to see if Li Qisheng understood the truth. Now that the other party understands what is going on, his purpose is naturally achieved.

He said hello to Li Qisheng and Yabas and left leisurely.

Through the video call screen, Yabas watched Li Yaodong leave and then looked away from the video call screen.

Then, he turned around and told his confidant Ahmed:

"Open the encrypted communication channel of our Pailishi Indians' video and audio."

Hearing this, Ahmed was stunned, and then he operated according to his leader's instructions. He pointed a camera in the office at Yabas and clicked a few times on a machine box.

After confirming that he was ready, Ahmed gestured to his leader.

And the next moment, Yabas's words made him angry and excited.


"All the people of Pailishi Indians, from now on, our Haimai Group also has a supporter behind it, and it's that person!"

Just facing the camera, Yabas said so.

Hearing this, Ahmed was stunned at first, and then his eyes were filled with tears.

You know, their Haimai group has always been a group of isolated troops fighting alone.

Supporters have been a term for a long time.

At this time, he also understood who his leader Abbas was referring to, and that was Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.

But soon, he became confused.

In the video call just now, Mr. Dong did not say that he would support their Haimai group.


However, Ahmed could become Abbas's trusted subordinate, even if the latter was quick-witted, he was not a fool.

After a little thought, he understood it.

Just now, the dangerous uncle Dong said that their Middle East was too chaotic, but the subtext was that it was not chaotic enough.

He wanted them to take the initiative to make the entire Middle East even more chaotic.

And this is equivalent to giving them orders directly. But who can give them orders? Only those who support them behind the scenes can do it.

In an instant, he understood why the leader of his own Haimai group said so.

There is support, and they have supporters behind them.

At the same time, Ahmed also understood why their leader Yabas asked him to open this encrypted channel.

This is a pre-war mobilization for all the people in their Pailishiyin area, letting them know that there are people supporting them behind them, so as to boost their morale.


At this time, in the Pailishiyin area.

A shabby house somewhere.

——In fact, although this house is shabby, this family is considered very wealthy in the entire Pailishiyin area. After all, a large number of people have no houses to live in and can only live in small tents made of plastic sheets and other things that seem to be found in the garbage dump.

At this time, in this house.

A child with a dirty face, about seven or eight years old, is watching a black and white TV at home that looks very old and shabby.

However, at this time, this seven or eight-year-old child is not watchingThe cartoons that children of their age should watch.

In fact, as children living in war-torn areas like the Palisin people, they are not qualified to watch cartoons full of innocence and childishness, because in war-torn areas, even children are not qualified to be innocent. Innocence is the greatest luxury here.


And children like them watch the King's Channel of the Palisin people.

It is called the King's Channel, but in fact, it shows the battle scenes between the Inler army and the Palisin people.

In the picture, the bloody scene without mosaics, in a peaceful area, even an adult would feel sick.

But this child did not react at all.

The reason why these children watch this kind of picture from an early age is to let them know who their enemies are, and to adapt to the battle through these pictures.

In this way, when they grow up, they can pick up guns as soon as possible and grow into warriors as soon as possible.


This situation may seem cruel to people living in a peaceful country, but in fact, it is just an ordinary growth experience of every Palisin person, and there is nothing strange about it.

At this moment, the child was concentrating on watching the Junshi Channel.

However, at this moment.

The picture of the Junshi Channel suddenly changed.

The child showed a puzzled look.

But soon, he also recognized the person who appeared on the TV. It was their leader of the Pailishi Indians, Abbas.


"All the people of the Pailishi Indians, from now on, our Haimai Group also has a supporter behind it, it's that person!"

And the father of this child happened to push the door in and heard this voice, and he was immediately... stunned.


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