At this moment,

Under the attention of the crowd, the 10,000-man First Division of Abbas marched towards the Inler garrison.

At this time, the garrison troops stationed in Inler and the Palisin region were dumbfounded.

‘What happened? ’


You know, some time ago, they had just fought a battle with the Haimai Regiment in Inler, and that battle ended with their victory.

But it was also a bitter victory, which can be said to be a loss of 800 for a thousand enemies.

Because both sides suffered heavy losses, they entered a stage of delicate balance in tacit understanding.

Because they all felt this delicate balance, the garrisons in Inler had entered the rest stage, that is, they relaxed.

But they did not expect that their Haimai Regiment would actually launch an attack on them.

Suddenly, this made them stunned.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

However, Inler also reacted, sounded the alarm, and quickly assembled troops to respond.

But just as the troops were assembled, the two sides collided with each other.

The battle broke out.


The media organizations that can station war correspondents in the entire Middle East region are very powerful, and some media organizations are even backed by their own countries.

So, after knowing the news value of this sudden battle, the media organizations behind these war correspondents dispatched unmanned aerial vehicles from the nearest position to shoot the battle scenes in the distance. In fact, the media organizations of several major countries can even dispatch helicopters for high-altitude live broadcasts at the fastest speed, such as Jialimai, Longguo and other major countries.

But in this case, dispatching helicopters is equivalent to being a target for others.

So in the end, only unmanned aerial vehicles were dispatched.

The pictures taken by the unmanned aerial vehicles were also synchronized to various live broadcast rooms and TV stations in real time. Of course, the clearer signals were synchronized to the monarch departments of various countries.


At this time, in Jialimai, the Quadrangle, in the meeting room where the Yin & Perry working group was located.

Jones Brown, the top leader of the working group, had a very ugly face.

It was really that the Inler side was too lame in the face of the direct line this time, and he could already see the feeling of being in a hurry.

As the financial sponsor of the Inler side, he naturally felt ashamed.

Before he became the top leader of the Yin & Perry working group, he was promoted to the rank of Navy Lieutenant-General.

It can be said that he was honored all the way.

But now...


And the next moment, an even more lame scene appeared.

I saw——

In the contest between the two sides, the Inler side, which had always been in the upper hand, was suppressed by the other side this time, and it actually showed a one-sided posture.

At this time, looking at the battle situation presented by the real-time live battle screen, all the viewers were shocked.

After all, as the saying goes, it was the Inler side that had the advantage before.


At the same time.

In Bingbing's Yangshi live broadcast room, a group of Dragon Country netizens were also shocked.

"I don't quite understand Junshi's tricks. Why does Inlaier seem to be a bit lame this time?"

"I've only heard about the dispute in Inlaier before, but I heard that Inlaier has always been very powerful. After all, Inlaier is a regular army, but now it's a little different?"

"The Haimai Group is quite powerful."

"Kill these guys who steal people's things."


As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway.

Netizens from various countries watched this battle and just watched the excitement.

When the people from the Junfang departments of various countries first saw the development of the battle, they were also shocked at first, but then they began to ponder, thinking about why they had been in the contest between the two sides for a long time.In the past, Inler, who had a big or small advantage, performed so poorly this time, and there was a tendency for him to be suppressed by the opponent.


At this time, in the Junqing Research Room of each exhibition area of ​​Longguo.

A group of senior executives in the exhibition area were also concentrating on this scene.

The dispute between Inler was the focus of world attention. They had read the information of both sides before, and more than once.

So they knew the combat power level of both sides, as well as various information.

At this moment, watching the development of the battle, these senior executives were integrating all these various information in their minds.

If we only look at it from the perspective of combat power, this situation should not have occurred. After all, the standard for measuring combat power is the degree of advancement of weapons and equipment, and with the support of the sponsor Jia Ali Mai, Inler will naturally surpass the Haimai Group.

But the victory or defeat of the battle is not just a comparison of objective combat power.

There are also tactics and military strategies.

So why is this battle in this situation?


‘So that’s it. ’

After a series of thoughts flashed through the minds of these high-level officials, they seemed to understand the key.

You know, when it comes to tactics and military tactics, Longguo dares to claim second place, and no one dares to claim first place. Longguo is the ancestor of military tactics and tactics.

In the battle against the Korean War to defend the country, they used tactics to intersperse and challenged the Group of Seventeen alone.

It was also that battle that made Longguo the world’s number one army.

However, later, other countries also began to learn their tactics to intersperse, but they also began to learn from each other, and finally cured their fear of insufficient firepower, and even became one of the five hooligans, known as the hooligan rabbit.

It can be said that their Longguo interpreted the extreme of interspersing tactics when they are poor and covering firepower when they are rich.

In short, as the ancestor of military tactics, after a little thought, they have figured out the reason why this battle presents such a posture.


Guangdong Province, Southern Exhibition Area Headquarters.

"What do you think of this sudden battle?"

Liu Wenwu, the second-in-command of the Southern Exhibition Area, was responsible for hosting this special research meeting on the accidental conflict between Yin & Perry.

At this time, he looked at the battle situation, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to understand something, but he looked at the senior executives of the Southern Exhibition Area present with a test.

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