At this time, Li Fei, who was next to Li Weimin, also heard these words, and he was also a little stunned.

Li Fei's personality is that of a passionate young man. He also likes to pay attention to international news. He remembers that a few days ago, he also took a look at the news related to the dispute in Inler.

At that time, it was said that the Haimai Regiment suffered heavy losses under the attack of the Inler Front Army, and the two sides finally fell into a delicate balance?

Why did I hear such a news now...


The other people in Plan A who were present had a similar reaction after hearing the news.

They were all a little stunned.

You know, they have been paying attention to Li Yaodong, the fan of the crime, these days.

But there was no progress, and they actually tried hard.

They even used satellites in conjunction with thermal reconnaissance, trying to use the thermal distribution map taken to find out the location of the production of fake A goods in Ta Village. After all, when producing fake A goods, a lot of heat will be generated, so thermal reconnaissance can determine the manufacturing location.

However, they had expected it well, but when they actually implemented it, they found that the whole Ta Village was full of red dots in the thermal distribution map they took with thermal detection.

This is naturally impossible to be smuggling in every place in Ta Village.


Later, after some investigation, they found out that it was the villagers of Ta Village who were roasting pork in every household to worship their ancestors.

This reason, in their opinion, is naturally nonsense.

Moreover, although Ta Village does have this custom of roasting pork to worship ancestors, the date is wrong.

So, in their opinion, this is naturally done by Dong Shu Li Yaodong out of caution.

But no matter what, their plan A action against this rice criminal has not made any progress, which means that they can only wait for the final delivery to arrest this rice criminal.


It is precisely because of this that their mood has been relatively depressed recently.

Now, recalling how high-spirited they were when they joined Plan A,

At that time, they all felt that it was an honor to join such an action, and everyone felt that they were the protagonist.

However, they were repeatedly frustrated and could only wait passively, which made them realize that they were not the protagonists.

And this kind of decadent mood, compared with the turbulent international stage, the gap is even greater.

‘It turns out that we are all little Karami. ’

They couldn't help but have such a thought in their hearts.

They felt more and more melancholy.

‘It’s still dark under the lamp. ’

They seemed to have thought of something again, and couldn't help but smile self-deprecatingly.


Before, they also thought about the dark under the lamp, and felt that behind Li Yaodong, the fan criminal, there was a deeper darkness, and even whimsically thought that the identity of the fan criminal was just a lamp to attract people's attention.

At the same time, when they knew that Li Yaodong, a criminal, sold agricultural and sideline products to Middle East, they thought there was something mysterious about those agricultural and sideline products, and they investigated seriously. However, the final result of the investigation was that these agricultural and sideline products were sold to pirates by Li Yaodong and then used as luxury goods in the Middle East area.

'Now think about it, there is no such thing as darkness under the lamp. '

Perhaps it was this psychological gap that magnified their already depressed mood at this moment.

All kinds of emo ideas emerged in their minds.

At this moment, they all felt like clowns.


At this time, Li Weimin also saw what everyone was thinking.

He naturally understood what was going on.

In fact, he also had this psychological gap in his heart. After all, it took so long, and they could only wait until Li Yaodong and his old friend Zhao Jialiang delivered the goods later before they could finally arrest the other party.

And now, knowing

Compared with the changes in the international arena, it seems that their Plan A against the fan criminals is nothing.

Of course, he also understands why they compare their own Plan A with the changes in the international arena.

That's because the batch of real agricultural and sideline products sold by Li Yaodong, the fan criminal, was sent to the Middle East area.

And their investigation also touched on Middle East.

With such a connection, they naturally made a comparison subconsciously.

"In fact, now that I think about it, the fan criminal Dong Shu is just like that. He only dares to "commit crimes" in our Dragon Country." Li Fei sighed.

Li Fei's words also confirmed Li Weimin's judgment-

There is indeed a psychological gap among the people.

"Everyone cheer up." Li Weimin knew that he had to say something:

"I don't know if you have heard of a saying that everyone is a screw in society, no matter how small, they have their own value."

"Compared with the international situation, our crackdown on smuggled rice is really nothing."

"But if we don't need to do this, the fake A goods in our Dragon Country will be rampant."

"The common people don't have a good life."

"Besides, these international situations are too far away from us, and we don't need to compare them."


Changing the subject, Li Weimin brought the topic back to Li Yaodong:

"In the past few days, Li Yaodong, the rice criminal, has done nothing except making the roasted pig. He is indeed quite 'honest'. But he should want to sell this batch of fake A goods smuggled goods safely, and then completely wash his hands of it."

In his opinion, the reason why Li Yaodong, the rice criminal, took on the fake A goods smuggling business this time was because Zhao Jialiang offered too high a price, so they didn't want to refuse.

But there is only one chance like this.

It can be seen from the other party's "honest" behavior during this period.

"We only have this one chance."

"So, we must cheer up, do our job well, and don't think about things that are too far away from us."


And hearing this.

Liu Mei also echoed: "Yes, these international events are too far away from us, and it is completely unnecessary for us to feel self-pity because of this. Although what we do is very small in comparison, as long as we do our job well, it is also meaningful."

And the other people in Plan A also spoke up.

"Yes, what Li Shu said is right."

"Why do we think about these things."

"Think from another angle, this fanatic Li Yaodong is not so scary, compared with the changes in the international stage."

"Haha, you are still open-minded."

Everyone spoke up, although it was very lively, but if you look closely, you can see that these people are forcing themselves to say these words.


Seeing this scene, Lou Xiaoping sighed in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

He felt that he was also inseparable from the current depressed state of these people.

Of course, it didn't mean that he shouldn't answer the phone and tell what the other party told him on the phone.

He felt that he was responsible for the behavior of the crowd, and he was inseparable from it because he was the one who put forward the idea of ​​darkness under the lamp.

But it's dark under the lamp.

'Hey. ' Lou Xiaoping sighed in his heart, and then he suggested: "Why don't we watch the live broadcast of this sudden conflict together."

The current situation is that there is nothing worth paying attention to in Ta Village, and these people in Plan A also have a kind of self-pity in their hearts.

It's better to divert attention and look at things that have nothing to do with their Plan A to change their minds.

"Okay, let's take a look." Li Weimin also saw Lou Xiaoping's intention, and he agreed immediately.

Then, the big screen of Plan A switched to the live broadcast of Yangshi.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were cast over there.


And the moment everyone's eyes fell on the picture, they held their breath.



(The fifteenth round of power generation began, power generation: 1615, April 3, 19:53)

(Power generation is more than halfway)

(Please send me some power, now the gift list has reached fifty-one, free power generation with love, fellow villagers, woo woo woo)

(Putting out bowls:)

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