Not only them.

At this moment, all the people around the world who were watching the conflict through live broadcasts held their breath subconsciously.

You know, by this time, it had been a long time since the Haimai Regiment launched an attack on the garrison of Inler.

And the more time went by, the more obvious the decline of Inler became.


And this is naturally because the Haimai Regiment had a more certain belief and higher morale.

The other side encountered this attack because they were not prepared, and at the beginning, they were still relaxed, so they fell into a disadvantage at the beginning.

And Inler itself is a thief. No matter how high-sounding reasons they use to cover up the fact that they are thieves, the facts are facts and they are not subject to their will. In this case, they were naturally wrong from the beginning of the battle with the Haimai Regiment, and their morale was naturally insufficient.

After all, a thief who stole someone's things and beat them up is not wrong.

It would be easy if they had always had the upper hand.

But they were at a disadvantage from the beginning.

As one side gained, the other lost, and naturally their decline became more and more obvious.


At this time, the commander of the garrison on the Inler side closed his eyes in despair as he watched his side lose ground.

Then, he made a decision that made the eyes of all parties concerned about their battle tremble slightly.

"Retreat, retreat!"

When the commander said these words, the whole person seemed to be deflated like a balloon that had been deflated.


When this order reached the ears of the soldiers on the Inler side, these soldiers showed a look of relief in their eyes.

Originally, their will to resist was not very high, and now they have completely lost the will to resist.

Then, they were defeated like a mountain.


When this scene was shown...

When people all over the world saw this crushing defeat through the live broadcast, everyone had a look of bewilderment on their faces.

‘Defeated? Did Inler lose just like that? ’


You know, although from the beginning, the Haimai Regiment seemed to be suppressing the Inler army, it seemed to be a one-sided situation.

But as we all know, the changes on the battlefield are changing rapidly, and perhaps a small change in a small detail will change the balance of the situation.

It can be said that the outcome of a battle cannot be determined until the last moment.

However, the final outcome is that Inler lost, and it was a big defeat.

But Inler, which has many sponsors, has always been the party with greater or lesser advantages.

Compared to Inler, which has many sponsors standing behind it, the Haimai Regiment is just a mud leg.

They never thought that one day the peasants would rise up and sing, and beat Inler to the point of calling him daddy.

‘How did the situation suddenly reverse? ’

At the same time.

The people around the world who watched this scene all had this thought.

The final outcome was really beyond their expectations.

At this moment, they all felt unrealistic.

‘Will the dispute over Inler be divided by this, so that the strong and the weak will be displaced, and the balance of the war will change from then on? ’

For some reason, many people around the world who watched this live broadcast had this thought in their minds.


The headquarters of the southern exhibition area of ​​Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Longguo.

In the Junqing Research Room.

When Mr. Liu Wenwu looked at the final result of the battle, he was also stunned for a moment.

He suddenly felt a little cold and subconsciously looked out the window.

The wind blew outside the window, swirling the dead leaves on the ground, and the weather became gloomy.

"The sky is going to change."

Looking at the skyLiu Lao said with a hint of something, but also without any hint of something.


Jia Ali Mai, the Quadrangle, the top leader of the Yin & Perry Working Group, Jones Brown, looked at the final result of the battle, and his face changed.

I don't know why he felt creepy when he saw this scene.

Then, he took a deep breath and said, "Give it to me..."


At this time.

When the leader of the Haimai Group, Abbas, knew the result of the final battle, he was stunned.

After reacting, he confirmed the result several times before finally accepting it.

At this moment, his eyes were moistened instantly.

You know, he led the Haimai Group in these years, although he also fought back and forth with the Inler side, but he always lost more than he won, and they didn't recognize several fathers like the Inler side.

It can be said that he was able to persist for so many years, relying entirely on his breath.

As for the road ahead... or rather, he couldn't see the road ahead clearly at all.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry to have embarrassed you." After a moment, he calmed down, wiped his wet eyes, turned around and said to Li Qisheng on the other end of the video call:

"Please convey my gratitude on my behalf, thank Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, it is he who made me see the light."


"Oh, okay, okay."

Li Qisheng seemed a little absent-minded. After hearing the other party's words, he took several seconds to react.

Then, both parties hung up the video call.

'This battle...'

At this time, he sat in a chair blankly, a little absent-minded.

At a certain moment, he was shocked all over.

At this time, he understood a little bit belatedly that the reason why the Haimai Group won the final victory in this battle seemed to be because their Uncle Dong chose the right time.

'In other words, it was not the random words that caused the chaos here. ’

This thought came to his mind.

‘I just know that everything Uncle Dong said and did has a deep meaning. ’

He said in his mind:

‘Uncle Dong, you still say that you are upright in your attitude towards the emperor and the international community...’

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