
'As expected by Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.' Abbas murmured in his heart. Yesterday, Mr. Li Qisheng called and told him exactly what Li Yaodong had said to him.

In Li Yaodong's words, he wanted Li Qisheng to call and express his condolences to his business partner, Middle East.

However, these words sounded different to Abbas.


'Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is reminding himself.'

At that time, after understanding the subtext of these words, Abbas's face changed again and again.

In the battle with Inler, they won such a clean victory for the first time. It was impossible for him to be unhappy, and the actual situation was the same -

Because of this major victory, he was in great surprise. After all, victory is not just a result. It means that their territory has expanded outward, and the territory controlled by Inler is extremely rich. After all, Inler can be regarded as a developed country.

The territory gained after the victory contains huge wealth.


But because he was too surprised, he overlooked the most important thing, that is, Jia Alimai and other financial sponsors behind Inler will definitely take action.

And before launching the raid, their Haimai Group cleared out all the intelligence personnel in the Pailishiyin area where they controlled the territory.

'What can the other party do? '

An idea emerged in his mind.


He would not underestimate these countries, especially among these countries, there is also the strongest world Jia Alimai.

'I couldn't have cleared out all the intelligence personnel of these countries before, and there are still some I didn't clear out. '

In an instant, he understood what was going on.

These intelligence personnel they didn't clear out will definitely take action next.

And the danger Mr. Dongshu reminded him through Mr. Li Qisheng Li's mouth, just to remind him of these things.

'In other words, Mr. Dongshu wants me to clear out the hidden intelligence personnel of these countries, that is, intelligence personnel? ’

These thoughts emerged in his mind, trying to understand what Li Yaodong meant: ‘Maybe Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong had such a link in the initial design, and calculated that these countries would activate their hidden intelligence personnel. ’

‘And after these intelligence personnel were activated, they fell into Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong’s plan. ’

‘That is to say, these intelligence personnel were lured to death. ’

Suddenly, his scalp was numb.


You know, these hidden intelligence personnel, even if you think about it with your heels, you can figure it out. They must be the secret weapons of these countries, and they have invested a lot of resources in these intelligence personnel.

Originally, they cleaned up the previous batch of intelligence personnel, and they had a huge conflict with these countries.

Now, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong’s intention is to eliminate all these hidden intelligence personnel, which will undoubtedly anger these countries and intensify the existing contradictions.

Isn’t this equivalent to declaring war?


And Abbas is also a man with a lion in his heart, which is why he dared to confront the other party after he knew what was behind Inler.

However, he did not dare to declare war on the countries behind them?

‘Intensify the conflict? Declare war? ’

The more he thought about it, the more Abbas felt his scalp tingling.

However, he is also a decisive person. Since he has decided to follow Mr. Dongshu all the way to the end, he gritted his teeth and followed directly.

So there is such a scene now.


In Abbas's view, Mr. Dongshu must have his own considerations for doing this, which also shows to a certain extent how much strength Mr. Dongshu hides. After all, the other party dares to intensify the conflict with other major countries, and it is different fromDeclaring war, he must be confident.

Originally, he thought it would be difficult to find these hidden intelligence personnel, but he didn't expect that he was assisted by God and found them very easily.

He didn't know whether this was the work of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, nor did he know how the other party did it if it was.

But he was shocked again.


At this time, in the office on the second floor, he could hear the sound of gunfire coming from all over.

Abbas couldn't help trembling, but this trembling was excitement.

He felt like he was following Dangerous Uncle Dong to challenge the whole world.

It felt great.

At this moment, he seemed to see Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong sitting high in the sky, with endless darkness behind him, watching the situation in many countries with a smile.

After suppressing the excitement in his heart, Abbas looked at Li Qisheng on the other end of the video call.


As the appointed agent of Mr. Dangerous Dongshu, Li Qisheng naturally had to let the other party know their movements at all times, so that Dangerous Dongshu could understand the progress of things through Li Qisheng's eyes.

And those who carried out his order to clean up the intelligence personnel would also pass on the execution images and synchronize them to the video call.


At this time, looking at these images, after understanding the connotation of the words that Dongshu Li Yaodong asked him to bring to Abbas, Li Qisheng's face turned pale.

Abbas naturally saw Li Qisheng's face, and he couldn't help but frowned, and then said: "Mr. Li Qisheng, if you still want to stay with Mr. Dangerous Dongshu, then it is obvious that you need to grow up! You are not enough now!"

He was a little dissatisfied with Li Qisheng's performance. Such a person seemed to be unqualified as the agent of Mr. Dangerous Dongshu.


For Abbas's words, Li Qisheng opened his mouth, but couldn't find any words to refute. The other party was right.

But this is too scary.

Their uncle Dong actually took the initiative to intensify the conflict?

This is fucking!!! ! ! !

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if these countries found out about their uncle Dong Li Yaodong.


Bang bang bang!

One by one, the hidden intelligence personnel who were targeted were cleared out.

One by one, the intelligence personnel who had just taken action were identified and then cleared out.

And Jia Ali Mai to the Yin & Perry working group.

Jones Brown naturally received relevant feedback.

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