"Jones Brown, go back to your navy." James Austin said expressionlessly.

Before entering the Ministry of National Affairs, Jones Brown's highest rank was the Navy Lieutenant. He had no more promotion in the navy, and he came to the Ministry of National Affairs through some operations. He was originally full of ambition and did a very good job in the work of Yin & Perry.

He was looking forward to making further progress in this department, and maybe even sitting on the position of the big boss of the Ministry of National Affairs.

But now, with James Austin's words, all this has turned into a bubble.


You said that if he returns to the navy, he will still be the Navy Lieutenant?

How is this possible?

No matter where the top leaders are, they are all in their own positions. Even if he can go back, he will not be able to control the original power.

Moreover, Jones Brown is a stubborn and fierce person. When he was in office, he offended many people, and now he has lost power...

Thinking about this.

Jones Brown's eyes showed despair.

"Mr. Austin." He opened his mouth and wanted to explain something, but James Austin interrupted him directly: "Get out of here!"


Soon after, Jones Brown walked out in a panic carrying a storage box.

Behind him was the Quadrangle, which represented power.

As soon as he walked out of the Quadrangle, two men in plain clothes came to him.

When they came to him, the two men showed their IDs.

These two people were FBI agents.

When he saw the FBI ID, Jones Brown's face turned pale.

Jones Brown was taken away.


In the meeting room where the Yin & Perry working group was located.

All the members looked at this scene in front of the large French windows, and their faces were pale.

The reason why they watched this scene was the order of the black boss of the Guofang Department.

"Gentlemen, please return to your seats."

After hearing this, the members of the Yin & Perry working group returned to their previous positions.

The awe in their eyes when they looked at James Austin at this time was even stronger.


Feeling the gazes of the crowd, James Austin's face showed satisfaction.

He was the type of person who was strict in his rule, and he also enjoyed the awe of his subordinates.

After all, as a black man of African descent, he had been living in an environment that made him feel very inferior since he was a child, and when he was in a high position, he would naturally compensate himself in this regard.

That is, he enjoyed the awe of others more and more.


At this time, facing the awe of the crowd, James Austin was also looking at these people.

He had a very low tolerance for his subordinates' mistakes. If possible, he really wanted to send all of them to prison.

But even he could only think about this kind of thing.

After all, these people who can enter the Yin & Perry working group are considered elites, and there are more or less big figures behind them.

Moreover, these people are familiar with the situation on Yin & Perry's side. If he sends all these people to prison, everything will have to start from scratch.

"Gentlemen, relax." James Austin had one idea in his mind, and another way of doing it on the outside.


At this time, after hearing James Austin's words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew that they had escaped a disaster.

"Let me introduce you to a new colleague." James Austin said again.

As he said that, James Austin clapped his hands, and then a sound of footsteps sounded.

A man wearing a plaid shirt and dressed like a typical IT man walked in.


When they saw the newcomer, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the person that the big boss of their own national department introduced to them so solemnly turned out to be an IT guy?

"Good morning, gentlemen."

The man in the plaid shirt didn't seem to notice the gazes of the crowd. He introduced himself with a smile: "I am Mardy Lyon, you can call me Lyon, I work for the Prism Special Attack Bureau, and now I am temporarily joining the Anti-In & Perry Working Group."

"I hope to spend a not-too-bad working life with this gentleman."


It seems that this man in the plaid shirt seems to have the gentle and dull personality that belongs only to IT men, but the words he used later were very impolite.

It seems that he doesn't have too many expectations for working with these people, so that his hope is just to spend a not-too-bad experience, not a pleasant one.

Everyone present is an elite. If they were said like this in other circumstances, they would definitely feel offended.

But now they have no such emotion at all.

In addition to the fact that their Yin & Perry working group had major work errors and was now considered "guilty", there was another most important reason, which was...


Prism Special Attack Bureau?

When they heard this name, their hearts trembled.

Isn't this the legendary department?

But now the other party introduced himself as working in the Prism Special Attack Bureau?

Does this mean that this legendary department really exists?

When they thought of the rumors about this department, they all turned pale.


You know, after reaching a certain level, they heard about this department from the level of rumors, but even if they entered the extremely critical Kokubo Department, which can be exposed to many secret departments, they have never really come into contact with the legendary Prism Special Attack Bureau.

So for a long time before, they thought that this Prism Special Attack Bureau was just an illusory department that did not exist.

According to legend, the Prism Special Attack Bureau is an intelligence department that is superior to the 17 intelligence agencies of Jialima, including their Guofangdia. This department has great authority and can call on the power of any intelligence agency of Jialima.


The explanation of prism is a multi-faceted polyhedron, which can reflect images from all angles.

So, as the name suggests, the name of the Prism Special Attack Bureau means monitoring the world.

‘Prism Gate! ’

When they just heard the name of the Prism Special Attack Bureau, they thought of this once sensational incident that put Jialima into a huge public opinion crisis, the Prism Gate!

The so-called Prism Gate is a scandal caused by the leakage of a plan.

This plan is called the Prism Plan.

In their understanding, this Prism Plan is a top-secret monitoring plan in Qidong in 2007.

The official name of the plan is "US-984XN".


In this plan, the executing party will directly enter the central server of the Internet company of Jialima to mine data and collect intelligence. Nine international Internet giants including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Apple, etc. are all involved in this plan.

And these multinational companies almost cover users all over the world. If the plan is successfully implemented, there will be no privacy in the world.


And this plan was exposed by Edward Snowden, an employee who once worked in the intelligence department of Jialima.

Once it was exposed, it triggered a huge public opinion frenzy.

Speaking of this Prism Gate, those who have experienced the events of that year haveimpression.

This plan that has plunged the entire Jialima into a scandal was publicized to be led by Jialima's National Security Agency (NSA). However, after they reached a certain level, they heard rumors that it was not.

It was the rumored Prism Special Attack Agency.


In fact, in the rumor, Edward Snowden is a special agent of the Prism Special Attack Agency.

He naturally knew who was behind the Prism plan.

However, in order to confuse the public, Jialima released the news that it was done by the National Security Agency (NSA). In the eyes of a large number of people, this great hero who dared to expose such a thing that endangers global privacy and security did not stand up to refute it.

And you have to know that the other party is so bold that he dared to expose this kind of fierce man who would put Jialima in the whirlpool of public opinion once it was exposed.

But the other party did not dare to expose the existence of the Prism Special Attack Agency.

And you can imagine what kind of deterrent power this Prism Special Attack Agency has.


In fact, although Edward Snowden, a former Prism employee, has a strong sense of justice, having a sense of justice does not mean that he is seeking death.

Edward Snowden clearly knows that if he exposes the Prism program and puts the entire Jialima into a scandal, he may not die - after all, some countries that have grudges against Jialima will definitely come out to protect him.

But if he exposes the Prism, then he will definitely die.


As a former Prism employee, he naturally understands the horror of the Prism.

Prism, Prism! Anyone under the Prism will have nowhere to hide.

At this time, in the meeting room where the In & Perry Working Group is located, the group members naturally only know a little about the Prism, and even don’t know the hidden inside story of the Prism plan, but just knowing a little about it, they all feel cold all over.

Now, they are surprised that the In & Perry Working Group has actually introduced the Prism.

And all this is because...


(16th round of power generation, 2904, April 9, 18:47)

(Less than 100 to generate enough power, folks, do you have extra power? If you have enough, I will add more immediately, hehe)

(Putting bowls:)

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