It's all because of the supporters behind the Haimai Group.

From here, we can see how angry the top leaders of Jiaali Mai are this time.


"From now on, Mardy Lyon will be the top leader of your Yin & Perry working group. Cooperate well." James Austin, the big boss of the Kokubo Department, said this after looking at everyone.

The subtext is also very obvious, that is, let these people help Mardy Lyon from the Prism Special Attack Bureau.

These people are elites. After understanding these words, they don't have any injustice that they, a group of elites, have become assistants.

Instead, when looking at Mardy Lyon, their eyes are filled with more awe.

Because, at this time, they remembered a rumor about the Prism Special Attack Bureau.

That is, the top leaders of the Prism Special Attack Bureau are all technical talents.

And according to the rumor, this agency, which should have been an intelligence department, is extremely advocating technology.

In fact, the prism is a polyhedron made of transparent material and is an important optical element.

There is also a relevant implication in this.


At the same time, what the members of the Yin & Perry working group don’t know is that the technology of other intelligence agencies in Jialima, even the laboratory-level technology of those hidden special agents, are all equipped in the Prism Special Attack Bureau.

Rather than saying that this Prism Special Attack Bureau is an intelligence agency, it is better to say that this Prism Special Attack Bureau is a scientific research institution that specializes in researching intelligence-related technologies under the guise of an intelligence agency.

And it is precisely because of these technologies that this Prism Special Attack Bureau can surpass other intelligence departments in Jialima.

For this inside story, everyone present did not know, but it was enough to know that the rumored senior executives of the Prism Special Attack Bureau were all technicians.

And the plaid shirt of this Mardy Lyon is in line with the general impression of technicians.


‘That is to say, this Mardy Lyon from the Prism Special Attack Bureau is also a senior official in the Prism Special Attack Bureau? ’

This thought came to the minds of all the team members present.

This is also the reason why these team members looked at each other with awe in their eyes.

In fact, it is understandable if you think about it. Although the name of the In&Perry Working Group is just a group, due to the importance of the In&Sea area, the specifications of their In&Perry Working Group are very high, even higher than the general defense department.

And it turns out that Jones Brown, the highest person in charge of their In&Perry Working Group, is a navy. Mr. Mardy Lyon can replace the former, and his original identity must be high and powerful.


In an instant, these team members who look at the city elites figured out these contents.

After hearing James Austin's words, they all expressed that they would cooperate, and they all respectfully introduced their names and other information one by one.

When these team members introduced themselves, Mardy Lyon was also observing the expressions of the crowd.

He could see from the expressions of these people that they were in awe of him.

'It seems that these people have already known about our Prism Special Attack Agency at the level of rumors, no wonder. '

Looking at the expressions of these people, Mardy Lyon understood what was going on.

He also understood why these subordinates were so docile.

However, Mardy Lyon felt that this situation was a bit boring.


Originally, the script he arranged for himself was that these people would raise questions, and then he would expose some of their secrets one by one to shock them.

You know, their Prism Special Attack Agency's Prism Plan failed because it was exposed that time.

In fact, it was not a complete failure. At least in their Jiaalimei territory, 99% of the people did not have any fear in front of them.There is no privacy or secrets.


At this time, all the team members present felt the gaze of Mardy Lyon, and they all felt as if they were seen through by him at this moment.

This made them feel like they were stripped naked in the ice and snow.

Soon, these team members introduced themselves.

"Lyon, I hope that next time you contact me, you can tell me who is the supporter behind the Haimai Group!"

Seeing that the team members got along very well with the new top leader, James Oss, the big boss of the Guofang Department, stood up and walked out.

Before leaving, he looked at Mardy Lyon with great pressure: "Don't let me down."


Absolutely some people would feel nervous when facing such an oppressive gaze, but Mardy Lyon smiled slightly, without any emotional fluctuations in his heart, and naturally did not feel any pressure.

This performance shows his absolute confidence.

He is an extremely confident person.


The door of the conference room was closed.

Then, Mardy Lyon hooked his finger at the trembling secretary of the former team leader, and asked her to print out a stack of authorization documents, and then he wrote his name.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the conference room was shocked.

When their former leader Jones Brown activated those secret agents, he also signed his name on the document, and it is obvious that their new boss Mardy Lyon is doing the same thing now.

But the same thing does different things, and the results are indeed different.

The other party is a senior executive of the mysterious organization Prism Special Attack Agency. If such a senior executive personally comes to the scene, the resources of the intelligence personnel that can be mobilized are incomparable to before.


If the rumor is true, then in theory, the other party has the authority to mobilize all their intelligence personnel in Jialima to serve them.

Since the Prism Project, they Jialima have not given up the plan to monitor the world. For this plan, they Jiaalimei invested a lot in special attack intelligence personnel.

It can be said that in terms of the number of special attacks, they Jiaalimei also has the most, which can be said to be densely distributed all over the world.

As the other party signed these documents...

They seemed to see the special attacks of their Jiaalimei located all over the world, all moving together.

This "imagination" made them feel a little numb.

But if they knew that they Jiaalimei made such a big scene, essentially just targeting one person...


(The sixteenth round of power generation, power 3046, April 9, 22:12)

(No deception, an extra chapter, please send some free power generation, power generation is urgent! Urgent!!!)

(The seventeenth round of power generation, power 46)

(Putting bowls:)

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