......then they will definitely be shocked to the point of their eyes bursting.


While everything was happening in the meeting room of the Jiaali Mai Duiyin & Perry working group.

Li Yaodong's door was knocked, and Li Qisheng came in with steamed buns and soy milk for Uncle Dong after getting permission from Uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

Not long ago, he had just made a video call with Abbas, and learned from Abbas what might happen next.

After learning about it, he was almost scared to death, and Abbas also suggested that he should grow up as soon as possible.

And this time he came here to ask Uncle Dong what to do next and how to deal with it.


As soon as Li Qisheng entered the door, Li Yaodong saw that the other party seemed to be a little worried.

In an instant, he realized that the other party should be more aware of his being an ordinary person, so he behaved like this.

Seeing the other party's expression, he felt a little bit unbearable in his heart.

But in order to prevent any mistakes from happening on Li Qisheng's side, this is necessary.

"Sit down and eat the buns first." Seeing the other party's hesitant look, Li Yaodong said, "Let's talk after we finish eating."

In fact, he was a little hungry.


Hearing this, Li Qisheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the countries would take action next, and Uncle Dong was so calm and let him sit down and eat buns so calmly.

"Okay, Uncle Dong." Li Qisheng was a little silent because he was worried about something.

But he obeyed his uncle Dong Li Yaodong. If the other party asked him to eat first, he would eat first.

However, he was very anxious in his heart and wanted to know what to do next to deal with the next situation.

So, he wolfed down his food, intending to finish it quickly and asked Uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

"Don't eat so fast, you have to eat a little bit of rice to digest it." Li Yaodong said casually when he saw this scene.


When Li Yaodong said this, Li Qisheng was stunned again.

He understood that Uncle Dong Li Yaodong wanted him to calm down.

He couldn't help but think about it more deeply.

Perhaps Uncle Dong was still telling him that the coming storms were no different from eating breakfast in Uncle Dong's opinion.

In the face of this situation, all you need to do is keep calm.

He was shocked by Uncle Dong's spirit.

He couldn't help but be infected.


Breakfast was quickly consumed by the two of them.

After wiping his mouth, Li Yaodong asked leisurely: "Asheng, what do you want to ask me?"

"Uncle Dong, I understand. Actually, I'm here to bring you breakfast." Li Qisheng said so.

He has already got the answer he wanted.

At this moment, he felt that he had grown up.

Before, he was full of uneasiness about what was going to happen next, after all, this matter was too big.

But Uncle Dong's words seemed to have some kind of magic, which made him relax.

'Uncle Dong is so amazing. '

Uncle Dong just said two words, and his mood was calmed down.

The most important thing is that he felt his own growth.

For the future storms, he was no longer as nervous as before, but felt calm.

He felt that he could face any storms in the future, no matter how big the storms were.

Before, Abbas had said that if he wanted to stay with Uncle Dong in the future, he needed to grow up.

However, Uncle Dong's two words made him grow up.


'Staying with Uncle Dong really makes you grow fast. ' Li Qisheng thought in his heart.

He felt that if Abbas knew, he would be envious. When the other party told him that he wanted to grow up, he was afraid that these words would hit Li Qisheng, so he also added some words to tell Li Qisheng that he had grown to this kind of mentality now, and it is only after experiencing countless things. Let him not be too anxious.

However, now Uncle Dong only used two sentences to make his character reborn.

In fact, the growth of most people may be a matter of one or two sentences. Maybe one day a certain sentence touches oneself and one grows up quickly.

And Li Qisheng is in a similar situation.


Li Qisheng's character and courage are very big. If he was a bear heart and leopard courage before growing up, then now his bear heart and leopard courage has evolved into a dragon heart and dragon gall.

Character and courage are scary.

Li Qisheng came and went in a hurry.


Li Yaodong looked at the other party's back as he left, and he was a little confused.

However, he didn't think too much.

And he had already decided which factory to take the folks in the live broadcast room to see.

Let's take a look at the steel pipe factory first.

He also knew something about the steel pipe factory under his name.

You know, in the traditional field of Longguo steel pipe manufacturing, there has always been a phenomenon of overcapacity.

So much so that his steel pipe factory is not very profitable.

And he visited the steel pipe factory through live broadcast, maybe he could rely on the traffic of the live broadcast room to sell a batch of steel pipes, or find a good market.

Before, he had this plan, but he didn't have too specific and detailed plans.

'This is a good idea. '

Li Yaodong thought in his heart that if it is feasible, the unsalable products of other factories can also be dealt with in this way.


Li Yaodong couldn't help but think about more things-

'It will be a while before the day of delivery to Zhao Jialiang, and then I can completely clean myself up. '

'And under my care, those factories that are not very profitable will also be put on the right track. '

You know, the template he got from Uncle Danger Dong is on the technology side, which gives him the ability of a top scientific research boss.

With this ability, he can completely improve the quality of those products and increase competitiveness.

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