As the top leader of the Opinion & Perry working group took action.

The Jiaalimei intelligence personnel in the Middle East area and even the nearby areas were triggered one after another.


At this time, in a sea area near the Middle East area.

A pirate ship and a freighter docked together, and a large number of pirates rushed up.

Not long after, the pirate captain, a one-eyed man, walked up after all his men boarded the freighter.

After walking up, he seemed to hear some movement, frowned, and walked in the direction of the sound.

A few minutes later.


The one-eyed captain shot a pirate who was pressing on the white woman.

Looking at the woman's messy clothes and the ferocious look of the pirate before his death, you can know what was happening just now.

"Put on your clothes."

After taking a look at the figure of the white woman, the one-eyed captain said casually and turned to walk out.


It’s not that he has any sense of justice to care about such things.

It’s just that he has repeatedly ordered his men not to touch the people on the cargo ships they robbed.

Especially force women.

He actually doesn’t care whether he uses force or not, but doing such things is too taboo.

Their pirate profession is already quite dangerous. If they violate this taboo again and trigger public opinion in the international community, the consequences will not be good.


As pirates, as long as they have money, they can find any woman.

“Boss, what?”

At this time, the other pirates also heard the voice, looked at their dead pirate companions, and their faces changed, but after looking at the situation in the house, they also knew what had just happened.


“Deal with it.” The pirate captain said, and suddenly, he felt a certain communicator hidden close to his body vibrate.

His face also changed slightly.

And this pirate was an intelligence officer of the Jialima Intelligence Agency. But his current identity is a pirate. After all, sometimes it is easier to get intelligence as a pirate.


Almost at the same time.

Oman Customs.

A typical white Western businessman in a wrinkled Brazilian suit was directing workers to move the goods that had passed the customs inspection to his truck.

"Old Tom, your business is getting bigger and bigger." A customs officer came over and talked to Old Tom with a smile.

It was obvious that the two were acquaintances.

"Just earning some hard work money." Old Tom said with a smile.

Then, at an inconspicuous angle, he took out a box of cigars, handed it to the staff member who came over, and then whispered: "I got it from Brazil."

The customs officer looked around slightly, and then put the box of cigars away calmly.

As for whether there were cigars in the box, I don't know.

At a certain moment, Old Tom felt the object close to him vibrate, and then his expression moved slightly.

He took out the object in front of the customs officer, and it was a mobile phone.

Then, he opened his phone in front of the staff.

The staff also looked over and saw an entertainment news on the phone. He smiled and said that Old Tom was so busy but still paid attention to the news.


What the staff didn't know was that this news article was on the surface, but if it was read according to a certain code, it had another meaning.

After taking a look at the news article, Old Tom put it away.

Immediately, he smiled and said, "By the way, has our customs had any large quantities of goods in and out recently?"

This sentence sounded like just a casual question.


A small territorial separatist organization in the Middle East area.

In a luxurious room.

With a bang, the territoryThe leader of the organization was shot in the head by his subordinates.

Then, a man wearing the uniform of the separatist organization walked in with military boots.

The man looked at the leader lying on the ground and looked at the person who had just done all this in silence: "Is this the surprise you gave me?"

The man was helpless.


His trusted subordinates said that they would give him a surprise today, but the surprise was that the other party solved the leader of their territory organization?

According to the ranking, he has now become the leader of this territory organization.

'But how did I become the boss of a small separatist organization? ' He was speechless in his heart.

At a certain moment, his personal belongings vibrated.


At this moment.

The pirates, merchants, and the special attack identities of the second-in-command of the territory organization leader were all triggered and activated.

And there are more people...

A peace ambassador in a certain area of ​​Middle East.

A philanthropist who often works in Middle East.

A war correspondent.

A high-ranking official of a small country.

A certain...

At this moment, they were all triggered and activated at the same time, and received orders to search for clues about the supporters behind the Haimai Group.

At the same time, they also received the only direction of investigation passed down from above.

[Supplies obtained by the Haimai Group]


And it's not just Jia Ali Mai.

Almost one after another.

Hans Cat's Federal Security Bureau BfV, Gallic Chicken's Seventh Bureau DGSE, John Bull's Junqing Sixth Bureau MI6, Red Bull's National Intelligence Center (CNI), Chef Hat Wolf's Secret Junshi Intelligence Bureau SIM and other intelligence departments of the financial sponsors behind Inler, who had fallen a big setback before, also took action.


It's not just these financial sponsors behind Inler who ended up.

As Jia Ali Mai's younger brother, Asiba Country, seeing their big brother take action, they also ended up flattering.

It's just that Asiba has always been a weird country.

After their intelligence department, the National Intelligence Service (NIS), took action, the intelligence means they used were actually...

A girl group named 2wj, which was going to hold a concert in a certain Western country, suddenly announced that the venue of the concert would be changed to a country in the Middle East region.

Then, the members of these girl groups got on the plane with their buttocks twisted and wearing hot pants.

And this weird style of Asiba has actually become commonplace.

You know, before the official opening of a meeting to receive foreign leaders, Asiba let their national treasure-level girl group perform singing and dancing, twisting their buttocks, and showing their thighs in front of leaders from various countries.

At that time, this news directly shocked a lot of netizens.


At this time, in the southern exhibition area, in the Junqing Research Room.

Liu Wenwu and others were also paying attention to the news in this regard.

Jiaalimei is their old rival of Longguo, so naturally they are most concerned about the news from Jiaalimei.

The first news they got was the news that Jones Brown stepped down.

This news was not difficult to get, because Jiaalimei did not cover up the news of Jones Brown's resignation at all, and even international news reported it, and took photos of Jones Brown being taken away by the FBI.

Later, they learned through intelligence means that Jiaalimei's Prism Special Attack Bureau seemed to have taken action, but they were not sure about the accuracy of this information.

Then, they got the news of the intelligence actions of other financial countries behind Inler.

Suddenly, whether it was Mr. Liu Wenwu, the helmsmen of the two major groups of Baihu and Qinglong, or other people present, they couldn't help but smack their lips.

"It really stirred up a hornet's nest." Mr. Liu Wenwu couldn't help but say.

After saying this, he fell silent.

At this time, the senior intelligence officer in the room also looked at Mr. Liu Wenwu.

That look seemed to be saying...

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