
Oman, Customs, the Western white businessman in a wrinkled suit asked his acquaintance in Oman whether there were any large quantities of goods entering or leaving their customs recently, but the answer he got was no.

This made him frown.

However, as an intelligence officer, it is normal not to be able to find out the intelligence he wants. At this time, it is the time to test his patience.

As long as you have patience, maybe a certain sentence said by the other party can be used as a breakthrough in intelligence, and then get very useful information.


He patiently chatted with his acquaintance in Oman Customs in a casual tone.

It is impossible to chat indefinitely this day. Even if he has time, this acquaintance cannot accompany him.

After a while, the white businessman finished loading the goods on his truck and was ready to say hello to his acquaintance, a customs officer, and leave.

Before he could finish his words, the acquaintance at the customs seemed to have thought of something and said, "By the way, there is something interesting. There is a registered company in Oman, and its goods have been robbed by pirates several times."


Hearing the other party's words, the white businessman's face changed slightly, and his heart moved. Just when he was about to ask something...

Suddenly, a series of brake sounds were heard.

Then there was the sound of the car door being opened, followed by a sound of footsteps.

Subconsciously, the white businessman followed the acquaintance at the customs and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then the pupils of the two people shrank slightly.

From these cars, more than a dozen capable personnel wearing the uniforms of the Omani Sultan's Royal Agents came down and walked over quickly.

"Let's go, Mr. Lurker!"

The leading Omani Royal Police said after confirming that the white man in a suit did not have any weapons on him.


When the other party shouted out his identity, the white man in a suit opened his mouth, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

He only had one question, how did he get exposed?

"You should come with us."

The customs officer was also taken away. After all, the other party had contact with the white man in a suit, so he might have problems.


Not only in the customs of Oman, but also in the intelligence personnel used by Jialima in various places in Oman, they were hit by the Omani authorities.

However, the Omani authorities did not use violence to destroy the lives of these intelligence personnel like the Haimai Group.

After taking these Jialima intelligence personnel away, they were just locked up in a place and strictly guarded.

No violence was used throughout the process, which was very gentle.

Even later, they will contact Jialima to hand over these intelligence personnel.


Obviously, Oman has been in peace for a long time in the war-torn region of Middle East, and even has the title of Middle East Peace Oasis, which is also related to the country's style of doing things.

Of course, not all intelligence agents in Oman were arrested.

However, after learning about the relevant situation and a large number of colleagues were taken away by the Omani officials, these intelligence agents did not dare to make any moves.


And the Jialima side quickly got the news, and it didn't take them long to understand what went wrong.

It was Russia, who had always had a bad relationship with them, who secretly gave the list of intelligence agents he accidentally obtained to the Omani officials.

And the other countries that suffered the consequences also got the news one after another. After all, the intelligence agents in these countries are not vegetarians.

After learning about the relevant situation, these countries were also shocked.

At the same time, some ideas came into their minds.


At this point, Russia's move was like a spark falling into a powder keg.

The situation began to get out of control.

Among these countries, those who had hatred or dislike for each other, when they found the intelligence personnel of the other country, they also followed suit and passed the relevant information to the officials of their country.

For example, Hans Cat and Gallic Chicken, such as Red Bull and Gallic Chicken, although they have cooperation and seem to have a good relationship on the surface, they don't mind pitting each other if they have the opportunity.


Although these small countries of Middle East that received the "report" did not want to provoke those big countries, these intelligence special forces who infiltrated their countries had a certain probability of threatening their Guo Jia's safety.

Therefore, after receiving the "report", these countries of Middle East also took action and dispatched official forces to arrest these intelligence special forces.

At the beginning, the struggle at the intelligence level of the countries that entered the Middle East was limited to this aspect, just "reporting" each other.

However, later.

In a small country in Middle East, on the official building.

With a thump!

After receiving a call, a civil servant from the official department of the country jumped down from the building and fell to the ground with a thump.

Deader than dead.

The people passing by downstairs were frightened.


"Someone is dead!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, the whole scene fell into chaos.


At this time, the hostile and incompatible countries have begun to physically attack and destroy their opponents.

The details of this scene are-

Among some countries that entered, there is country A, which controlled the other party through some secrets about a civil servant of a small country in Middle East and developed the other party into an intelligence officer of its own country.

Country B, which has a grudge against Country A, also has some information about this public official. If it is exposed, it can make this public official suffer a more painful result than death, and will also implicate his family.

So, as the struggle intensifies, Country B uses this secret to threaten this public official to end his life, thereby knocking out the other party's intelligence.

And the call this public official received was this.


Other countries are also following suit.

Plop plop plop!

The incident escalates!!!


(17th round of power generation, power 2124, April 12, 17:47)

(This plot is about to end)

(Seeking power generation, free power generation is fine. Setting the bowl:)

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