As soon as the voice fell, countless bullet comments appeared in the live broadcast room, and the screen was full of bullet comments such as "next time, next time, next time".

Some netizens who wanted to post comments quickly deleted the text they had entered into the input box after seeing this scene, and then changed it to "next time, next time".

"Next time, next time!"

"Next time, next time!"

"Next time, next time!"

Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room became a sea of ​​joy.


Of course, the formation of "next time, next time" was not so neat. There were other netizens posting different content.

"Hahaha, I am really laughing to death. Just now the anchor said that someone urged him to get on the small yellow car, but actually no one did."

"I am so amused, it really amused me to death."

"Just now I was eating instant noodles, and when I heard the anchor say that, the noodles came out of my nostrils."

"The anchor is so funny!"

"Director Li, do you have to be so funny? You actually said seriously that some netizens urged you to get on the small yellow car!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all very amused, because just now when Li Yaodong said that someone urged him to get on the small yellow car, it was so funny that no one urged him at all.


Li Yaodong naturally noticed the comments posted by the netizens in the live broadcast room. When he saw the comments of "next time is certain", he was able to hold his nerve, after all, this joke of "next time is certain" has become a famous joke in his live broadcast room.

Every time he asked these folks for free electricity with love.

These folks would send the words of "next time is certain", and the formation was quite neat.

But when he saw someone expose him and no one urged him, he couldn't hold it back. In fact, he just said it like other anchors, but he didn't expect to be exposed immediately.


At this time, Plan A.

As two parties standing on different positions.

Plan A naturally has no good feelings towards Li Yaodong, a fan criminal.

Every time they face each other or see each other on the live broadcast, their emotions are more negative.

But at this moment, seeing Li Yaodong's expression and the barrage in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help but laugh.


Although Liu Mei usually speaks less, she is a girl after all, and her natural laughter point is lower than that of men, so she couldn't help laughing after being amused.

At this moment, she felt that Li Yaodong, a fan criminal, was not so hateful.


When Li Weimin saw this scene in the live broadcast room, he couldn't help but smile. But he immediately shook his head and said with emotion: "In fact, serious business is not that easy to do."

You know, if the steel pipes produced by their Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory really have so many advantages as Li Yaodong said, then compared with similar products, they are actually quite advantageous, but having advantages does not necessarily mean that they can sell well.

And the most important thing is that although the other party said it was very nice, various advantages compared to similar products,

but the public will not believe everything you say.

When they buy products such as steel pipes, many people still prefer to buy from large factories.

"He is a person who wants to do legitimate business, but now he is slapped in the face by reality, right?"

At this time, Li Fei curled his lips and said:

"And their steel pipes are twice as expensive as similar steel pipes."

"Others like him sell one meter of the same specifications for about 5 yuan, but he sells it for 10 yuan."

"No one would buy his steel pipes."

"He just wants to cut the leeks of his fans."

In fact, there is a strong prejudice in his words, because if it is true as Li Yaodong said, their steel pipes really have so many advantages, then the price of 10 yuan is not expensive, and it can even be said that it is really a discount for netizens in the live broadcast room.


Depressed! At this moment, Li Yaodong's heart was full of depression!

At this time, Li QishengSeeing the reaction of their uncle Dong, they smiled in their hearts and felt that their uncle Dong was really good at playing.

In their opinion.

Their uncle Dong Li Yaodong must be teasing the people of Plan A.

Before, their uncle Dong was teasing these people, for example, first misleading them to think that those threads were boring lines.

Then their uncle Dong explained: These threads are actually a small design to increase the speed of water flow, and the relevant patents can be found in the Intellectual Property Office. This messed up the mentality of Plan A.

And now their uncle Dong deliberately showed this depressed look of not being able to sell steel pipes, which was also teasing Plan A.

Because the people of Plan A are on the opposite side of their uncle Dong in terms of their position, they will definitely gloat when they see that they can't sell.

But the actual situation is that the leader of the Haimai Group, Abbas, must be watching their uncle Dong's live broadcast.

I will definitely place an order later. When Plan A felt gloating, I saw that their Uncle Dong's steel pipe was sold. I must have been messed up again.

'Uncle Dong wants to ruin Plan A. '

Li Qisheng couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

Although he respected and admired his Uncle Dong, his Uncle Dong's bad taste...

Now he felt a little sympathetic to Plan A.


When Li Qisheng's thought just came to his mind.

The next moment,

In a flash, he saw the data in the background of Uncle Dong's live broadcast room showing that someone had placed an order, and bought 1,000 steel pipes in one order.

And the standard length of one pipe is one meter.

Seeing this scene, Li Qisheng couldn't help but say in his heart, Sure enough, it was as he expected.


Time went back to one minute ago.

Abbas and his group had returned to the leader's office.

At that time, I looked at Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's face, the depressed look because the steel pipes could not be sold.

Abbas also felt Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's bad taste. You know, they also knew that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was being targeted by the official team in Longguo.

In his opinion, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's performance must be to tease the official team.

After all, this batch of steel pipes was prepared by Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong for them, how could it be impossible not to sell them.

"Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's acting skills can win an Oscar."

Abbas said with a smile.


And then his eyes fell on the price of the steel pipe. A one-meter steel pipe is only 10 Longguo currency?

When he saw this price, his eyes were dazed for a moment. Is this price real?

You know, although they have been mentally prepared and think that Mr. I will definitely not ask them for too high a price.

After all, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong has expressed his willingness to support them, but this price is too low. You know, their psychological price is 100 Longguo currency for one meter of steel pipe. And this is what they thought.

"Can we place an order now?"

Then Abbas looked at his confidant Ahmed, who was already impatient to place an order.

"Mr. Abbas, let me switch accounts first."

Ahmed nodded and said.

This so-called account is the account of their water pipe company. In fact, their Haimai group already has a water company vest.

Just like the vest company that bought Yaodong's agricultural and sideline products before.

Because Ahmed was in charge of these things, Abbas was not very clear.

Originally, Abbas wanted his confidant Ahmed to register a water company, and now it can be used directly.


It didn't take long for Ahmed to switch to the official account of their water company. Seeing this scene, Abbas immediately said: "Place an order."

However, just after he finished speaking, he saw that it had been placed?

Such a fast hand speed?

Abbas blinked and looked at his confidant Ahmed.

Then he saw that his confidant Ahmed had not really clicked the order yet, which meant...

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