The order just now was not placed by them at all?


Abbas could not help but think with his eyes flickering.

Every move of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is meaningful.


And it is obvious that this batch of steel pipes is prepared for them.

Logically, no one else should place an order. After all, in the eyes of many people, the quality of this steel pipe has not been verified, but the price is twice as high as that of ordinary steel pipes.

So what is the situation now?

Did someone see that the quality of this batch of steel pipes is really good, so they placed an order or did Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong have other arrangements?

At this moment, Abbas' mind emerged one after another.

"Let me see who placed this order."

At this time, Brad said.

In addition to being an expert in Junhuo, he actually made achievements in online information technology.

Then Brad started to operate.


At this time, netizens in Li Yaodong's live broadcast room also noticed that someone actually placed an order for 1,000 steel pipes.

Although this order is not very big...

"But doesn't the person who placed the order think that the price of this steel pipe is too high?"

"If the advantages of this steel pipe are really as the anchor said, I don't think it's expensive, and the price should be lower than the normal price."

"That's what you said, but haven't we verified the quality yet, is it as the anchor said? If someone wants to try it, they won't order 1,000 at a time, just buy one and try it?"

"Isn't it a shill?"


At this time, Plan A is here.

"Someone really placed an order?"

Subconsciously, Li Fei frowned. Just now he was a little gloating, thinking that no one would buy Li Yaodong's steel pipes, and now someone has placed an order for 1,000 directly.

"Liu Mei, can you check who made this order?"

Li Fei turned his head and looked at Liu Mei.


After hearing Li Fei's request, Liu Mei glanced at him but didn't respond.

She didn't want to use her online information skills to satisfy Li Fei's private thoughts.

"Liu Mei, check it out." Li Weimin said.

He didn't find anything, but just out of caution, so he asked Liu Mei to check it out.


Generally speaking, only the seller can see which user in the live broadcast room has placed an order to buy something.

People watching the live broadcast can't see it, but for a genius girl like Liu Mei who can be called a hacker, it's not difficult.

Hearing this.

Liu Mei nodded, and then her fingers clacked on the keyboard a few times.


"Found it."

She said.

Click! She clicked a key.

The information of the orderer appeared on the big screen.

Subconsciously, everyone in Plan A looked at the information on the big screen.

Everyone frowned immediately, and Li Fei's face became even more ugly.


The person who placed the order on the big screen was the personal account of the program director.

"The director of this professional challenge program must have a lot to do with Li Yaodong, the fan criminal. He is not an ordinary director, otherwise how could he flatter Li Yaodong so much."

Li Fei said with a bad face.

In his opinion, it must be the director of this professional challenge. Seeing that no one placed an order for Li Yaodong, Li Yaodong was embarrassed, so he flattered Li Yaodong and placed such an order.

In their investigation of the director of this program group, the director of this program group was a person with a very clean background. They even sent out a gold medal undercover and let the gold medal undercover follow this director for a long time without finding any evidence of the other party having any illegal drugs.What a big problem.

But he still felt that the other party was not simple. Because this scene was exactly the same as Li Yaodong. If they investigated Li Yaodong, they would find that his background was very clean.

At most, they would find some rumors about Li Yaodong, but if they investigated these rumors in depth, the final result would be just groundless and there was nothing at all.



The program director who was watching Li Yaodong's live broadcast sneezed hard.

"Who is talking about me?"

He muttered.

"But where can I use these steel pipes after I buy them?"

The program director looked at the order he placed and muttered again.

The order just now was indeed placed by him.

And the reason why he placed such an order was actually quite simple.

In general, it was really guessed by Li Fei.

You know, Li Yaodong has become a business card for their professional challenges.

He had hoped that Director Li Yaodong could revitalize the steel pipe factory, and then they would take the opportunity to promote it, but just now he saw that no one had placed an order.

In order to ease the embarrassment of Director Li Yaodong, he naturally helped to place an order.


Abbas's side.

They looked at each other in bewilderment.

Originally, they were still wondering what the deep meaning of this unexpected order was and what arrangements were made in it.

In the end, it was only the director of this program group who placed an order to ease the embarrassment of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong?

"Then let's place an order too."

After a light cough, Abbas said.

"How many tubes should we buy in this order?"


However, Brad seemed to have thought of something and said:

"If we place too many orders in this order, it may attract the attention of the official team that is eyeing Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, and if we place too few orders, it will not be good either."

After all, if Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong sold fewer steel pipes during the live broadcast, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong would be embarrassed.

Upon hearing this, Abbas also thought about it in his heart, but he said with a move in his heart:

"In fact, we don't have to worry too much about danger. Mr. Dongshu must have considered it."


At this time, Li Yaodong felt a little comforted when he looked at the order of buying 1,000 steel pipes. Although this order was not a lot and was far from his psychological expectations, it was better than nothing.


And at least there were no accidents or misunderstandings that caused Plan A to misunderstand.

Things did not develop in a very serious direction. It can even be regarded as the implementation of his plan to increase output without breaking or building.

After all, when he invited Zhao Jialiang to come, Plan A must have thought that his steel pipe factory was up to something, but now all signs show that his steel pipe factory is a legitimate steel pipe factory, and the steel pipes it sells are also normal. In this way, won’t the plan of increasing output and breaking through to build be implemented?


But at this moment, the background data of the live broadcast room showed that there was another...


"Someone placed an order again?"

Plan A.

Liu Mei said as she looked at the background data of Li Yaodong's live broadcast room through the intrusion.

And then she looked at the specific number in this order, and when she saw the specific number, a look of horror appeared on his face.

"One...more than one million?!"

She whispered subconsciously.



When they heard this number, everyone in Plan A was stunned.

Immediately, a thought emerged in their minds.


One order for more than one million, this is unreasonable?

And being unreasonable is, to a certain extent, equivalent to being a trick!

Then Liu Mei typed on the keyboard for a while and then hit the enter key, then locked the location of this account, and then exclaimed: "Is it... an overseas account?"


Everyone in Plan A who heard this was startled.

It's still an overseas account?

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