
Subconsciously, everyone in Plan A thought of the agricultural and sideline products incident.

In the investigation of agricultural and sideline products, they only found out that Li Yaodong sold agricultural and sideline products to pirates, and the pirates sold these agricultural and sideline products as luxury goods.

But after coming to the steel pipe factory, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong told Zhao Jialiang that what he found was the most superficial.

Based on their understanding of Uncle Dong Li Yaodong, they felt that what the other party said was very likely to be true.

Their hearts skipped at that time.

But they didn't investigate further at that time.


The reason why they didn't investigate further at that time was that it had been a while since the incident, and they couldn't investigate further now.

In addition, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong invited Zhao Jialiang to the steel pipe factory this time, which made them feel that there was something fishy about the steel pipe factory.

Their attention was focused on the steel pipe factory.

On the other hand, they were unwilling to face this failure, because if they faced this failure, it would mean that they were completely at a disadvantage in that contest.

It can even be said that in terms of thinking, the other party crushed them - the other party was in the atmosphere, while they only checked the lowest level.


For this group of people who have always claimed to be elites, they naturally don't want to face such a failure.

So they all subconsciously avoided this topic.

This is the instinct of humans as animals.

'And the order location for this order is also overseas, so does it mean that they can avenge their previous shame? '

Such a thought emerged in everyone's mind.

"Liu Mei, check where this order is, where exactly!"

At this time, Li Weimin, the director, couldn't help but frown and said.


Hearing this.

Liu Mei started to operate.

But Li Weimin's brows were getting deeper and deeper, and he was muttering in his mind, 'Steel pipe steel pipe, won't the order location this time also be in Middle East? ’

For a moment, the entire Plan A office fell into a very oppressive silence.

The only remaining sound was the crackling sound of Liu Mei's keyboard when she operated the computer.

And these sounds seemed to hit everyone's heart.

If there really was something fishy, ​​then weren't they also fooled before? Even before, they had already thought that the steel pipes of this steel pipe factory were just ordinary steel pipes.

In other words, if there was no order for more than one million steel pipes, they would not have found anything until the end of this live broadcast.

When these thoughts came to their minds, their faces became more gloomy.


At this time, Li Yaodong's factory owner's live broadcast room also exploded later.

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"I just saw someone place an order for more than one million pipes, I'm going to pick it up!"

"Is this not a shill?"

"Do you want to see what you are talking about? Even if it is a shill, it can't be so outrageous?"

"So this order is real, what the hell?"


The program director is here.

After placing an order for 1,000 steel pipes in Li Yaodong's live broadcast room, he picked up the tea and drank it.

"Director Li, I can only help you here."

He muttered to himself.

Seeing that the netizens in the live broadcast room were not motivated by him to place orders, he sighed again in his heart.

However, the next moment, the teacup in his hand shook and almost fell directly on the table.

This...an order for more than one million steel pipes?


His first reaction was to say whether he had ordered the wrong order.

When this thought came to his mind, he quickly looked at his order page and found that it was not there.

He was relieved immediately.

After all, if his hand really shook and he placed the wrong order, it would be a lot of fun..


Now is the era of short videos, and their professional challenge program has been quite popular recently.

Countless colleagues are watching them. If this is true, the scandal can directly bring down their entire professional challenge program team.

‘Fortunately, fortunately! ’


And then, the second reaction is that someone is messing up in the live broadcast room and placing orders randomly.

But then he directly denied this idea.

If someone really does this, they will be held accountable by the law.

And these two answers are excluded.

The third answer came to his mind, that is to say...

‘That is to say, this order of more than 1 million steel pipes is really placed by users? ! ’

When this thought came to his mind, he couldn't help but say a word of awesomeness!

"Director Li is awesome!"

If a real user really placed an order for more than 1 million steel pipes, then Director Li Yaodong can really revitalize the Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory.

Because in this era of short videos, this order of more than 1 million steel pipes is eye-catching enough. If it is exposed, it will definitely attract a large wave of traffic, thereby triggering a wave of orders and ushering in overwhelming wealth.

After all, in this era of short videos, any miracle can be created.

Before, there were many live broadcast rooms that were very bleak when selling goods, but later they suddenly became popular because of a certain opportunity.


At this time, Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory.

Li Qisheng also noticed the order of more than 1 million steel pipes, but his face changed, and he immediately said in his heart:

'Not good! ! ! '

You know, if Yabas placed so many orders, it will definitely attract the attention of Plan A.

After all, this big order is too eye-catching.

Maybe Plan A will follow this order to investigate.

No, not maybe, it will definitely follow this order to investigate.

And there has just been such a big commotion in Middle East. If we follow this order, it is really possible...

Besides, I guess Jun Fang of Longguo is also looking for their Uncle Dong.


Thinking of this, Li Qisheng couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

And subconsciously, he looked at the undercover Zhao Jialiang of Jingfang.


At this time, Zhao Jialiang noticed the order of more than 1 million pipes, and his face changed slightly.

Originally, after confirming that this steel pipe factory was an ordinary steel pipe factory, not a black factory producing military equipment, he was relieved.

He even felt that this uncle Li Yaodong, who was said to be very sinister and dangerous by the people in Plan A, gave him a feeling of being mysterious.

And thinking back to the few times he had contacted him, he found that the other party seemed to have never done anything out of the ordinary.

However, when he just had this thought, he noticed this order.

More than 1 million steel pipes?

This? This is obviously abnormal? !

Suddenly, his mood was lifted again.

And subconsciously, he just glanced at the IP of the person who placed the order and found that this IP was actually overseas.


And the amount of information here is huge.

At this time, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

'Thread is not a boring wire, but a boring wire can be a thread. ’


(The 20th round of power generation, power generation 3240, 20:05, 4/26)

(The 21st round of power generation begins, power generation 240)

(This is an extra chapter)

(I don’t know why I’m in a bad mood today)

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