And listening to the words of Mr. Li Qisheng on the other end of the phone.

Abbas also noticed the expressions of Brad and Ahmed, and then he knew that the two must have misunderstood his two consecutive sentences.

Just after the call was connected, Mr. Li Qisheng on the other end of the phone excitedly told him that Mr. Dongshu originally planned to sell large-caliber steel pipes in the live broadcast, but now he no longer plans to broadcast live, and then asked him: "Mr. Abbas, what does it mean?"

When hearing these words, Abbas felt desperate because he knew the interception rate of the Hutian air defense system.

So much so that his thinking was a little sluggish, and he subconsciously replied, what else could it be.

And the two sentences he said before and after, connected together, sounded in the ears of Brad and Ahmed as him using the form of a rhetorical question to say that Mr. Dongshu Dongshu is a god.


And Li Qisheng's side.

After knowing that Uncle Dong was planning to sell large-caliber steel pipes live, he suddenly had an idea and went back to his residence, then checked online what the Haimai Group needed most, or more specifically, what problem the other party needed to solve most now.

Then he found it out.


The most urgent problem that the Haimai Group, where Abbas is, needs to solve now is the Hutian air defense system.

If the Hutian air defense system cannot be solved, then even if the Haimai Group makes a big move, it will only be a small fight for Inler.

But after finding out these, Li Qisheng was a little troubled.

Because he really couldn't imagine what kind of weapons these large-caliber steel pipes should be made into to solve this interception rate and reach a Hutian system of more than 90%.

But then he came up with a way, that is, to put himself in the thinking level of their Uncle Dong and think about this problem.


"Yes, it is to substitute Dong Shu's thinking level."

At that time, Li Qisheng muttered to himself, but this was very difficult, after all, he felt that the gap between his thinking level and Dong Shu's was too big.

But a fool will make a thousand mistakes, but he will get one right.

"Steel pipe, steel pipe... rocket, rocket?"

He muttered to himself, constantly thinking about what this steel pipe can be transformed into while substituting Dong Shu's thinking level.

At a certain moment.

Suddenly his eyes lit up. Steel pipes can be transformed into rockets, and just now when he was searching for what Abbas needed, he also found a set of data.

It was a set of data on cost.


"Rockets, you said to transform into rockets?"

After hearing these words from Li Qisheng, Abbas' eyes lit up, but then his eyes dimmed again.

What's the use of this?

Li Qisheng naturally heard the depressed mood in Abbas's words, and seemed to think that the transformation into rockets would be useless for the Hutian air defense system they were facing.

"Abbas, you are too slow to understand."

Li Qisheng said.

Then he asked: "Think about how much it costs for the Hutian air defense system to intercept a rocket. It must be tens of thousands of dollars, right? What about our homemade rockets made of steel pipes?"


Hearing this.

At first, Abbas didn't understand what he meant, but he compared the cost in his mind. His eyes suddenly widened slightly.

If they use the steel pipes produced by Mr. Dangerous Dongshu to make rockets, one rocket will cost at most a few hundred dollars, and the highest will be thousands of dollars.

At this moment, his mind suddenly emerged involuntarily, when they made rockets worth only a few hundred dollars with steel pipes, bombarded the Hutian air defense system like an overwhelming force, and directly destroyed the Hutian air defense system.

Even if they can't do anything, they can still make the other side lose all their money.

After all, if the other side intercepts one of their rockets, they will lose tens of thousands of dollars.

No matter how rich the other side is, they can't afford to do this.


The more he thought about it...the more excited Abbas was.

"And the reason why Uncle Dong is not going to live broadcast and sell this kind of large-diameter steel pipes..."

Seeing that Abbas understood the meaning of his words, Li Qisheng continued to speak.

In his opinion, the reason why Uncle Dong no longer continued to live broadcast and sell that kind of large-diameter steel pipes.

On the one hand, it was to remind him through this change, let him understand the deep meaning, and then tell Abbas.

On the other hand, it was because he had to keep a low profile. After all, the previous small-diameter steel pipes were transported to Pengli and killed Ichiro Motobashi.

If Uncle Dong Li Yaodong continued to live broadcast and sell this kind of large-diameter steel pipes, it would definitely make those who were interested think of something after some contact.

After thinking about these, Li Qisheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Uncle Dong is really a person who has both adventurous and cautious qualities.


Of course, the risk is that Uncle Dong dared to sell the small-caliber steel pipes in public even though he knew that Plan A was definitely watching their live broadcast.

And caution is the current situation.

'Be cautious when you should be cautious, and take risks when you should take risks. '

At this moment.

Li Qisheng said in his heart that he had learned something.

Then the two chatted for a few more sentences, and then hung up the phone.


"Uncle Dong is not a god, what else can he be? Uncle Dong is a god!"

After hanging up the phone, Abbas turned his head and said to Brad and Ahmed with a serious look.

It seems that this is what he meant just now.

However, he was thinking in his heart...

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