Fortunately, he just happened to say that, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

After all, he just said that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was not a god, and felt that no matter how powerful Mr. Dong was, he could not solve this sky defense system, but in the blink of an eye...

That was too embarrassing!


After reiterating this sentence, Abbas coughed lightly.

He said the method that he had just heard from Li Qisheng to destroy the sky defense system.

After hearing this, Ahmed, Abbas's confidant, was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

"God is above, Dangerous Uncle Dong is really a god."

Ahmed couldn't help but exclaimed, and at the same time he felt deeply ashamed.

Just now he actually doubted Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's ability in his heart.

At the same time, he looked at his leader with admiration.

His leader actually believed in Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's ability from beginning to end.

He thought, no wonder Mr. Habas could become the leader of their Haimai Group.

And he was just a confidant of the leader.


After feeling Ahmed's gaze, Abbas coughed lightly, his expression a little unnatural.

At this time, Professor Brad, who had not spoken much, sighed deeply at night: "Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is indeed a god."


And hearing this.

Abbas and his confidant Ahmed turned their eyes to Professor Brad at the same time.

Professor Brad is a highly educated talent.

Abbas and Ahmed also knew that the other party was different from most people in their Palishin area.

The other party did not have the same religious beliefs as them.

The other party returned to their Palishin and became the chief weapons expert of their Haimai Group, just because the other party wanted the people here to no longer suffer from the ravages of war and to drive out those thieves. Unlike them, he also mixed religious elements into this dispute.

However, such an atheist now claims that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is a god!

This is simply? ! ! !


However, regardless of the expressions of Ahmed and Abbas, Professor Brad said to himself:

"In fact, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong has already told us the answer, but we couldn't understand it at that time."

Upon hearing this, Abbas and Ahmed both showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

And subconsciously.

Ahmed looked at their leader Abbas.

Feeling the gaze of his trusted subordinate, Abbas quickly showed a thoughtful look on his face, as if he understood the meaning of Professor Brad's words.

But he didn't understand it at all.

It's just that if he also showed a puzzled look like his trusted subordinate.

Then wouldn't his image in the eyes of his trusted subordinate collapse?


Professor Brad, who felt the gazes of the two men, uttered two words softly:


When he heard these two words, Abbas was stunned at first, and then...

Flood? He seemed to have thought of something.

This time he really thought of something.


Before, they were blocked from the supply of weapons by Jialimai, and then Jialimai also supported Inler to install the Sky Defense System.

In this case, Li Qisheng told them that at that time, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was watching a news report about a flood.

He felt that there was a deep meaning in it, and later he realized that the deep meaning might be that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was hinting that these water pipes could be made into gun barrels.

Flood flood, water implies water pipes.

But now...

'Flood? '

He thought of the scene where the rockets made of large-caliber steel pipes were overwhelming and bombarded Inler's Sky Defense System............................................

Isn't that scene like a flood that destroys the world?

I understand! At this moment, Abbas also understood. It turns out that this is the ultimate mystery of the flood.

And then, he thought of more. You know, when he got the hint of the flood, he was worshiping in their Jigus Temple.

And in their religious mythology, there is also a legend of flood destroying the world.

That is to say, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, when he expected that he would be worshiping in the temple when he got this hint.

That is to say, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong had given him multiple hints, but he didn't think of it at all.

At this moment, Abbas was full of regret: he should have thought of it earlier.

It's amazing, it's really amazing!

No wonder Professor Brad, who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, actually said that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is a god?

"I will never doubt Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong again. Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is simply omnipotent."

Abbas said with emotion.

In his opinion, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong is more amazing than God.

After all, God is only in faith.

But Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong actually exists in reality.


After hearing what his leader said, Ahmed, as a confidant, looked at the other party with some doubt in his eyes.

Why did he seem to have doubts just now after listening to his leader's words?

But that's not right.

At the beginning, didn't his leader say that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was not a god, so what else could he be?

The more he thought about it... Ahmed, the more suspicious he became.


After feeling the gaze of his confidant, Abbas felt uncomfortable.

However, he remained calm on his face, maintaining the cold and serious look he had shown to the outside world, as if he didn't feel Ahmed's gaze.

And suddenly!

He said seriously: "World-destroying flood plan!"

Upon hearing this, Professor Brad and Ahmed were both stunned, not understanding what the other party meant.

But Abbas looked far toward Inler.

He seemed to see the Sky Umbrella in Inler - the Sky Defense System.

"I mean, the bombing plan against the Sky Umbrella in Inler is named the World-Destroying Flood Plan."

Abbas said leisurely.

He thought of the Jigus Temple they believed in.

In the Jigus Temple, [Jugus] means to destroy the world and purify the world in their language system.

This is God's will.


Hearing this.

Professor Brad and Ahmed were both shocked!

"World-Destroying Flood Plan?!"

The two murmured this word.

Destroying the world means purifying the world, purifying all the sins in the world.

And the enemy they faced was the thief full of sins.

So the World-Destroying Flood is the flood in the myth, purifying all the sins in the world.

It is also the overwhelming rockets in reality.

In an instant.

A great sense of mission arose in their hearts.


The heart surged!

At this time, Abbas looked far to the east.

His gaze spanned thousands of miles.

He seemed to see Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, looking at him from a distance.

In the dark.

Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong had already made a plan and a name for this plan.

He said this name, just to implement Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's will.

Just like a loyal believer, preaching God's revelation, it seems that this believer said it.

But that is just a projection of God's will.

This is called,

God's revelation.


(22nd round of power generation, power generation 2647, 19:08, 5/7)

(It's only a little short of 3,000, so I'll add more. If there are lovely folks, please vote for a free love power generation)

Putting bowls:

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