
Ketal quickly put on his clothes, pushed the door open, and walked quickly towards the headquarters.

And he was not disappointed.

The moment he pushed the door open and walked out.

The Hutian air defense system also started to operate automatically.

First, the detection and tracking radar quickly captured the trajectory of the incoming rocket.

And then...

The battle management and weapon control system started to operate automatically.

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

"Boom, boom!"

A series of interceptor missiles were fired by the Hutian air defense system.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

While heading towards the headquarters.

Ketal subconsciously looked up at the sky.


Then a more gorgeous scene appeared.

I saw the torrent of interceptor missiles, going against the current to intercept the rockets that were flying.

It was different from the rockets fired by the Haimai Regiment, which went straight to and fro - after all, the rockets on the Haimai Regiment's side were essentially rustic rockets, and the technological content was not high.

The interceptor rockets fired by Inler were not going straight.


At this time, Ketal looked up at the sky.

He could even see that the interceptor rockets fired by their side turned a corner in the sky and intercepted the rockets coming towards Inler.

Seeing this scene, he felt relieved and continued to walk quickly towards the headquarters.


And above the sky.

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

More and more interceptor missiles collided with rockets, and huge explosions burst out in the sky, rumbling into one piece.

At the same time!

The bright light produced by the explosion, like a substance, connected into one piece, seemed to converge into a Milky Way under the night sky!


"Tap, tap, tap!"

Soon after.

In the sound of footsteps, with a creak!

Ketal had arrived at the door of the headquarters at this time.

He pushed the door open and saw this scene in the sky.

This extremely gorgeous scene made him a little stunned.

He couldn't help but smile.

However, the next moment, the smile on his face froze!



After their interceptor missiles from the Inle side intercepted the first batch of rockets in the air...

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

More rockets came overwhelmingly from the Palishin area where the Haimai Regiment was located.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

Another wave of interceptor missiles also intercepted.

Then both sides detonated!

In this process.

The Milky Way that converged in the sky was more gorgeous and heavier!


Seeing this scene, I don't know why, Ketal's emotions began to surge again, which must be different from before.

At this time, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling!

"Our Sky Defense System has a near-perfect interception rate! Don't worry, don't worry!"

He murmured in a low voice, frantically comforting himself.


Border of the Pailishi Indian region.

The leader of the Haimai Group, Abbas, looked up at the extremely gorgeous, magnificent, and splendid scene.

Suddenly, he was filled with heroic spirit!

"Boom! Boom!"

He said loudly.

Then a new round of rockets.

Swoosh and swoosh rushed into the sky!

The torrent of rockets seemed endless.


"Swoosh and swoosh!"

This was the sound of rockets and interceptor missiles launched by the Haimai Group and Inler.

"Boom boom boom!"

This was the sound of the collision, explosion, and annihilation of rockets and interceptor missiles from both sides!

And in this huge rumble.

The galaxy formed by countless rays of light above Inler was getting bigger, heavier, and more gorgeous!At a certain moment, this huge galaxy of light and fire seemed to have reached its limit!


In the command post of the Inler border garrison, Ketar felt more and more horrified.

And as if he felt something, his eyes fell on the galaxy of light and fire that gathered in the sky!


His heart trembled!

The next moment, with a crash, Ketar's ears seemed to hear the sound of the galaxy breaking.

The huge galaxy came down from the sky.

Zooming in, you can see that under the interception of the sky defense system with an interception rate of more than 90%, there is one rocket that was not intercepted.


The rocket arced from the huge galaxy of light and fire, spinning and flying towards the territory of Inler.

At the beginning, there was only one.


Two, three, four, five...

Finally, the whole galaxy burst!

Crash, crash!



The first rocket exploded, and the second rocket exploded...


"How is it possible? What is that?"

The thieves of Inler a moment ago, watching the missiles launched by their Sky Defense System intercepting rockets one by one in the sky, all showed a look of surviving and pride on their faces.

However, the next moment.

Looking at the rockets falling from the sky.

They all showed fear and despair on their faces.

Until this moment, they still didn't believe it.

But the next moment, with a huge explosion not far from the ground, they accepted this fact.



Chaos! The attacked area was completely in chaos!


"Oh my God!"

"Why? !!!!!!!"

However, their screams did not have any effect.


Explosions continued to sound!


Inside the headquarters.

Ketal looked at the falling galaxy and the rockets raining down on them in Inler, his eyes full of despair.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? The interception rate of our Sky Guardian Air Release System is not..."

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