"Isn't the interception rate of our Hutian air defense system as high as over 90%?"

Kaitar muttered to himself with a pale face.

Now he was filled with despair.

However, as the commander of the border garrison, his IQ was still quite strong.

In an instant, he understood why their Hutian air defense system, which claimed to have an interception rate of over 90%, could not intercept.


It's very simple.

Because the rockets launched by the Haimai Regiment were too many, the interception rate of their Hutian air defense system was indeed high, and it was indeed over 90%. From the very beginning, the Hutian air defense system intercepted most of the rockets, which can be seen.

However, over 90% does not mean that all of them can be intercepted.

As long as the number of rockets is large enough, the quantitative change will naturally lead to qualitative change.


Moreover, it is not just a matter of interception rate.

You know.

The combat management and weapon control system of the Hutian air defense system has an automatic calculation and filtering module.

Once the number of rockets that need to be intercepted reaches a certain level.

This automatic calculation and filtering module will be triggered, and then the landing point of the rocket will be quickly calculated.

As for rockets whose landing point is no longer in the manned area.

After the calculation of this automatic filtering module, the combat management and weapon control system will automatically determine not to intercept.


For the module, the rockets whose landing point is determined to be threatening.

The combat management and weapon control system of the Hutian air defense system will send the threatening target ballistic parameters to the interception missile for interception and detonation.

Therefore, when the number of rockets gradually increases, this module will automatically start.

At the beginning, the effect achieved by this module was still positive.

Many of the rockets that were missed were those that would actively fall in the unmanned area.

This greatly increased the cost-effectiveness of this Hutian air defense system.


In other words, at this time, the rockets that flew into Inler were just thunder and rain, and were not enough to cause too much damage. It just had a visual impact.


As the number of rockets increased,

The second set of filtering schemes of this filtering module was also activated.

Because it was really too much to take care of both.

Therefore, in the judgment of this automatic filtering module, some missiles that landed in manned areas but not in particularly important areas were also determined not to be intercepted.

As the situation became more and more serious, this automatic filtering system gradually became a sieve with many loopholes.

Under the dual effects of the automatic filtering module and the interception rate limit of the skyguard itself.

This is the scene of the galaxy overturning now.


"Swoosh, swoosh!"

"Boom, boom!"

From the first round of rockets, more than ten minutes have passed, and there is no sign of stopping at all.

And such a big movement naturally cannot fail to attract the attention of other flying people.


Yangshi's Middle East correspondent station, Yin & Perry branch, is a two-story building with a yard and a dilapidated building, which has a bit of the style of the urban-rural junction of Longguo.

If it weren't for the flag of the Dragon Kingdom and the logo of the In&Perry branch of the Yangshi Middle East News Agency, strangers might not have associated it with the news agency.

After all, this In&Perry branch is too simple.

However, for people in the war-torn areas of Middle East, this is already a rare and luxurious residence.

It is even a place of settlement that people in these war-torn areas have been pursuing all their lives.


As the station chief of the Yangshi Central News Agency in Middle East, Su XiaoxiaoShe should be stationed at the central press station.

The central press station is in Dibai, which is also a very safe Middle East country.

However, for special reasons, she came to the In & Perry branch.

At this time, around one o'clock in the morning, she had a regular schedule and naturally went to bed.

But at this moment, she was awakened by a thunder.


Su Xiaoxiao came to the balcony on the second floor with her clothes on, and then stared blankly at the gorgeous scene in the sky.

"How can this be thunder?"

Under the reflection of the light, her face kept changing, and she muttered to herself.

Maybe she was just woken up and her head was a little confused. After a few seconds, she was sure of the approximate location of this scene.

After her face changed, she seemed to think of something.

Then, she made a phone call, and after listening to two sentences, she verified her guess.

Is it...really?

"What happened?" She looked up and looked at the gorgeous scene in the sky again.

At this moment, her scalp was tingling.

She always felt that something was going to happen. No, not going to happen, but it had already happened!


And the reporters in the various countries' press stations in the Yin & Pelli area also noticed this scene.

In fact, some reporters noticed it earlier than the Longguo press station.

Because the location of the press station where these reporters were located was not very good, almost under the coverage of the war.

At this time, after seeing the gorgeous scene in the sky, these reporters were all stunned.

After a few seconds, they reacted.


"Oh my god!"

"Ya (y) 蠛蝶, yi (yi) ku (yi) ku!"

"Ah Xi Ba, what happened there?"


The reporters from various countries looked pale.

Of course, it was not just these reporters. Intelligence personnel from various countries nearby also noticed this scene. When they saw this scene, they were also stunned for a moment.

Then more intelligence was collected by them.

‘Is it the Haimai Group and the Inler side? ’

When they understood what happened, these intelligence personnel swallowed hard.

If they remembered correctly... No, they must have remembered correctly, after all, that incident happened only a few days ago.

Just a few days ago, the supporters of the Haimai Group had just made such a big fuss, and for this reason, Jialima, who has always claimed to be democratic, even personally stepped in and blocked the weapons supply channels of the Haimai Group.

But now, the Haimai Group actually...

These intelligence personnel quickly sent the intelligence they had obtained back to various countries.


Jialima, in the office of the highest person in charge of the Yin & Perry working group.

Mardy Lyon looked at the time, it was already past seven in the afternoon.

Then, he looked at the gloomy sky outside.

His mood became more and more irritable.

Then, he stood up and planned to leave work.

But at this moment.

"Squeak!" The door of his office was pushed open by his right-hand assistant.

"Boss, something happened at In&Perry." The right-hand assistant reported with a serious face.

And listening to the report of his right-hand assistant, Mardy Lyon's face also became serious... gloomy.

"Da Da Da!"

"Ta Ta Ta!"

Soon after, a series of footsteps were heard on the floor where the In&Perry working group was located.

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