......Jia Ali Mai.

After a brief explanation, Brother Geng emphasized his Dragon Country's foreign policy and stated: "...... Adhering to this peaceful foreign policy, our Dragon Country will not interfere in other countries' politics now and in the future."

At the same time, he called on the Haimai Group and the Inler side to cease fire and not let the conflict expand and affect civilians.

Of course, in the end, Brother Geng even asked Jia Ali Mai to explain the recording and apologize on behalf of the Dragon Country.

And this live broadcast is full of connotations. For example, Brother Geng said that their Dragon Country will not interfere in other countries' politics. On the one hand, this is to explain the Dragon Country's foreign policy, and on the other hand, it also implies Jia Ali Mai.


However, after watching the entire live broadcast, many Dragon Country netizens were a little confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"Could it be that Jia Alimai is really throwing dirty water on us? But what about the evidence that Inler produced before?"

"Haha, didn't Brother Geng say it? It was some forces that organized and planned to throw dirty water on us."

"Yes, it must be Jia Alimai's conspiracy. He first had people buy products from our steel pipe factory and fertilizer factory, and then sold them to the Haimai group, and then directed and acted in all this. Otherwise, the recording that let Inler throw dirty water on us would not make sense."

"It's really possible. Otherwise, if it's true, If it was us who gave those things to the Haimai Group, Jiaalimei would not have to order Inler to throw dirty water on us, and directly produce evidence, wouldn't the shit pot be put on our heads? "

"Anyway, no matter what, our official should not deal with that anchor, right?"

"It's all Jiaalimei's conspiracy, why should we deal with it?"


With Longguo's efforts in public opinion, world public opinion has also been stirred into a pool of muddy water.

People around the world can't figure out what's going on. Is it Jiaalimei's conspiracy to deliberately direct and act out dirty water on Longguo?

Or is it Longguo who muddied the water through public opinion.


After seeing the relevant public opinion, Jiaalimei also issued several statements.

But because Longguo released that recording and the ugly pot conspiracy theory.

These statements did not have much effect, and the public opinion of the whole world was in a muddy water.


Jia Ali Mai was furious.


Li Yaodong also watched Brother Geng's live broadcast.

He was a little confused about what was going on.

At a certain moment.

He blinked his eyes, which meant he was fine?

Then a series of thoughts emerged in his mind.

Yes, his transactions with his fellow Middle East people had always been in accordance with the formal process.

These Middle East people had no control over where their products were used, and maybe it was really like what this external official Brother Geng said, that it was Jia Ali Mai's conspiracy.

"Yes, that's it."

Li Yaodong muttered to himself.


The program director.

He also watched Brother Geng's external live broadcast.

In fact, like Li Yaodong, he also followed many heavyweight official accounts crazily. When he saw that the official account of the external outlet had updated a dynamic, he was also shocked.

When he saw that the global live broadcast was going to be broadcasted to the outside world, he felt that he was doomed. However, after watching the entire live broadcast, he found that things seemed to be a little different from what he imagined.

"Did I just have a false alarm?"

The program director wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and muttered to himself.



After Li Weimin and others exchanged information with the southern exhibition area, they were arranged to rest by the southern exhibition area.

However, because there were many things to do, Li Weimin and Li Shu wereI didn't sleep very well at night and woke up early.


He also watched this live broadcast of Brother Geng.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Li Weimin's face was full of disbelief.

Did this matter end so anticlimactic?

Did this matter just get covered so quietly?

Did Li Yaodong, the dangerous lunatic, get let off?

If so, why did the southern exhibition area invite all the members of their Plan A so solemnly?

'Is it that Longguo chose to do this for the sake of the overall situation? '

After all, no matter what, Longguo would not accept Jia Alima's accusations against their external policies?

But that's not right. Even if it's for the sake of the overall situation, it's impossible to just cover this matter lightly, right?

"Knock knock knock!"

At this time, the door was knocked.

The civilian middle-level manager who received them last night knocked on Li Weimin's door.


"Director Li, the boss wants to see you."

After opening the door, the civilian mid-level manager said straight to the point, and the other people from Plan A also knocked on the door one after another.

'Are the big guys from the southern exhibition area back? '

This thought came to everyone's mind.


Everyone from Plan A, who was full of questions, was asked to leave.

They knew that all the answers would be revealed later.

——But what is going on?


(27th round of power generation 2224, 19:19, 5/26)

(This is an extra chapter)

(Today's update is earlier than yesterday, so can you folks give me a free love power generation as an encouragement?)

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