"Da Da Da!"

Amid the sound of footsteps, Li Weimin and others from Plan A headed towards the Junqing Research Room under the leadership of the staff of the southern exhibition area, that is, the civilian middle-level manager.

When they walked to the hall, they saw the flat-headed brother Xu Zhengyang also heading towards the Junqing Research Room.

Immediately, both parties nodded.

You should know that Xu Zhengyang, as a gold medal undercover, was deeply involved in the operation against Li Yaodong from the perspective of an undercover, and he participated in the two operations against Li Yaodong by both Junjing and the other party.

Naturally, he would be invited to the Junqing Research Room.



They came to the door of the Junqing Research Room, and the civilian middle-level manager immediately walked up and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

After hearing the knock on the door, Mr. Liu in the Junqing Research Room said directly.


Then the civilian middle-level manager pushed open the door of the Junqing Research Room.

"Director Li."

The civilian middle-level manager motioned Li Weimin and others to go in.

Hearing this, Li Weimin and others took a deep breath.

You should know that Junren has a different meaning in Longguo.

And the people in this Junqing Research Room are not ordinary Junren, but big men in the army, so naturally Li Weimin and others are in a good mood.


"Da Da Da!"

When the people of Plan A walked into the Junqing Research Room, they saw Mr. Liu Wenwu and a group of senior officials in the southern exhibition area sitting here.

And subconsciously, Li Weimin and others' eyes stayed on the Jun title of Mr. Liu and others for a few seconds.


Their pupils contracted for a while.

"Sit down, don't be restrained."

And at this time, Mr. Liu also spoke.


Although Mr. Liu said so, how could the people of Plan A not be restrained, but they also found their seats one by one and sat down.

After sitting down, although the people of Plan A did not speak, they were also secretly looking at Mr. Liu and other big men in the southern exhibition area.


"Xiao Qian, help us introduce each other."

Mr. Liu also noticed the gazes of the people in Plan A, and immediately said to the civilian middle-level manager who led the people in Plan A.

Although they had read the information of these people more than once before Li Weimin and others came, introducing each other's identities in this occasion can make both parties closer psychologically.

After all, both parties were strangers before the introduction, but after the introduction, both parties have an acquaintance.

Although Mr. Liu has no research on psychology, he is old and wise and naturally knows what means to use to break this stagnant atmosphere.

"Okay, boss."

The civilian middle-level Xiao Qian nodded and introduced Li Weimin and others one by one.


And Li Weimin's side.

Whenever someone is introduced, the person involved will tense up. After all, even if you just look at the title, the people in the southern exhibition area opposite are all big guys.

In front of these big guys, they were all small Karami, even the old magician Li Weimin of the well system, that is, their Li Shu, was no exception.


After introducing them, when introducing Liu Wenwu and other senior executives of the southern exhibition area, the people of Plan A were shocked again.

The big guys present were all powerful, not the kind of kings with only empty titles.


When introducing these big guys in the southern exhibition area, Li Fei's ears almost stood up.

After all.

Which man doesn't love military weapons. When he was young, he even fantasized about becoming a king.

And when introducing Liu YunlaoWhen he heard the name of the old man, his eyes widened slightly.

Not only because of his identity as the No. 2 figure in the other party's southern exhibition area.

But also because of the other party's face.


'No wonder when I just came in, I felt that the old man's face was a little familiar. '

Li Fei murmured in his heart.

Now through the introduction, he finally understood.

Because he had seen this old man in the news of a military review ceremony in a certain year.

And when he introduced the bosses of several group kings in the southern exhibition area, he was also excited.


You should know that the number of people in a group king in our country is about 100,000. That is to say, the bosses of these group kings have 100,000 people on hand.

And in the organization of their well system, even if the team has more people, how many people are there.

It can be said that if the people on the hands of these group king bosses are placed in a small country, they can easily launch a subversive war.

In addition to the bosses of these groups, the other bigwigs present were also powerful.


And the reaction of Lou Xiaoping from Plan A was even greater.

After all, as the deputy commander of the Wujing Border Defense Force, he was also a military man.

For a long time, Zhang Dongliang, the boss of Qinglong Group, was his idol.


When the civilian middle-level introduced the bigwigs in the southern exhibition area, the other people in Plan A were naturally overwhelmed.

Then a trace of doubt emerged in their hearts. What was going on?

You know, the previous press conference for the outside world characterized the sale of Li Yaodong's products to Haimaituan as a normal business activity.

This made them wonder if the Dragon Country officials wanted to cover up the whole thing in such an anticlimactic way.

But if they really want to expose it in this way, the people who meet with them cannot be so many powerful bosses, but just find an ordinary senior executive, or even a civilian mid-level executive to explain the reason to them.

Now the situation is obviously not as simple as just exposing the matter casually.

The people in Plan A looked at each other and saw this doubt in each other's eyes.


And the flat-headed brother Xu Zhengyang, the representative of the gold medal undercover, also had doubts in his heart, but these gold medal undercovers are best at suppressing their emotions, so on the surface, the doubts in his heart were not seen.

"Boss, what is going on?"

Li Weimin said.

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