‘…How could they possibly accept Uncle Dong? They would have to constantly increase their bargaining chips.’

Li Qisheng thought to himself.

But what kind of bargaining chips?

He could not help but frown.

He suddenly thought that Uncle Dong seemed to have great achievements in scientific research. Even Brad, the first weapon expert of the Haimai Group, admired their Uncle Dong.

Could it be in this aspect?


Li Qisheng was a little confused.


At this time, seeing that everyone present was a little confused about what this reassurance was, Mr. Liu Wenwu directly told them.

"......His surrender is to tell us that he can be controlled by our officials."

Old Master Liu Wenwu said:

"It is even possible that this dangerous uncle Dong is still thinking about cooperating with our officials step by step, becoming a semi-official, or even a member of the official."

"Didn't the other party want to become a city adviser before?"

"From this, we can see that the other party has this idea."

When he said the latter, Old Master Liu's face became a little ugly.


And when everyone heard what Old Master Liu said, their faces were also ugly.

Such a dangerous person as the other party actually wanted to become a member of the official?

Is the other party crazy?

Although the latter part is just Old Master Liu's guess, it is probably true.

It also fits the other party's crazy style of behavior.

Crazy! It's really crazy.

But no matter what, now for the sake of the overall situation, releasing the other party seems to have become a foregone conclusion.


'The overall situation is against the overall situation. ’

Old agent Sun Danian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Before, he thought that the authorities would definitely keep Uncle Dong Li Yaodong in the dark for the sake of the overall situation without finding evidence.

If there was no bargaining chip put on the table by Li Yaodong, it would be like this.

But now another overall situation has emerged.

And it seems that Uncle Dong Li Yaodong has won this round.

At this moment.

One thought after another emerged in Sun Danian’s mind.



At this time, Mr. Liu Wenwu’s cell phone rang again.

This call was from Lao Zhao in their southern exhibition area.

Naturally, he was also advised to put the overall situation first.

You know, although the higher-ups have made a decision, they still have to consider the feelings of Mr. Liu, the veteran.

Although Mr. Liu Wenwu is usually quite gentle, he is actually a violent and hateful character.

It's just that as he gets older, he starts to cultivate his character.

It's conceivable what kind of psychological reaction this old man Liu Wenwu will have when facing this incident.


"Okay, I know."

After listening to what Lao Zhao said on the other end of the phone, Liu Wenwu hung up the phone.

After the phone hung up, he closed his eyes and rested.

At this moment, countless thoughts also flashed through his mind.

At this time, everyone in the room also quieted down, and subconsciously, they all looked at Liu Wenwu.

They knew that Liu Wenwu was thinking.

So, they quietly waited for the final plan of this old man.

"Lao Liu, can you stabilize this dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong first, and put the overall situation first. After this matter is over, can't we settle the accounts later?"

Liu Wenwu's mind was filled with the words that Lao Zhao said when he comforted him on the phone just now.


Yes, isn't it enough to put the overall situation first?

But isn't this a compromise?

He has a strong backbone and has never bent down to compromise.

But now, he compromised with a super-criminal like Li Yaodong who has committed many crimes?

At a certain moment, Mr. Liu Wenwu opened his eyes, and a firm look flashed in his eyes.

Then, he spit out twoword.


But immediately, the old man's eyes were filled with bitterness.

Then he continued: "But it's not possible."


In fact, everyone present had been mentally prepared. After all, once the overall situation was raised, all things would no longer be right or wrong, but would choose the most favorable option.

And it is obvious that in this overall situation, releasing Li Yaodong is the best option.

They also know that Mr. Liu Wenwu will choose this one in the end.

But after hearing Mr. Liu Wenwu's final answer, everyone present couldn't help but clench their fists.

In their hearts, they still couldn't accept this result.

However, they immediately loosened their clenched fists.

Even if they didn't want to accept this result, what would it matter?

"Weimin, you will have to work hard next." At this time, Mr. Liu Wenwu looked at Li Weimin.


The next thing to do is to let Li Weimin take charge of the release.

After saying this, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Originally, they did not interrogate directly, but asked Li Weimin and others from the well system to interrogate. On the one hand, it was to reduce the vigilance of Li Yaodong, a dangerous person.

On the other hand, it was to prevent any accidents. After the separation of Junfang, they could have room for improvisation and room for maneuver.

Now it seems that his consideration at the beginning was quite insightful.

It is used now.

Now the act of releasing this dangerous uncle Dong will be done entirely by Li Weimin and others, and they will not show up again.

The arrest of the other party was said to be a misunderstanding. Now everything is clear, everything is a misunderstanding.


In this way, they officially retained the last bit of dignity.

Otherwise, if it was spread out that their action this time was an action carried out by Junfang and multiple departments, and the final result was to release the other party.

Then, their official would really be embarrassed.

In that phone call, Lao Zhao also told him so.

But it was hard for Li Weimin.

After hearing what Mr. Liu Wenwu said, Li Weimin couldn't help but...

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