......he nodded bitterly.

Not long ago, he thought that the action against Dongshu Li Yaodong had finally had a relatively satisfactory result.

But he didn't expect that they had to release him personally after finally catching him.


The faces of the people in the original Plan A were also livid.

At this moment, they were also full of frustration.

"This Dongshu Li Yaodong must be very proud."

Liu Mei, a girl who usually doesn't talk much, couldn't help but say at this moment.

Before participating in Plan A, or before dealing with Li Yaodong, she was proud of her super high IQ.

However, in front of the other party, she felt like a little mouse that could be played with at any time.


The faces of the senior executives in the southern exhibition area were not good either.

After all, although they are big bosses in the eyes of ordinary people, they are also ordinary people in the final analysis.

Moreover, it has been a long time since they have been so frustrated since they ascended to high positions.

They clearly knew everything the other party had done, but now they had to pretend that they didn't know and release the other party obediently.

It was so frustrating.


At this time, Mr. Liu Wenwu also noticed the reactions of the crowd and the low pressure in the room.

Then, he said, "There is a saying that goes, "Kill the donkey after it has done its work!"

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, not understanding what Mr. Liu Wenwu meant by saying this now.

But Mr. Liu Wenwu continued:

"This word is not a good word."

"But this time, we compromised for the sake of the overall situation."

As he said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes:

"But after the overall situation is resolved, it will be time for us to get rid of the donkey."

"This dangerous uncle Dong, he had better pray that he can come up with a heavier chip."

"Otherwise, the donkey in the donkey is his best result."


Hearing this, everyone present understood what Mr. Liu Wenwu meant, and their spirits were lifted immediately.

And the next words of Mr. Liu Wenwu directly lifted their spirits:

"Moreover, our post-A plan has not ended yet!"

Hearing this, Li Weimin and other people in the original A plan were stunned, and then they were lifted.

Originally, they thought that they would disband after this time.

And Li Yaodong, the dangerous element that they have been watching for so long, has not been brought to justice yet.

They naturally feel extremely humiliated when they are disbanded at this time.

However, the Post-A Plan has not ended yet? In other words, they don’t need to disband yet? Can they still conduct a series of investigations and targeted actions against this uncle Dong Li Yaodong?


Old Liu Wenwu seemed to understand the thoughts of Li Weimin and other people in the original A Plan.

He said: "Yes, our Post-A Plan team has not been disbanded."

After receiving the personal confirmation of Old Liu Wenwu, the people in the Post-A Plan seemed to have been given a dose of cardiotonic and seemed to be revitalized.

As long as it is not over, they still have the opportunity to personally send Li Yaodong, the dangerous element, to the sewing machine.


And the senior executives of the southern exhibition area at the scene were also very excited when they heard the words of Old Liu Wenwu.

But then, they looked at each other and exchanged glances for a few moments.

They also saw each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

'This dangerous uncle Dong really angered Mr. Liu. '

Punishment! Really punishment!

You know, this old man not only hates evil, but also remembers grudges.

Once the other party is targeted by this old man, he will definitely be stared to death.


However, this is exactly what they want, after all, this experience also makes them feel very aggrieved.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that as a group of people, they are the guardians of justice. They may compromise for the sake of the overall situation, but they don't want to watch this super dangerous person go unpunished.

"I declare that we have entered the post-A era!"

At this time, Mr. Liu Wenwu said in a serious tone.


When everyone heard Mr. Liu Wenwu's words, they were shocked.

The term post-A era gave them an inexplicable sense of mission and "epic".

Before, Li Weimin and others also thought of a similar term, the post-A plan era, but the same similar term, spoken by a giant like Mr. Liu Wenwu, has a different weight and meaning.


Soon after, at the door of the room where Li Yaodong was in the detention center.

"Da Da Da!"

A sound of footsteps sounded, and Li Weimin appeared at the door.

At this moment, he had a wooden face, and his whole face looked very bad.

The next moment, he rubbed his face, pulled the corners of his mouth with his hands, and forced a smile.

But this smile looked fake no matter how you looked at it.

After doing all this, he subconsciously glanced at the surveillance above the door, and then nodded.


You should know that based on the danger of Li Yaodong, cameras were set up in various locations in the room where Li Yaodong was, and this door was naturally no exception.

On the other side of the surveillance was the room where Mr. Liu Wenwu was.

At this time, looking at the scene of Li Weimin showing a forced smile on the surveillance screen, the senior executives of the southern exhibition area present sighed in their hearts.

It was indeed a bit difficult for the other party.

However, this was also helpless.

If possible, they would not want to do this.


At this time, in the room.

Li Yaodong was calculating when he would be released.

After all, according to the law, if there is no evidence, he can only be detained for 24 hours at most.

'Pfft, pfft, what do you mean by no evidence. '

When thinking of this, Li Yaodong was speechless.

This is as if he is a scheming villain who has committed many crimes, but because he has planned everything in advance, Jingfang cannot find the corresponding evidence.

It's not that there is no evidence, but the fact is that he is a good citizen.

At most, it's just a trick.


While Li Yaodong was thinking silently in his heart, "click", the door was opened.

Li Weimin walked in with a somewhat forced smile.

"Director Li, are you going to interrogate me again? But I have said everything I can say. I will not admit to things I haven't done."

Li Yaodong thought that the other party came to interrogate him again this time.

"Mr. Li, you misunderstood. No, I mean we misunderstood, we understand that everything is a misunderstanding." Li Weimin said with a fake smile.



The room in the detention center where Li Qisheng was was also opened from the outside.

"You can leave now."

Li Fei concealed the disgust in his eyes and said to Li Qisheng.

When he heard the sound of the door opening, Li Qisheng opened his eyes from the state of resting his eyes.

After hearing Li Fei's subsequent words, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

He did it! Uncle Dong, he really did it.


(The 31st round of power generation is 1088, 18:32, June 8)

(The power generation is more than half, yeah! Please generate power, fellow villagers)

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