Before, although he had guessed Uncle Dong's method of breaking the situation by using the overall situation.

But he was still a little nervous.

And now, there are really official people coming to release them.

He can only say......


'I can only say that Uncle Dong is worthy of being Uncle Dong! '

After Li Qisheng was released, he met up with their Uncle Dong Li Yaodong outside.

At the door of this detention center.

Their Uncle Dong Li Yaodong was greeting Li Weimin who had sent him out all the way.

At this time, their Uncle Dong mentioned the agricultural and sideline products contract worth 200 million yuan with Zhao Jialiang.

"That contract must be fulfilled."

Just heard their Uncle Dong say.

"Haha, I'm kidding." Then Li Yaodong said again.


And seeing this scene, Li Qisheng could only say that Uncle Dong is indeed Uncle Dong.

Involuntarily, the corners of Li Qisheng's mouth twitched twice.

You know, the current situation is that their uncle Dong used the overall situation to force the officials to release them.

It is conceivable that in this situation, the officials must be very unhappy.

Now their uncle Dong even mentioned the 200 million agricultural and sideline products contract.

Isn't this behavior equivalent to dancing on the head of the officials?


At this time, hearing Li Yaodong's words, Li Weimin's very forced smile on his face could not be held back at all.

His face turned black directly,

Li Yaodong also noticed Li Weimin's face.

He felt that the atmosphere along the way was a little wrong, and then thought that the other party might be embarrassed because of a mistake and arrested the wrong person, so he planned to make a joke to ease the atmosphere.

However, it seems that Li Weimin has no sense of humor. Hearing this, he even pulled a face.

After all, the matter has passed. Isn't it more light-hearted to make a joke?


After a while.

Li Yaodong and Li Qisheng got on the car that was arranged to take them away.

The car started and left.

At a certain moment.

Li Qisheng's phone vibrated.

He took it out and took a look. It was a news push.


When he saw the content of the news push, he was stunned.

Uncle Dong's affairs were exposed?

Why was it exposed at this time?



"What's wrong, Qisheng?"

At this time, Li Yaodong also noticed Li Qisheng's reaction, and subconsciously looked at Li Qisheng's phone.

When he saw the news on the phone, he was also stunned.

What's going on?


Not long ago, a series of news broke out on the Internet.

"Revealing the road to wealth of Ta Village, it turned out to be such a sassy operation"

"Shock! The whole village has been taken away"

"Well-known town energy anchor Li Yaodong is suspected to be taken away"

"Shock! This anchor is so sexy》


Each of these news has an explosive title, and after only a short period of fermentation, these news have become hot explosive news.

Behind these news titles, there is a small flame.

The titles of these news are really too eye-catching.

Many netizens who saw these news on the news app clicked in curiously.


After reading these news one by one, netizens were stunned.

Immediately, the comment area under these news was boiling.

"Laughing and crying, I am a fan of Uncle Dong. Before, I was wondering how Uncle Dong led the entire Ta Village to become rich in just a few months. Now I finally understand it."

"Haha, am I the only one who mourns for the program team? Uncle Dong actually thought of such a slapstick operation in order to stand out. "

"Is this fake? Why does it look like it was written by a marketing account?"


It turns out that all these news reports are about Li Yaodong selling agricultural and sideline products by grams, making huge profits, and making Ta Village rich.

And these news reports continue to ferment on the Internet.

At the beginning, some netizens with a skeptical spirit felt that these news reports did not seem to be true. After all, netizens have been deceived by the news fabricated by major marketing accounts over the years.

Now, of course, there is some stress.

However, as they dug deeper into the news, many netizens with a skeptical spirit were also shaken.

"I am in Dongshan City, and this Ta Village is not far from me. It just so happens that I have nothing to do today, so I will go and take a look. ”

There is an anchor who wants to take advantage of the popularity in Dongshan City, so he broadcast live to Ta Village to find out the truth.


“Fuck, Ta Village is really empty?”

“Is this really Ta Village? This guy didn’t deliberately find an uninhabited village to attract attention?”

“When Uncle Dong was broadcasting, it was in this village, that’s for sure.”

“Fuck, so what was revealed online is true?”


And then someone uploaded a video of a long line of vans that they had taken that seemed to be coming from the direction of Ta Village.

Maybe the equipment of this photographer was too good, and he could vaguely see Takei in the van and the people of Ta Village who were taken away.

As more and more evidence was uploaded to the Internet, the credibility of these news became higher and higher.

It went viral, the Internet was completely in a frenzy.

At this moment, many netizens who were skeptical also believed it.

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