This plainclothes uncle is from the National Security Bureau. He just asked those questions, and this uncle asked him to tell his family that he was going out to play for a few days.

‘What the hell did I just do? ’ Li Xiaoming’s face changed.


“Aba Aba, actually I’m a fool.” Li Xiaoming acted like I was a fool, and I would drool even if I was cured.

Plainclothes uncle: “…” I think you really look like a fool.

Then, he turned his head and didn’t look at him.


This is just a small episode.

On the other side.

In the office of Mr. Liu Wenwu.

“Okay, I know.”

Mr. Liu Wenwu hung up the phone.

Just got the news that the last Persian lion, after leaving Dongshan International Airport, also stayed in the same hotel as Abbas.


In fact, the secret inquiry groups from countries such as Liba, Syria, Iraq, and Karl who arrived successively all checked into the same hotel.

These inquiry groups did not book the same hotel at the beginning, but they all received calls from Abbas later.

And Abbas is the force supported by the dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong in Middle East, which means it was Li Yaodong's intention?

However, these secret inquiry groups only checked in, but they contacted each other.


At this time, in the video conference, all the big guys naturally knew this.

Subconsciously, they looked at each other.

Before, they guessed that Li Yaodong wanted to pull up an arc alliance, but that was just a guess, and they were not sure.

And this arc alliance is in line with the interests of their Dragon Country. On the surface, it seems that it can be used as a new bargaining chip for Li Yaodong.


However, there is a saying that too much is as bad as too little. They Dragon Country will never allow such a person who can do this to stay in their Dragon Country.

Therefore, the minds of these big guys, including Lao Zhao, have changed.

Before this, Lao Zhao, who was half a level higher than Liu Wenwu, said to Liu Wenwu that he would settle accounts with Li Yaodong after the overall situation.

But in fact, what he thought in his heart was that Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle, was a talent, and their Longguo's style has always been to unite all those who can be united.


In addition to Liu Wenwu, many big guys have the same idea, even those above them.

Moreover, Li Yaodong was arrested by them once before, which also shows that Li Yaodong can be controlled by them.

But now it's different.

"Tap tap tap!"

Liu Wenwu tapped the table subconsciously with his fingers, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

But the current situation is that the idea of ​​the arc alliance is just their guess, and it may not be possible to really pull up such an alliance.

And they are all waiting...


"Sir, please follow me."

A hotel in Dongshan City.

The people of the secret inquiry group of the Persian Lion checked into the hotel under the guidance of the hotel staff.

After checking into the hotel, these people did not change into more comfortable clothes, but still wore formal clothes, as if waiting for something.

"Knock knock knock!"

At a certain moment, the luxury suite where they were staying was knocked.


At the same time.

"Knock knock knock."

The luxury suite where the people who had already checked into the Fence Country, Syria Country, Iraq Country, Persian Lion Country, and Kar Country were located was knocked.

Then, the sound of the door being opened was heard, followed by footsteps.

Soon after.

The leaders of these inquiry groups all came to the luxury suite where Abbas was.


"Everyone,We are all smart people, so I won't beat around the bush. You should understand Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's plan, right?" Abbas said directly.

Hearing this, the eyes of these leaders lit up.

Originally, they came here just to buy some materials for making the Hell Cannon, and of course, to contact Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong to see what the other party's rules are. After all, the other party has made a lot of noise in their Middle East.

However, after coming here, there is an unexpected surprise, a big surprise.

This Dangerous Uncle Dong actually wants to connect an arc alliance.

But when hearing Abbas's straightforward words, no one spoke up immediately, after all...

"I can't make the decision on this matter, I need to contact the higher-ups..."

The person in charge of the Persian Lion thought about it and spoke Said.


After a while, in this hotel, the countries and organizations where Abbas and others were located reached a preliminary alliance intention. Although it was only preliminary, the preliminary or the first step was the most difficult.

After reaching the preliminary intention, it means that this arc alliance that connects the entire Middle East and aims to jointly resist Jialimei's interference and invasion of Middle East has been established.

And the name of this arc alliance is......


"Fox of Resistance? "

In an office at the headquarters of the southern exhibition area.

This is the name that Mr. Liu Wenwu muttered to himself.

The people from the other side and other aspects have linked up such an alliance on their territory of Longguo, so they can't hide it from them at all. They even know the name of the alliance that the other side has discussed.

And the people from the other side and other aspects actually didn't want to hide it from Longguo, but they also knew that they couldn't hide it at all. After all, they all knew Longguo's attitude towards Jia Alimai.


And in the video conference, Lao Zhao and other big guys were also shocked when they knew this name.

Is it really established?

Then, their faces became solemn.


(The 32nd round of power generation is 2370, June 15, 17:33.)

(The 33rd round of power generation is 733, and this round of power generation is about to exceed half. Please help me, folks, just use love to generate power)

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