You know, the reason why Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu and other big guys looked solemn was because from their perspective.

Li Yaodong was a dangerous person who smuggled and stirred up the Middle East storm.

Before, they let him out because they adhered to the principle of uniting all the forces that could be united, and at most, they would deal with him after they had used up all the forces.

But now, the degree of danger shown by the other party has exceeded their tolerance.

The other party was the one who made the Persian Lion and other forces in Middle East into an alliance with his own strength.

The other party was not a time bomb, but a bomb that could explode at any time.

How could they still hold the kind of unity of all possible forces for such a dangerous person?

If so, they were playing with fire.

Even the mentality of the big guys such as Lao Zhao, who had the idea of ​​unity before, changed at this time.

"What do you say?"

Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu responded: What do you say? Look at everyone present.


On the other side.

The headquarters of the southern exhibition area.

In a large conference room on a certain floor of a certain building.

This place is used as the office of the post-A plan.

Li Weimin and others are in this office.

At this time, Li Weimin sighed in his heart.


When the boss above decided to release Li Yaodong, Mr. Liu Wenwu told them that the post-A plan had not ended yet, and even Mr. Liu Wenwu announced that it had entered the post-A era.

At that time, they were really excited.

And later, some relevant personnel took them to the large conference room on this floor, saying that this was their new office for the post-A plan.

Afterwards, Mr. Liu Wenwu came over in person to meet them.

But before he could say a few words, Mr. Liu Wenwu received calls from several bigwigs, seemingly trying to appease Mr. Liu Wenwu, asking him to calm down first, not to do anything radical, and to put the overall situation first.

In fact, from here we can see what attitude the higher-level bigwigs have towards Li Yaodong.

However, at that time, they did not think of these.


But as time passed, Li Yaodong and others gradually "woke up" and understood that even if they wanted to settle accounts with Li Yaodong, they would have to wait for a long time. After all, politics is the art of compromise, and Li Yaodong is worth being compromised.

In other words, their post-A plan was just a decoration for a long time.

And the fact is that although they came to this new post-A plan office, they were not authorized to have any action authority and could only wait here.

At this time, Li Fei looked at Li Weimin and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated. In the end, a look of dejection appeared on his face and he did not speak out.


In fact, Li Fei wanted to say, 'What's the point of waiting here? It's better to disband directly...'

But he was afraid that saying these words would dampen morale.

Of course, in addition to this, he actually held the last glimmer of hope in his heart. Maybe those senior bosses wanted to arrest Li Yaodong again and no longer planned to compromise for the overall situation?


And next to him, the old agent Sun Danian also glanced at Li Fei.

Li Fei is a reckless person who writes all his thoughts on his face. After looking at the other party, he roughly understood what Li Fei was thinking.

In fact, like Li Fei, they all had the last glimmer of hope in their hearts, hoping that the senior bosses would change their minds.

Otherwise, they would not have been waiting in the so-called new office of the post-A plan from broad daylight to this time.

However, as time goes by, this glimmer of hope seems to gradually become slim.

The slim feeling of their hope is not only caused by the passage of time.'s mentality changes.

'Ah. '

Sun Danian sighed again in his heart.

You know, because when they first came to the new office of the Post-A Plan, they still had infinite expectations in their hearts, so they were not idle here, but excitedly sorted out some evidence that they thought might be able to convict Li Yaodong in the future.

And they naturally watched Li Yaodong's live broadcast.

Among them, Li Yaodong mentioned a group of foreign businessmen who were going to come to his gas tank factory in this live broadcast.

At the beginning, they didn't think anything, but later, they thought that these should be the new chips that Li Yaodong put up.

And it was precisely because of this realization that they felt more and more hopeless.

The entire Post-A Plan office was full of low pressure.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, the expressions of everyone present tightened.


Because at this moment.

A sound of footsteps came from outside.

From far to near.

You know.

After they were brought to this new office by relevant personnel, except for Mr. Liu Wenwu, no other staff or senior executives from the exhibition area came.

This is certainly not to neglect them. After all, as the headquarters of the southern exhibition area, the staff here have a lot of things to do.

It is naturally impossible for the people here to circle around them.

However, at this time, footsteps were heard coming towards them from outside.

Subconsciously, after hearing the footsteps, a thought emerged in their minds.

'Could it be that someone came to inform us that our post-A plan has officially been disbanded? '


Da da da da da!

In the mood of everyone, the footsteps came from far to near and came to the door of their new office.


The sound of the door being pushed open was heard.

Mr. Liu Wenwu pushed the door in with a solemn expression.

When they saw Mr. Liu Wenwu, Li Weimin and others' hearts skipped a beat. When they saw Mr. Liu Wenwu's solemn expression, the bad premonition in their hearts became even stronger.

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