"......On the steering wheel?"

Hearing this, Li Yaodong was somewhat puzzled.

Wang Mingjie, Yao Haipeng's subordinate, had just heard his leader explain the function of the slot interface so seriously, and once again felt that his leader was very strict.

Now that he heard his leader say this, he couldn't help but think about it, but he couldn't figure out what his leader just said.

What is the purpose of putting the operating equipment on the steering wheel?


"Leader Yao, you mean to make this tractor remote-controlled, right?" After thinking about it, Li Yaodong understood what Leader Yao Haipeng meant.

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean." Yao Haipeng smiled.

He felt that Director Li Yaodong understood him.


However, after hearing the conversation between Director Li Yaodong and his leader, Wang Mingjie felt his scalp explode.

In an instant, his eyes, which were not big to begin with, almost bulged into bull eyes.

Do you want to make an unmanned tactical rifle?

You know, they in Longguo have also studied unmanned tactical rifles and even have finished products.

However, this unmanned tactical rifle has many disadvantages-

The characteristics of this unmanned tactical rifle determine that it is easily interfered by electromagnetic fields, and it may be invaded by people, and the accuracy of firepower is limited, plus the cost is high.

It can be said that from now on, this unmanned tactical rifle is just a product of the laboratory, and its technical maturity has a lot of room for improvement. At this stage, it can't meet the needs of the station at all.

And now, their leader, Comrade Yao Haipeng, actually wants to make an unmanned tactical rifle.


Post-A Plan Office.

After understanding what Yao Haipeng meant, Mr. Liu Wenwu and other senior executives in the exhibition area also shrank their pupils.

No way?

Don't tell yourself that this dangerous uncle Dong can also make an unmanned tactical rifle?

If so, it would be too scary.

However, the next moment, they were relieved.

On the live broadcast, Li Yaodong shook his head.


Li Yaodong shook his head.

Although he has a great understanding of technology, there is a saying that a good cook cannot cook without rice. He is limited by conditions and cost and cannot make this unmanned tractor. After all, these Middle East folks just want to buy a tractor, which is too expensive and not good.

"It can be remotely controlled, but it can only roughly control the direction, and it is impossible to do fine operations." Li Yaodong gave Yao Haipeng an answer.


Hearing this, Yao Haipeng frowned: "Can only control the approximate direction?"

Suddenly, his eyes lit up as if he thought of something, and then he said:

"This is also possible."

"Director Li, think about it..."


Yao Haipeng thought of some application scenarios of this function.

For example, when the villagers of Middle East collected the grain from the field and loaded it on the tractor, a fight between the members of the organization happened nearby.

The transportation route of their grain had to pass through the intersection of the two organizational forces.

If someone drove the tractor over, it would definitely be very dangerous.

However, if we can use remote control to roughly set a direction, let the tractor cross the battlefield by itself, and then let the family on the other side of the battlefield take over the tractor, wouldn’t it be fine?


“Indeed.” Listening to Yao Haipeng’s words, Li Yaodong thought about it and felt that it could indeed be applied in this regard.

‘And it seems that the villagers of Middle East like it very much. ’

Li Yaodong jumped to the side and saw a group of Middle East villagers, especially Abbas, who was a representative of the Himyari Gas Tank Sales Company with Robert, listening to these words, his eyes lit up.


‘Yeah, it’s probably enough to control the direction. ’

Abas’ eyes lit up and he clapped his hands in admiration.

That’s amazing.

He thought of the ultimate use of this remote-controlled tantalum, which is suicide attack.

And this kind of suicide attack does not require any sophisticated operation, just roughly determine the direction and let the unmanned tantalum filled with explosives enter the enemy camp.

And such a tractor-converted tantalum should be able to hold several tons of explosives, right?

Imagine what it would be like if this suicide tantalum exploded in the enemy camp.


In the office of Plan A.

Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu and others turned pale.

If a suicide attack is launched, the power of this DIY tantalum can reach at least thousands of kilograms of heavy bombs.

Once this heavy bomb explodes successfully, any creature within hundreds of meters will be torn into pieces. If the detonation is taken into account, the lethality of the tantalum parts that are shattered into pieces after the explosion will be even greater.

The combined power is simply catastrophic.

And its vertical destructive power is also terrifying, enough to blow through some underground buildings.

After thinking about this, everyone's faces changed again and again.

"I think it is still necessary to check this Yao Haipeng."

Mr. Liu Wenwu suddenly said, bringing up the old matter again.


Mr. Liu Wenwu also mentioned this topic before, but this time it was more serious than before.

In fact, the information of this Yao Haipeng has been seen a long time ago. He is a small leader in the foreign trade department who is about to retire. He has no background and a clean foundation. It is precisely because of this that they chose him and let him be responsible for this matter.

However, it seems that the other party is impossible to be like what they saw in the information.

In the period just now, the other party has come up with so many ideas, and each of these ideas can "turn decay into magic" and transform ordinary civilian equipment into powerful Junhuo.

"Yes, check." Zhang Dongliang, the helmsman of Qinglong Group, also said.

"It should be checked." Zheng Baili, the helmsman of Baihu Group, also said.

And the other people present also spoke up.

"Check, we must check."

"There must be something wrong with this guy."

"Check him!"

"We must check."


Listening to these words, Mr. Zhao Xiangyang was silent, and after a few seconds of silence, he also spoke.

Then, he opened his mouth and uttered a word.

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