
Before, when Old Liu and Liu Wenwu said they wanted to investigate Yao Haipeng, he stopped them and winked at everyone, asking them to persuade Old Liu and Liu Wenwu.

But after watching Yao Haipeng's series of actions, he also deeply felt that this guy must have a problem.


"A-choo, a-choo."

Yao Haipeng sneezed several times for no apparent reason.

"Who is talking..."

He muttered.


Jia Ali Mai, the Cause & Perry Working Group.

"Has the Minister of Energy Bu Changfang in Himyari asked about the latest news of Longguo?"

The head of the Cause & Perry Working Group, Mardy Lyon, asked his men.

Although their Cause & Perry Working Group is called the Cause & Perry Working Group, it is actually responsible for the affairs of the entire Middle East. His Cause & Perry Working Group is not a group, but a department.

A lot of news related to Middle East will also be summarized to their department from various channels.

So, when the Minister of Energy of Himiali asked Longguo, they got the news first.


In fact, Mardi Lyon was very surprised by the decision of the Himiali side.

At that time, he already knew that the batch of hell cannons organized by Yeers came from Longguo. At that time, he was ready to join the Himiali Zhengfujun side to bombard Longguo.

But after waiting for a long time, he did not wait for Himiali Zhengfujun to contact him.

Later, he learned that Himiali Zhengfujun actually sent a Minister of Energy to Longguo Fang to ask.

When he got the news, countless black question marks appeared on his face, and he didn't understand what the other party was doing.


In fact, Mardi Lyon was not completely clueless about this, and he also thought of a possibility.

That is, Himyari sent the head of the Energy Department to buy a batch of gas cylinders from Longguo to transform them into hell cannons.

But later he denied his decision.

Because, in his opinion, their Jiaalimei weapons are so advanced, and Himyari's positive and negative army, as their Jiaalimei ally, has no need to buy that kind of junk.

If this is really the case, wouldn't it be bad money driving out good money?

And this is the arrogance of the Jiaalimei people.


Anyway, in short, Mardi Lyon couldn't figure out why the head of the Himyari Energy Department went to Longguo to ask about this situation.

The reason that can be thought of is probably that the other party just wants to visit the gas tank factory over there, so as to know himself and the enemy.

During this period, he was also paying attention to relevant news.

It was not the first time that he called his assistant to ask about relevant news.


"There is no latest news yet, boss." said Mardy Lyon's assistant.

After all, Longguo is not like other small countries. Their intelligence means are very limited in Longguo, and it is impossible to get relevant information in real time.

"Well, I know, you go down first." Mardy Lyon also made relevant preparations. He waved his hand and said to his assistant.

Then, Mardy Lyon's right-hand man retreated.

Squeak! The door was closed from the outside.


In the office, Mardy Lyon still frowned tightly.

He was still thinking about what the Minister of Energy of Himyari went to Longguo for.

Knock knock knock, the door was knocked again. After getting Mardy Lyon's permission, the person outside the door pushed the door and walked in.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the assistant who came back, Mardy·Lyon said with some doubt.

"That's right, boss. Just now, the Himiali Army took the aid route from our allies and applied for a sum of money from our Jiaalimai." Mardi Lyon's right-hand man said.


For allied countries, they Jiaalimai have set up special support plans. After all, most of their Jiaalimai allies are called allies, but they are basically based on them, and can even be said to be younger brothers.

As for younger brothers, it is impossible to just let the horse run without letting the horse eat grass.

Therefore, for these allies, they have set up special support plans and corresponding financial support.

"Applied for a sum of money?" Hearing this, Mardi Lyon showed a thoughtful look.

The area controlled by the Himiali Army is rich in mineral resources, but this ally itself is indeed very poor, and it is reasonable that there is a shortage of funds.

'Could it be that the other party applied for this money to buy our Jiaalimai weapons and to take action against the Yeers organization? ' Such a thought came to his mind.

However, he always felt that something was strange.



Yao Haipeng sneezed a few times.

"Who is talking about me?"

He muttered, and then looked at Mr. Vitakin, the head of the Himyari Energy Department, who was on the phone not far away, with some doubt.

Not long ago, after he finished talking to Director Li Yaodong about the tractor improvement plan, the other party went to the side to make a phone call.

And just now the other party received another call and went to the side to answer it.

'Who is the call to? '

He was a little confused.


"Okay." The call from Vitakin, the head of the Himyari Energy Department, was naturally from their Himyari positive and negative side.

After answering the call, he showed a look of joy on his face.

Not long ago, he called their Himyari positive and negative side and asked them to borrow some money from Jia Alimai.

After all, he knew the economic situation of Himyari Positive and Negative Jun.

Previously, he had placed an order for 200,000 gas cylinders.

He also wanted the upgraded tractor now, and maybe there would be something else he wanted later.

So, he was worried that he didn't have enough funds.

Now that the funds were in place, he was finally relieved.

But then, he was still a little nervous.

He thought: 'If in the future, Jia Ali Mai knew that we Himyari borrowed money to buy Longguo's products...'

As soon as this thought came up, he was suppressed by him. Let's talk about the future later.


"Mr. Li, Mr. Yao, can you introduce the next product?"

After answering the phone, Vitakin, the head of Himyari's Ministry of Energy, said confidently.

After all, a man's wallet is his confidence, and it is a universal truth wherever he puts it.

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