Li Weimin was naturally also watching the live broadcast room of his old rival, Dongshu Li Yaodong.

He couldn't help but think about what his old rival was going to do.


The place where Li Yaodong entertained Yao Haipeng and others for dinner was in the Happy Canteen in their Ta Village.

This place was not far from the villa of the village committee of Ta Village.

Soon, they came to the village committee of Ta Village.

After arriving at the villa, Li Yaodong took them directly to the second floor and came to a room.

"This is the little gadget I mentioned, used to prevent and control wild boars."

Li Yaodong pointed in a direction and said.


What is this? However, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

I saw that in the direction that Li Yaodong pointed, there was a table.

On the table was something like an antenna, and in addition there was a small square box the size of a palm, with three legs extending from the bottom of the small box, which was the tripod supporting the small box.

Next to these two objects, there was also a laptop.


Some netizens in Li Yaodong's live broadcast room were also confused.

"What is this thing? How to prevent wild boars?"

"What is this?"

"That thing seems to be an antenna. I don't quite understand the rest."


"Brother Li, what is this?" Yao Haipeng looked at the thing on the table for a moment, and then turned his eyes to Li Yaodong.

He didn't quite understand what it was either.

Before, when those Middle East fellows visited the factory, he could put forward many opinions, and he spoke very coherently, as if he knew everything, but that was only because those things were considered within his expertise.

And these objects in front of him really exceeded his knowledge.


What the hell is this? However, when Wang Mingjie, a former subordinate of Yao Haipeng, saw the thing on the table, his pupils shrank for a while.

He recognized what it was.

What the hell is this?


In the office of Plan A.

When the thing on the table appeared in the live broadcast room, the eyes of everyone present suddenly widened.

Is this a radar?

The gadget he said for preventing wild boars is a radar?

Using radar to prevent wild boars? What a joke?

"And how did he make a radar?" Old Master Liu Wenwu couldn't help but say.

"It may not be a radar, it may just look like one." Old Master Zhao Xiangyang said.

His words were full of disbelief.

After all, how could this be possible.

You know, in the eyes of anyone, radar is a military technology. How could civilians come up with it?

Before, although Li Yaodong funded a lot of Junhuo for those Middle East villagers, they were all made from ordinary civilian products.

And now, this radar is a military technology.


However, Li Yaodong's next words directly broke their fantasy.

"Xiao Wang, right? It seems you figured it out." Li Yaodong noticed Wang Mingjie's reaction, smiled and said, "Yes, this is the radar."

"Radar? You use radar to prevent wild boars?" Yao Haipeng raised his eyebrows, a little bit unbelieving what he heard.


Li Yaodong shook his head.

"I told you." Yao Haipeng thought he must have heard it wrong just now.

"It's not a simple radar, but an active phased array radar."

Active phased array radar? Is there a passive one? Everyone couldn't help but have such a thought.

"Radar is divided into passive phased array and active phased array."

Seeming to understand what everyone was thinking, Li Yaodong explained:

"In the design of passive phased array radar, its small antenna units are notInstead of having the ability to autonomously emit electromagnetic waves, it relies on a centralized high-power transmitter to distribute and transmit electromagnetic wave energy to these units. This design makes the antenna units themselves classified as "passive" because they only serve as a medium for receiving and radiating electromagnetic waves, rather than the source of electromagnetic waves. "

"In contrast, each antenna unit of an active phased array radar is an independent "small radar" that can not only autonomously emit electromagnetic waves, but also have the ability to independently receive electromagnetic wave signals. This structure is similar to the compound eyes of insects..."


Li Yaodong explained it and found that everyone seemed to understand it even less.

He felt helpless, and he stopped talking and said:

"In short, active phased array radars are more advanced."

"To give the simplest example, passive phased array radars must be under high voltages of more than tens of thousands of volts to work properly. There is a certain degree of danger. "

"And active phased array radars can work normally with ordinary voltages. ”


In the office of Plan A.

When everyone heard Li Yaodong say that this radar was an active phased array radar, their faces changed again.

They didn't expect that the radar the other party had made was not a passive phased array radar, but an active phased array radar.

And suddenly, their faces changed.

The other party has made such an advanced active phased array radar, which will definitely not be used to prevent wild boars, so what is he using it for...


"Just now, it was the intelligent module of this active phased array radar that detected the movement of wild boars and sent a message to my mobile phone."

Li Yaodong continued to introduce: "My active phased array radar can set an alarm area. Once the detected target enters the area, the intelligent module will alarm and send a message to the bound account."

"Look here, there are three or four red dots, which are the wild boars detected. "He pointed to the radar scan image on his laptop and said:

"This radar can be set to several gears, corresponding to the detection range of five kilometers, ten kilometers, and the maximum is thirty kilometers."


As he said this, he suddenly had an idea.

You know.

Just now he noticed that many netizens said in the barrage that there were also wild boars destroying food there.

So he suddenly thought of whether he could sell the active phased array radar he had developed to the outside world and develop new business.

"Let me show you. The scanning range just now was five kilometers, so now we switch to ten kilometers. "After a few thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Yaodong said this and began to adjust the gear.

As he turned the gear, the scanning range of the active phased array radar suddenly expanded to ten kilometers.

And these ten kilometers just happened to scan the mountainous area near their Ta Village.



The next second.

On the radar scanning map on the computer screen, it was directly displayed that in a certain direction, there were densely packed red dots.


(The 34th round of power generation 2075, 18:14, July 5)

(A little stuck, I will sort out the next plot first and then add more, I will definitely not run away, greedily add the chapters that should be added, no deception)

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